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Everything posted by jaredr

  1. so wait a minute, you're saying my barrels <shouldn't> look like that when I'm done?
  2. for what it's worth, i've always had very good results monopod-ing off the mag using PMAG's. not such consistent results with other brands, but i've gone over to pmag's exclusively now and they've generally been pretty reliable. One caveat: I number my mags and track malfunctions in my training log. Anytime I have a double-feed, i note the mag and if it happens twice in a given mag I just toss it (or use it as a dedicated training mag and write "BAD" on the side in paint pen). Out of 10 PMAG's I put in service in 2007, I've retired 3 so far.
  3. One of the things I do really like about this forum is it's a great place to actually learn new stuff. conversations are generally civil, and while people may hold their opinions with passion, there's usually oppty for reasonable discourse without some of the patronizing demeanor that most people would never adopt in a face to face discussion. unfortunately, that's not always the case. trueblue - you've indicated that you're a "firearms designer....and user and trainer" and that "most likely the weapons use in 3 gun have enhancements that you've designed." No problem, i've been given some different information from paul howe, kyle lamb, and pat rogers. i'll disagree with you and leave you to your own opinions on the subject. you can choose to promote those opinions in whatever manner you feel is appropriate. i think we're done here.... i'll unsubscribe so you may continue you on as you wish.
  4. i'll see your zen mastership and raise with a pair of top instructors:sight: skipping over the condescending BS about "once you understand the true workings of an ar, yadda yadda yadda" sounds like your principal bone of contention is what constitutes a double-feed malfunction. you've indicated that the "true meaning" of a double-feed is the magazine "feeding" (?) two rounds at once. not sure where you get that, my understanding is that this term is used to describe the condition which results from the bolt attempting to chamber two rounds, which typically occurs when magazine failure releases a round into the ejection port prior to a round being stripped out by the bolt during the normal chambering cycle. sounds like you're implying that this condition can also be created by operator error imploying immediate action to a rifle which has experienced a failure to extract? no disagreement, that creates a problem, but then the discussion probably deteriorates into armchair commando territory where we argue about immediate then remedial action protocol whereas others will advocate an inspection and diagnostic approach. that's already been discussed roughly a million times, no intention of bringing it up again as it seems we've all got our own firmly held opinions here. to be clear, for anyone else who was reading the thread way back when the OP had asked why his rifle was experiencing double-feed malfunctions - my comment is that these malfunctions are always magazine related, so before "tuning" any other aspect of the rifle, would suggest you just try a different mag.
  5. ha! i bought a case of c-products aluminum mags back in 2006, and over the next year and a half gradually whittled them down to less then a handful that would work reliably. had a string of double-feed malfunctions and recall testing a couple of them with the smack to the bottom of the magwell and watching the mount vesuvious of loaded rounds that spouted from the top of each... have gone over to PMAGS exclusively now.
  6. respectfully disagree with your first comment, do agree with your last. the explanations i've received from a several instructors state that double-feeds are always caused by a poor magazine. specifically, weak or out of spec magazine feed lips are releasing a round when the bolt carrier travels to the rear during the ejection cycle. at that point there is a loose round effectively sitting on top of the magazine (having popped out of the feed lips) and the bolt carrier then travels forward and strips a second round from the magazine. the double feed occurs when the bolt moves to the front, attempting to stuff both rounds into the chamber. a good way to test whether you've got a good magazine is to load 15 rounds or so into the magazine, hold it in one hand and give the bottom of the magazine a swift smack upwards with the palm of your other hand. if rounds fly out of the top, then you've got a bad mag. -jared
  7. Best description i've heard for this movie was a post on another board "With characters named "Baby Eater", "Well Fed Cannibal" and "Amputee Man #1 in Cellar", I'm betting The Road won't be the Feel Good Movie of the Year." he was right...
