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Black Devil - Hi-Speed Moscow Ride on R1

Chris Keen

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The reaction to other drivers to this guys riding is the bigger problem.  They see him screaming down the street.. and react to get out of the way (needing to or not).. and cause an accident..


Yes, bad for them and other drivers, but not the least bit dangerous to him  :devil:


15 years of screaming through traffic with lights and siren accident free can't be wrong  :ph34r:

See the lights and sirens make a difference The lights and sirens interrupt the other drivers OODA loop, which if they were executing something, it doesn't really kill anyone if they hit light or sound. Without them, finding out that they beat you to the A part of the loop because you were nowhere nearby when the O  part happened could be really painful. 

Not to hijack the thread too much, but you would be surprised how little lights and sirens affect traffic. Given modern vehicles sound deadening, stereos, and build quality, sirens are pretty ineffective. Lights can only be seen when the driver occasionally looks up from there phone/ipod/ipad/blackberry/makeup case/coffee cup/ lunch/newspaper etc. so they are largely ineffective as well. Also being the passenger plenty of times over the years with guys who drive defensively, I can tell you without reservation that the most effective way to drive is OFFENSIVELY. Given two drivers going code, I will pick the guy who forces other drivers to react to his actions every time over the driver who puts himself in a reactive mode.

The following applies to all driving/riding. If I drive proactively, I now have both proactive and reactive options available to me to deal with the actions of others....if I drive reactively I have effectively removed better than half of my options for dealing with the stupid maneuvers of others. I have been in three wrecks during my career as a passenger, all three IMO were caused by the driver being reactive rather than proactive in his driving style. And realizing it is subjective but across the board it is the more passive guys at work who have more "incidents" while responding to calls.

My original point (both driving code and motorcycles for 20 years) is that if I am paying attention to what I am doing and making decisions ahead of me (ooda) I will have made my decision and acted thus bypassing the problem before it invades my loop. The key being paying attention to DRIVING/RIDING rather than the hundred other things people do in a car.

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My original point (both driving code and motorcycles for 20 years) is that if I am paying attention to what I am doing and making decisions ahead of me (ooda) I will have made my decision and acted thus bypassing the problem before it invades my loop. The key being paying attention to DRIVING/RIDING rather than the hundred other things people do in a car.

That's exactly why I always point new street riders, regardless of what they feel their experience is, to take a MSF class BEFORE getting on the road.

Crazy video though. Not sure my handlebars would even fit in some of the places he slipped through. Yowza! :surprise:


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Suspicion of certifiable insanity aside, it struck me as very Zen-like. He's definitely riding in the moment and just letting things flow.

Even with his obvious skill, there were dozens of split-second opportunities to think too long and die as a result of the delay.

For all the folks who cringe at the thought of riding motorcycles and find themselves constantly pointing out the dangers of riding, this is exactly the safest way to ride. IF you ride offensively based on the situation you are riding into at a pace faster than the surrounding traffic, you have made your decision, executed it and passed the situation far in advance of it affecting you. In a nutshell he is controlling the OODA loop and until someone interrupts his loop or executes their loop faster, he's fine.

agreed ! rode that way for 30 yrs. I ride slower now cause I get scared :(


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Is it just me or is the music track lifted off The Matrix when Trinity is racing around on that Ducati? Great adrenaline rush watching. Doing it myself..... well, even if I survived my wife would beat me to death for having done it. :P

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Anyone who thinks.that's the best way to ride is a dang fool. He will mess up, and when he does, he will, probably, kill other people. Whether or not he dies is irrelevant - so far, every "street racer" I've met has been a POS who couldn't handle getting his butt handed to him on a track. Racing doesn't cost that much, and anyone who dies is there of his own volition.

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