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Idpa Nationals On Tv!!!


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My show, SHOOTING GALLERY, will feature the 2003 IDPA Nationals next week. It's not so much coverage of the match as a quick look at IDPA, which I'm going to be featuring on an on-going basis.

Plus, it gives Walt Rauch a chance to say I run like a girl.

Michael B


Mon-4:30PM EST; Wed-12:00AM EST; Sun-10:30PM EST

Only on The Outdoor Channel!

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Thanks for the heads-up. Gotta set the Tivo for that one.

I watched while they filmed Walt shooting the ATM stage. Not pretty, but might make for some fun video. :)

With so many Texans at the IDPA Nats they have got to have caught someone on film.

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It's always fun to get yelled at by Walt!

I just finished a deal with Joyce Fowler where we'd be covering the 2004 IDPA Nationals as well.

For next season, I'm also doing an "IDPA Extreme Makeover," where we take some hapless shooter (right now, it looks like it's going to be Flex's girlfriend!) and overhaul her life. She gets a new trick gun/holster/etc., personal instruction from the top shooters, a sports-specific physical training regimen, new match clothes, assorted swag and probably her hair done. Then we launch her into a big match and see how she fares. And, no, Flex doesn't get to *choose* her gun!

My producer worriedly asked me recently whether I had "another 13 great ideas" in me. I said, "HA!" Cool when the inmates get to run the asylum.

Michael B

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Watched the show for the 1st time. Really good work. I was sort of looking forward to seeing the IDPA Nats, maybe that is on next week?

The GSSF was well featured and looks like something I might have to give a try sometime.

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I called DirecTV up Sunday night and added the Outdoor Channel specifically to watch the Shooting Gallery. I hope that your bosses at the Outdoor Channel realize the viewers they are reaching because of your show. I certainly wouldn't have signed up for their channel without your show.


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Hey, Michael! I noticed that Uncle Walt didn't assess you any procedural penalties for engaging targets out of "tactical sequence." You double tapped some that should have been the crazy 1-2-1 deals. :P

I was also impressed with Uncle Walt's shooting. His target to target transitions looked really good ... very snappy. No wonder he kicked my a** at the Single Stack Classic back in 1997!

It was a good show, and I liked seeing a "normal person" shooting the courses of fire instead of just the GMs. Well, if MBane can be considered "normal..."

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Great start. About time we start getting our sports on the air.

I would like to see more of the stages and maybe some others running the stages. Maybe a pan of the facilities.

Was your grip safety pinned or strapped down? Did Walt comment on it?

Finally we noticed you were shooting at a van. It looked like a fun stage, but we were wondering how safe it is to shoot at the rear bumper. It also looked like the glass was still in the Van. Again, we question the safety of this.

What is your next show?

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Finally we noticed you were shooting at a van. It looked like a fun stage, but we were wondering how safe it is to shoot at the rear bumper. It also looked like the glass was still in the Van. Again, we question the safety of this.

Kinda like shooting Steel.

So far we have had no problems and we have shot so many cars to pieces I cant even remember them all. There was a Steel boot that was placed behind the van.

You had to shoot under the van to hit the boot to activate a drop tgt. Cool stage designed by one of our sister clubs members.

I have learned much about car penetration though..... If there is ANYTHING else available I wont be behind a vehicle........way to unpredictable. shoot one place a 38 special penetrates completely through both sides, 1/2" away a 500 tungsten solid from a 458 win mag was stopped............ :blink:

IIRC thats the third Van thats been on that particular range. That range also has a good berm almost 360 deg.

The only person I have ever seen hit from a ricochet was a guy that purposefully shot a alloy rim (dish) with a 44 mag from about 7-8 yds wearing shorts. He dug a piece of the Jacket out of his leg. :wacko:

Oh most of the glass was still in the Van. There is Video tape some where (I have a copy) of one of the guys on my SO squad shooting the glass out of the side.

The only time I have (so far) seen a problem withshooting glass is at extreem angles and thats for the windshield.

CASA is so Rocky we have to worry more about rocks honestly than other stuff.

The rock is shale though and I havent seen a problem yet and thats shooting IPSC and IDPA there for the last 5 +yrs

Not endorsing this just our experiences with it.

Larry P


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Thanks for the info.

From we could see on the video, it didn't show the berm wrapping around.

The glass and possible ricochet is something that people need to concider when they set up stages. The glass may not be a ricochet issue, but there is the broken glass in the range to think about.

Again, thanks for the info. It did look like a fun stage.

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I shot a Walt Rauch designed IDPA stage once.......draw and fire one round at 5 yards...."If the shooter is finished , unload and show clear.".............I still haven't gotten over the excitement of that day!!!!!! Snore ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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