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Open Or Lim.what's Harder To Master


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From a classifier-difficulty standpoint, it's about even-- there are ~16-17 in each division (though they are not the same) with "reasonable" HHFs (defined by me as where at least half the expected number of M-scores are shot)

Nationally about 10% of Open-classified shooters are M's, while only 5% of Limited shooters are. That probably has more to do with longevity in the sport and more shooters starting with Lim than Open than anything else. There are 3x as many Ltd shooters than Open shooters in D class and 2x as many in C-class. The absolute numbers in GM, M & A-class are very close (and probably largely the same people)

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Yeah, it was funny watching Sam shoot my open blaster. He did OK when he figured out the thing didn't Kaboom and the noise is normal.

For me, making Open Master was much more difficult than making Limited Master because I can shoot hoser targets (like the Mini-Mart classifier, Speed-E-Standards, etc.) much faster with iron sights. Then again, I shot my Limited pistol more than my Open gun.

FWIW, I would think if you can make M in either one you could do it in both.

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for myself making Master in limited was MUCH harder to get than in open... Took me about 2 years to make M in limited, and 1 all classifier match in open :P ... hahaha

But still i favor limited over open - if you can Master a limited gun, you will easily master an open - kinda like a progressive approach to it

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I think Ron and Lee answered it. If you can do it in one you can probably do it in the other. However just in general it takes more skill to shoot limited than open. I think shooting both will make you a better shooter but if you can only afford the time or money for one, I would shoot limited. I think once you master limited it is an easier transition to open as opposed to the other way around.

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"However just in general it takes more skill to shoot limited than open."

Oh, Smitty.....your gonna make me buy a limited gun with comments like that! :D

I love both, both are the same but different. Other than sights and timing of the gun there is really no difference. The dot on an open gun will teach you a TON of things that iron sights just don't do. I like to think of Limited as Nascar, and Open as Formula 1.

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Paul, I should have prefaced that statement with "in my opinion"

I know for me I started in limited and shot that for a few years before getting an open gun. Once you get the feel for an open gun it seems so much easier and faster to shoot. The dot kinda just "floats" on the target, you can focus on the target (not the front sight), and just point and shoot. It seems so much easier than a limited gun, then you realize it is like that for everybody in Open division and you have to shoot just as good as you did in limited but at a faster pace to keep up.

Paul's statement about "teaching" you is right on. You can see so much more of what the gun is doing. Then you realize it is doing basically the same thing in limited, you just can't seem to see it as well. That's why I think shooting both is better for your all around shooting. I enjoy shooting both, but I enjoy shooting anything.

I love the racing analogy, I think so much of this game can be compared to racing. Although I look at it as funny car vs. top fuel. :)

Paul, I'll probably be back to the "dark side" about mid way through the year, I'm looking forward to seeing if I can keep up with you. But I decided to shoot limited through the beginning of the season at least. Mainly because my "top fueler" is in the garage. :D

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I was just bustin' your chops....great analogy though. Often I wish I still had my limited gun, because it does teach you to be paitent more-so than with an open gun. Every year I tell the guys that I'm going to get a limited gun this year, yet to happen but someday.

I look forward to seeing you with an open gun in your hands, you'll be a one to recon with if you shoot it like you do your limited gun. Like you I just love to shoot.

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I think that limited is easier to make master because you have to learn how to shoot correctly, whereas with open guns you can get fairly good with a lot of bad habits. To make master you can't afford to have poor habits. I got to A Class in open in 6 months and stayed there for years. Then I went to Limited 10 and in less than a year I made M, and I changed most everything about the way I shot. With limited I really had to focus on the fundamentals of shooting and this made it easier for me to improve in Limited.

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Umm, well after all teh crap I gave Smitty about his above comment, I must eat some crow. He showed up at a mtach SAT. and kicked everyone's ass with a limited gun, me included. HOA with a limited gun with 1 GM, and 1 or 2 other M class open guys.....geez!!!

When ya gonna get that GM card Smitty????

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I was at that match! ( 3rd limited). and yes! smitty can shoot!! :lol:

as for what is harder..limited or open..both! I love limited + open the same.

limited makes you shoot better. open lets you shoot faster ( past oh say ten yards)

it all so lets you crash faster! :P

open lets you see the hits. limited makes you call the hits.

if you can.. shoot both, it will make a better shooter of you!! B);)

thats my 2 cents worth! :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the kind words. That was a fun match. That's only the second match I've shot there, I don't think I've ever seen that much steel in a match before, is it always like that? I must admit it helps us optically challenged guys when only one or two stages has targets outside 15 yds.

The card should be coming soon. We have a couple clubs here that are slow in sending in scores which keeps screwing up the "best 6 of most recent 8" thing. I figure it will come in April right before the Area match :D, that's the time I usually get bumped.

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I think it depends a lot on the person. In open, everyone shoots fast and it seems that quick movements with your feet and with your gun are critical. With limited, basic shooting skills are more critical. Ain't neither one easy to Master, which is how it ought to be.

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WE had an unfair advantage......CFRPC puts up (or makes them put up) the same five stages EVERY MONTH.....lol

OK, plus or minus a target or a popper, but you get some dizzying dejavu

....and You STILL whooped us.

As to Paul shooting limited; I have been paying him "protection" money for over a year to stay in Open, same with Bob Donaldson, and Bob renigged this past weekend.

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