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STI or Caspian


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Caspian is cheaper but I like it coz all steel gun are somehow flatter for my GRIP .

Sti has more after market parts available and tend to get more expensive to built..kind of more recoil for me. For investment, go with STI as it has more value if you decide to sell it someday than Caspian. Shoot both to see which one you like. It will come down on how the grip will feel in your hands plus how experience you are as a shooter and what you want.

Edited by shooterbenedetto
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For me the issues are, capacity,and future support. Caspian kinda abandoned the competition market for a number of years, Selling frames and no magazines that worked in them. Seemed to me if you had the tooling and machinery to make a frame a simple magazine shouldnt be much trouble.

STI seemed to always have mags and parts available, they also hold more rounds, and are easier to sell. It's simply a better mousetrap.

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The other thing is whether it's going to be a Limited or Open gun. Caspian doesn't offer a big stick mag, so you have to get one welded up from one of the few guys that can really do that properly. Even then, I think they're down a couple of rounds (like 28-29 max) from what the best S_I mags are getting (30-31). An Open Caspian can get heavy pretty quickly, so if you like a lighter gun, that can be a problem. R,

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