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Some Small (Space restricted) stages.


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At my home range we have to "bays" that we use that are very restrictive as far as what size stage we can run. Also, they are essentially each using one side berm of a larger berm so shot trajectory is a big issue as well.

Here are a few I've drawn that I submit for your comments, critiques and general inquiry.

Six Cubed

Handgun Loaded and Holstered. Start anywhere within the shooting area facing downrange with hands naturally at sides.

Upon signal engage targets as visible from within fault line. T1-T3 and T6-T9 will be scored with the best two hits per target. T4 & T5 will be scored with the best 3 hits per target.

Setup Notes: Set No Shoots on T3 and T6 so that a head shot is visible from the inside of the opposing walls (Headshot on T3 from The end of the right wall and Headshot on T6 from inside of left wall. No Shoots should completely conceal T3 and T6 when viewed from outside of opposing walls.


Edited by spanky
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There are classifiers that specify more so I don't see why not.

There is also at least one classifier that specifies different number of shots on different targets (I don't remember the name of it).

ETA: 4.2.3 Paper targets must never be required to receive more than 12 hits before being scored and patched.

Edited by spankaveli
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There are classifiers that specify more so I don't see why not.

There is also at least one classifier that specifies different number of shots on different targets (I don't remember the name of it).

ETA: 4.2.3 Paper targets must never be required to receive more than 12 hits before being scored and patched.

I could have sworn that there were rules against having different targets specified with different numbers of scoring shots but I've been all through the rule book and can't find it. Doesn't mean it isn't in there... just that I can't find it. mellow.gif

I'm sure others will chime in if they can find an issue.

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Looks great for a space restricted area. I have to admit I am not a fan of 3 shots on a target but that's nothing more than my feelings. Others may love it. Good stage design though.

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I asked about this here before (I can try to find the thread) and was advised it was legal.

ETA: Here we go - http://www.brianenos...1entry1173472

Always great to learn new things!! Thanks!

As an aside I am not a big fan of having some targets worth more points than others. It can get hairy when two shooters have a single FTE but one earns an extra mike simply due to the WSB requirement. Or if you have close shots requiring 3 shots while long only require 2 then it gives an advantage to the hoser shooters and less to the long range shooters. Just seems to skew the stage challenge. That being said I actually did enjoy shooting like that in IDPA so I'm a little MPD.

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Six Cubed

Handgun Loaded and Holstered. Start anywhere within the shooting area.

Upon signal engage targets as visible from within fault line. T4 & T5 must be engaged with 3 rounds each. Engage T1-T3 and T6-T9 with two rounds each.

Hand position?

Change the above to read as follows (to eliminate the extra, per shot, Failure To Engage Penalties you inadvertently wrote in) :

T1-T3 and T6-T9 will be scored with the best two hits per target. T4 & T5 will be scored with the best 3 hits per target.

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Good catch. Naturally at sides. I may end up adding X's for the feet as opposed to "start anywhere."

I appreciate the info on the target scoring clarification. That wording certainly makes more sense. However, for my own education, what, in the wording, would have written in extra penalties?

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what, in the wording, would have written in extra penalties?

If you are referring to the mikes on the targets that requires 3 hits, you don't need any extra verbiage in the WSB. The score keeper just needs to be on his toes.

Make sure that you have the STAGE PROCEDURE written to include how many hits per which targets.

In the SCORED HITS make sure you have something like: Best 2 hits per 6 paper Best 3 hits per 2 paper.

Here are a couple of rules that pertain to this scenario.

9.2.2 “Comstock” – Unlimited time stops on the last shot, unlimited number of shots to be fired, stipulated number of hits per target to count for score.

4.2.3 Paper targets must never be required to receive more than 12 hits before being scored and patched.

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... for my own education, what, in the wording, would have written in extra penalties?

"must be engaged with 3 rounds each"

What if the shoot only engages the target with one round? You have stipulated that they MUST engage the target with three.

What you mean to say (or certainly should mean) is that you are going to score the best three hits on those target (and the best two hits on the others). You aren't (shouldn't) be dictating how many round the shooter HAS to shoot...since we shoot freestyle.

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... for my own education, what, in the wording, would have written in extra penalties?

"must be engaged with 3 rounds each"

What if the shoot only engages the target with one round? You have stipulated that they MUST engage the target with three.

What you mean to say (or certainly should mean) is that you are going to score the best three hits on those target (and the best two hits on the others). You aren't (shouldn't) be dictating how many round the shooter HAS to shoot...since we shoot freestyle.

Yes, that's precisely what I meant. I figured thats what you were referring to but I didn't want to make any assumptions and miss something.

Again, I much appreciate the advise.

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Steel City Blues (god, I really suck at stage names).

Starting seated in chair, grasping ammo can behind back using both hands. Handgun is loaded and holstered.

Upon signal engage targets as visible from within fault lines.

Setup Notes: Set Barrels so that PP1-4 and USP1&2 cannot be engaged from second shooting position.


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The stage looks good... fun too!

One thing that you might want to consider... some shooters have difficulty holding things of any weight behind their backs.. those with shoulder problems.

I've used a piece of rope about a foot long with a knot at the ends to achieve the same basic start position, hands behind the back.

Coming up with stage names that don't suck can be a challenge.

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The stage looks good... fun too!

One thing that you might want to consider... some shooters have difficulty holding things of any weight behind their backs.. those with shoulder problems.

I've used a piece of rope about a foot long with a knot at the ends to achieve the same basic start position, hands behind the back.

Coming up with stage names that don't suck can be a challenge.

I plan on using an empty .30 cal can (one of the smaller ones. Very valid point though, I'll try to think of something else to use. Maybe even an ipsc target.

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Flex, If there is no hand possition stated on the stage discription, doesn't it automaticly default as "hands relaxed at sides"?

Yeah...if you don't put it in there, everybody is gonna keep asking you all day what it is though. Write it once, or explain it a dozen times. sick.gif


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Wiggle Room

Start with toes on marks, handgun loaded & holstered. Wrists above respective shoulders. Upon signal, engage targets as visible from within fault lines.

I have two variations. I'm not sure if I want to use the boxes or the "shooting area."

I am aware of potential shoot through with T3 and T9, I'm going to tweak it a bit to alleviate that and update as necessary.



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shooting area gives a little more "wiggle room" for attacking the COF in different ways. you bos picture brings a general question to my mind. If the boxes are close enough, can a shooter put one foot in one box and one foot in another and still be legal?

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If the boxes are close enough, can a shooter put one foot in one box and one foot in another and still be legal?

exactly. ;)

in that case, use the box version. see who tries the splits and who doesnt

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As you've probably guessed from how many of them I've ripped off, I love your stage designs. Always clever, unique, and interesting.

My only critique is that you use a lot of hard cover. It looks really good and I like the tight shots but, to use them as drawn, it takes me as a MD a good bit of time to paint it all, make sure that the right hard cover makes it to the right stage, and winds up in the right places during setup. This may just be MY issue and not a problem for others but it's just food for thought.


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