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Everything posted by BayouSlide

  1. BayouSlide


    The Grammys are all about commerce...music is just the product being shilled. Curtis
  2. Throttle pinned to the stop on a 4-cylinder superbike or a leaned on Ducati twin on the banks of Daytona as you approach the chicane or the back straight at Road Atlanta just before you hit the Gravity Cavity...THAT's what fast REALLY feels like I still remember the pushing the season in March growing up in northern New York...memories of that first ride with snow on the sides of the road and temps on the colder side of frosty...you're taking me back, man. Thanks for sharing Curtis
  3. Gary, it will be tough to avoid in the midst of all those dangerously lightened triggers Curtis
  4. When that AD comes, you've already failed the rule "Treat every gun as if it were loaded." But if you follow the "Never point the muzzle at anything you not willing to destroy", the result may scare you but it won't cause tragedy. The first rule will avoid the problem, the second will save you from the dire results of your brain fade. Scares the heck out me sometimes to see the sloppy muzzle control of even some well-experienced shooters who should know better Thankfully, they never seem to be shooters with a USPSA or other competitive shooting sport background. Stories like the above are heartbreaking...especially because it was completely avoidable. Painful reminders never to be complacent around firearms. Curtis
  5. I know "talking up" our competitions on a regional/local shooting Web forum has been a useful way of expanding the pool, d_p. I'm sure that will work elsewhere in the country, too, where that opportunity exists. The USPSA guys tend to fill up any Competition forum on shooting boards and their enthusiasm is contagious. I'm a regular at our local sheriff's range on the two days a week it's open to the public...whenever some newcomer expresses interest in competition, they point 'em in my direction for the spiel and offers to help with some reloading or Glock tips. Bringing a new shooter into the sport and seeing them become regulars at the matches is as rewarding as shooting a "clean" match. Somebody exposed me to USPSA shooting in the same way three or four years back...I always view it as returning the favor. Curtis
  6. So, Duane, my curiosity has been piqued...how did they work out? Curtis
  7. Heed this wise advice and you will never have a squib or doublecharge no matter what you load on. Curtis
  8. I used 147 gr. Zero JHP with 3.3 grains of TiteGroup...works great and chronos around 135-6 PF: doesn't seem to vary much from warmer to cooler months, based on major match chronos in my experience.
  9. ...that's sorta funny, since most of the whiny range lawyers he's talking about probably ARE certified ROs Curtis
  10. This proposal prior to its elimination in the final 2008 rules created as heated a controversy as the present...ahem...discussion
  11. Bummer. Seems I'm always in need of something out here in the sticks so I just add an extra can to an order. Since it apparently can't be shipped USPS, your only hope is finding a place with lower shipping costs. Brownell's normally has a $9 S/H charge which is a little better. Curtis
  12. Once the dust settles...and we get past all the Fear Uncertainty and Doubt...maybe something good will come out of all this. Heh, stranger things have happened Curtis
  13. You have a Cabellas in your area? They usually carry it. Curtis
  14. I'm with Fred. Let the BOD put the whole matter to bed and then we can comply appropriately. Hope something definitive results from all this expended bandwidth. Curtis Given each of them still has their own impressions of what Production should be, I wait with trepidation. I hear ya, but I've finally come to the conclusion that, whatever the result, it's bound to be better than continuing to beat our 20 collective heads against the wall until the wall...or our heads...break By comparison, shooting Limited minor would be much less frustrating Curtis
  15. I'm with Fred. Let the BOD put the whole matter to bed and then we can comply appropriately. Hope something definitive results from all this expended bandwidth. Curtis
  16. When you hear from guys like Nik and I...who have shot the division for a number of years, ran matches, and have served as Section Coordinators (seems as SC, I always get the job of passing along the grips and accolades)...when you hear from us, chances are you are getting quite a bit more than just the voice of two people. ...and when you hear from 20 or 30 members here on this board, we're not phoning in off-the-wall opinions from left field...our concerns are the same as thousands of others who shoot the division that you will never hear from one way or the other. Even if you take issue with our reasoning, please consider what we're trying to express, even if it appears ill-informed. If you feel a line must be drawn, I and many others wish you would draw it in a way to include the trigger tuning which, like sights, are the easiest and most economical methods to get increased performance from a lower-cost pistol of the sort typically shot in Production. Curtis