  8. That's something new for me, thanks for posting. -Jared
  9. that's a great question. first thing i would do is trial the gun with plain jane fmj 180 factory ammo and see what happens. ideally, if you find a load that works, then you can start working towards that COL, bullet profile, etc. If you can't find a load that works, then you'll be better informed when you have to contact the person who built this. It's one thing to contact a gunsmith claiming that his pistol won't feed your reloads, it's another to contact a smith letting them know that their gun won't run with factory ball ammo. Please let us know what you find, and best o' luck. Jared
  10. couldn't say it better myself, but product and service quality really deserves a +1 reply. -jared
  11. that is just cool as all get out. definitely tagging this thread to see if we can cajole you into making a side business out of this! -jared
  12. indeed! how far away was that last flash target? -jared
  13. ajg308 had it right, what you actually need to do is use a utility that will overwrite every sector on the drive with filler data (most programs just write repeating 0's or 0's and 1's) so that you cannot easily recover the data by using a simple "undelete" command. You can try this one but a google search will show you lots of alternatives (way back in the day, this was one of the things you used Norton Utilities for...) BTW - you'd probably do just as well to pull the drives and use them as an impromptu target as long as you police up the range -jared
  14. hornday only manufactures the xtp in .355, so if wilson says that's the bullet they reccomend for their pistol, then it's a pretty good bet it's a .355 bore, not a .356. congrats on the new blaster. -jared
  15. put BCM Mod 4's on mine, so far have held up very well and don't gouge my back like my tac-latch's used to (I'm used to slinging the rifle behind me when pasting or moving about on the range during practice). -jared
  16. In my experience its definately inferior to the Geissele. I have Geissele's in all my AR's except my 22 lr practice gun. They have all proven to be reliable and have great pulls. The JP I had was great until it failed after a few thousand rounds. Maybe I have a bad one or perhaps the guy who fitted it at JP was new. Who knows. I just know it failed and my Geissele's have not. JP is one of the better triggers out there for feel but I will take a Geissele any day over it. pat - sorry to hear about the JP trigger that doubled on you. my experience with their triggers has been positive, but stuff happens. what was JP's response when you got in touch w/them about it? i've always had great customer service from them. -jared
  17. my 1200FP was actually unpleasant to shoot with light birdshot. the same loads cycle fine in my 1100tac4 and feel like the powderpuff loads they are. i understand the recoil operated action of the 1200 may be more reliable, but i'm happy to trade a heavier preventive maintenance schedule on my 1100 for a less sore shoulder... my $.02. -jared
  18. I can't say enough good things about the KISS/Mr. Bulletfeeder product. I've loaded 60K rounds with it now (not much for many but a big number for me over the years) and I truly can't figure out how I got by without. sounds like a shill post but its really not. Almost all that loading was pistol (9mm, .38 special, .45 ACP) but have just started .223 and it's the same face-palm all over - why didn't i buy the conversion earlier!? PM or reply if you have more questions about how it works. I don't know anything about the LNL, but Rick Koskela at Mr. Bulletfeeder should be able to answer any of your questions about what presses it will/will not work with. his email is rick@mrbulletfeeder.com. -jared
  19. +100. anyone have any unfounded rumour or speculation they can contribute to get our hopes up? edit to clarify - waiting on the lula loader for AR rimfire conversion mags...
  20. so when are they making a .22 loader for blackdog machine .22 rimfire AR mags?
  21. uh, would like to buy a vowel on the ATAS reference. pretty sure you're not referring to the Aegis Threat Assessment System, only other google reference was malaysian word meaning (i think) "snooty". just curious - what does that expression mean? -jaredr
  22. i've used dillon's lube for resizing .223 and .308 and been happy with it. haven't tried anything else except hornady one-shot, which works fine for straigh wall pistol cartridges, not so fine (my opinion) for bottleneck rifle... -jared
  23. thanks for your reply! i'll go ahead and pick up an Mdie:) -jaredr
  24. interesting, i noticed the same thing when i started using MG 55gr ball (had previously been using hornady but tried out MG when hornady was unavailable). MG miked out a few thousands longer, and I actually had to adjust my seating die out a bit to keep the bullet seated to about halfway on the cannelure. At that seating depth, bullets were right under limit for my PMAGS, so screwed down the dillon trim die a half turn to keep overall length on the safe side. bullets shot well and were very affordable, so no complaints about tweaking the loading setup to accommodate their slightly longer projectile length. -jaredr
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