  17. Folks, as has been mentioned, the train has left the station and we face in/unintended consequences, one way or the other. I personally like the rules as written pre-2008. Let 'em look stock on the outside, and basically tuning and modifications allowed inside. As has been stated, time and time again, if the rules require teardown for enforcement, they are bad rules and no reason for 'em, IMO. Anything done internally won't turn the world unside down, as long as all safeties remain functionally intact as the manufacturer intended. Let it be. But now, we can't role the clock back. Inexplicably, the 2008 rules allow a significant number of external mods to slides and receivers, some of which can't be reversed. In fairness to those competitors who made those type of mods, allow 'em in fairness, and call it a day. Let's learn from what happened here and try not to correct a mistake with more mistakes. Curtis
  18. Check the PTOOMA Complete Glock Reference Guide from LoneWolf or some other Glock references. The photo comparison was posted at least once on GlockTalk as well. IIRC there were about 4 different shapes to to the upper rear notches and at least two of those are definitely post-ban. Non-FML are all pre-ban. EDITED to add: this thread on GT has the info you seek http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=794817 Curtis
  19. Merlin, I obviously need to work harder on my smiling...and a few other things...before next year if I hope to take anything home to Louisiana Curtis
  20. Great match: my compliments to the club. Challenging stages. Great bbq lunch. The Brownell gift certificate drawing was a nice touch, too. Worth the long drive and hope to see y'all next year. My thanks to Doug for the pre-match info...yup, glad I brought the wagon...and always nice to see Jamie again, who's got to be one of the nicest guys around to shoot...or tape...with Curtis
  21. If you're speaking of the fulcrum kit...definitely. If you're speaking of nearly all other trigger kits, definitely probably. If you're interested in the LONG discussion of the legality of Production trigger mods, bring some cofee and antacid: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=75404 Curtis
  22. I don't think having a "favorite" drill is a very good idea. Strive to keep your practice routine as constantly varied as possible. So in essence, make sure your "routine" is not a routine at all. Agreed...but I was encouraging people to share some drills they felt made a significant improvement in their performance—for those of us who need significant improvements in our performance—to add to our practice regimens. Jake, I saw you shoot at the Mississippi Classic a couple years back Anything specific skill-builder you'd like to mention that no one else has covered? Curtis
  23. Since the OEM 3.5# comes stock in the G34/35, it was ruled as OK in the past...somebody correct me here if I'm mistaken, since no one has addressed kuhana's question. Same with the extended mag release and slide lock lever from the G34/35. I've never read anything to say that's changed under the 2008 rules. Curtis
  24. The first time I ever heard griping at local matches was when the new rules for 2008 were under discussion and the legality of the Blade Tech DOH and instituting minimum trigger pull weights were potential issues. And I'll admit, I was one of the gripers. Lot of the guys weren't even aware of the discussion at first, but became concerned because they "were" legal but might not be next year. I was always under the impression (perhaps misguided) that the type of Glock trigger mods in the Vanek Production trigger were legal under the 2004 rules. Maybe I was wrong...it appears that I AM for sure under the 2008 rules. Sure that bothers me, but so goes it. If that's the rules, either back to stock or shoot Limited. Or know you're cheating, even if you disagree with the rules. Don't like that last option. I, for one, would be perfectly happy to have the rules state that ANYTHING internal (i.e. no visible modifications and all safeties intact) is fair game. Seems simple to me, simple to enforce. But I'm a simple sorta guy All this worry about an "equipment race" is rather bogus, and I'm a guy who wants to shoot as cheaply as possible or I'd trade in my Glock and go shoot Limited. If I could have 3X the fun, I'd spend 3X the amount on a gun...but I long ago decided that I couldn't have 3X the fun so a Production shooter is what I am. My buddy BlackSabbath is right...we'd all rather shoot than gripe about the rules Curtis
  25. I *know* I'm going to regret this, but... *I* thought the rule was written pretty clearly. The part that has been at the center of the current discussion says: Authorized modifications (Strictly limited to these items and their stated guidelines) •Internal throating and polishing to improve accuracy,reliability and function •Exchange of minor components (springs, safeties, slide stops, guide rods). It seems pretty clear to *me*. And more to the point, it takes some... "creative reading" to believe that those things add up to "I can drill holes, add screws, redesign fire-control components, file things into new shapes, swap in completely different parts that aren't listed and anything else I want as long as you can't see it from the outside." I don't know how much more clearly we could have said "if it isn't exactly, specifically, explicitly on this list in plain language, you can't do it to your gun." Any hints? Perhaps the new rules are that clear. If so, then the real problem—for at least the majority of the Production shooters posting here—would appear to be considerable dissatisfaction from the rank and file with the new rules/interpretation/direction for OUR division. There appears to be a real divergence in what we believe the Production division should be versus what the BOD believes it should be. As such, perhaps the BOD would seriously consider these alternative points of view in any future discussions/changes/clarifications of the rules. Curtis
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