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Everything posted by sslav

  1. I voted Glock in 9mm. That is what I would like to do. Howver since I live in NJ and can not have mags that exceed 15 rounds, I would have to stick with my G-35 and the 15 round mags. I would be 2-4 rounds down. But hey, I would have a built in excuse for losing. Right now the best I can manage is "I suck". But with unlimited capacity in production I could take the high road with "he only beat me because of the larger mags."
  2. I think if we accept forum participants as a valid sample of attitudes of USPSA shooters in general then the following polls/discussions should be taken into account. http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=649 http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=646 http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=665 Is this horse not sufficiently dead yet?
  3. I may be completely off base, but is anyone really going to pick a division or tank classifiers on the basis of collecting a $10 check once or twice a month? Dang! I gues I can stop checking that option on the signup form. I was toying with framing the very first (and the only so far) check I got.
  4. That is exactly what I thought. However I was later told that Glock subcontracts their springs from third parties and it depends on the batch. I do not know which one is true. My G-19 is really old and still has the original Glock trigger spring - which is not galvanized. My G-35 is about a year old and it came with a galvanized spring. I bought a few extra OEM springs to have on hand and all of them are galvanized.
  5. Front Sight is Virginia Count. So making up shots in subsequent strings would not work. Maybe that is why no pasting is required between strings. Slav
  6. But what was the advantage gained? The shooter had accepted a handicap in string one instead of string two. Clearly he violated WSB. But was there a net advantage gained on the stage?
  7. I've been either unlucky or clumsy enough to have sustained a couple of bad cuts to my fingers (bad as in to the tendon). One thing that worked real well for me for rehabilitation is a pair of Baoding Chinese "Iron Balls" (the modern ones are made from steel and are chrome plated). You roll them around in your hand and it gives a very nice workout to all of the muscles and tendons in the hand. They are also supposedly press on all the accupressupre points (if you believe in that sort of thing).
  8. I am relatively new to the sport, but I have never shot a stage that had a scenario/theme attached to it and thought that I would have had more fun shooting it if it did not have a scenario attached to it. Not sure how a story attached to a stage somehow runs contraty to the free style principle.
  9. Thank you for the responses everyone. This forum is fantastic. I am going to try and practice more frequently and try to be more aware of the differences in the grip/stance/sight picture between live and dry fire. Thanks again.
  10. There is also a link at the bottom to send them an e-mail in response. Here is what I sent: In a word my response to Mr. Plate is – disgusting. How dare he? How dare he use this tragedy to gain a pulpit for his inane drivel? Mr. Plate can give up whatever rights he wants personally, but where does he get the nerve to so cavalierly dismiss one of the basic founding blocks of our freedom? Better people than he placed those rights into our constitution. Better people than he died to win and to preserve them. The words “Lets give up our right…” should not be in a lexicon of a free person. If Mr. Plate is delusional enough to think that taking guns from the hands of law abiding citizens has any impact on criminals he should look no further than the gangs of his beloved Los Angeles that has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Or at the very person that had so recently robbed him. I am sorry Mr. Plate got robbed at a point of a gun, but frankly would he surrender his possessions any slower if he was confronted with a knife or a baseball bat or a well muscled dangerous looking individual for that matter? Mr. Plate chose not to have the means and the skills necessary to protect himself. He felt “safe” in his little “safe” corner of the world – well protected by LA police. And now that his illusion of safety is shattered he wishes to deprive the rest of us of the option to be able to protect ourselves as well? How does that make sense? Maybe Mr. Plate thinks that if he takes guns away from every hunter, every sportsman and every collector in this country, criminals will not have them or will not use them to commit crimes? Could he in fact be that stupid? Mr. Plate wants us to surrender our right to keep and bear arms? Can he guarantee each and every one of us that has that right today that should we surrender that right, we will never be robbed – at a gunpoint or otherwise? That we will never be assaulted, raped, maimed, stabbed, cut, bludgeoned, strangled or drowned by someone with an evil intent? Can he personally guarantee each and every one of us that we will not be left shot and bleeding to death on the floor in a “gun safe” zone by some psychopath while the police that he places so much faith in surrounds the building and waits for a SWAT team to arrive? Can he provide these guarantees? Because if he can not, then he should shut the hell up and get off the soap box.
  11. Here is a wonderfull example who got his personal soap box from Cnn.com
  12. I have been doing Steve Anderson's drills for a wile now - not religiosly but at least a 2-3 times a week and sometimes more. I finally got to 1 sec. for my draw and index at 10yards for dry fire. Steve mentions in his book to expect slower speed in live fire, and that is what I am getting - but it is signifficantly slower. On draw and fire one I am around 1.5 sec. to get an A-Zone hit. That seems slower than it should be. What is more interesting is that if I do a Bill drill, I am about .2 sec. quicker on the first shot - about 1.3. But if I draw and fire 2 I am back to 1.5 range for the first shot. I have not been tracking my first shot performance in matches dilligently (I am going to start) but the few glimpses I have gotten seem to indicate that I am a bit faster in matches. It almost seems that it is more of a mental thing than a question of technique. Is there anything I can do to get my live fire speed on the first shot closer to that of the dry fire? I would be pretty happy to get to within .3 sec like I do on Bill drills.
  13. I do not mean to sound lika a Glock groupie but I have run about 15K of Zero JHPs through my Glocks without an issue. I had some problems with truncated cone bullets, but reducing OAL seems to take care of that. (I load JHPs to 1.135, but for TC I go down to 1.125). Never had any issues at all with factory loads of any kind. Do you reload? What kind of jam is it? Slav
  14. Yes, check out this report from CNN. Look out. About 1/2 way down the page
  15. Just caught something on the news - apparently it was more than one weapon and they had serial numbers "obliterated". Deffinitely not someone who just "snapped".
  16. To avoid loading 11 or more, I always start with an empty mag and load one row from the box. After shooting I empty out anything left in the mags back into the box Arranging them into full rows - rinse, repeat.
  17. No loctite in the dovtail, but I hat put some blue on the screws. So far, they are fine, but I have only shot maybe 2,000 rounds.
  18. I am too much of a neophyte in the shooting arena to even try to evaluate a shooting technique's merits as sompared to another technique. D.R. can certainly shoot, no doubt about that. On the other hand I have a lot of experience with hard selling, self promoting types in areas where I do have expertese. And little time spent over D.R.'s website got all sorts of alarms going off. D.R. Middlebrooks may have invented the bestest and the greatest thing out there. I will never know.
  19. I have shot a few steel matches with a friend who uses a Saiga. I have spent a decent amount of time on practicing my reloads - a lot more than he has on practicing his. Our shooting is pretty close. He trounces me on time each and every time. On a 30 or so round course he beats me by about 10-15 seconds easy. I have to shove about 25 shells into my gun - he has to make 2, tops 3 mag changes. In a 3-gun format with movement and lower round count that advantage would be less signifficant, but it would still be there.
  20. Dick's Sporting Goods - if there are any in your area - have frequent sales of $5.99 per 50 rnd box when you buy a case of 10 boxes.
  21. With a shotgun! Sorry, but that really is the best way I have found to shoot it.
  22. I've had the rear sight on the gun for a couple of months and everything was fine. This past Saturday I was at the range and the pivot pin for the elevation started to work istelf out. I had to pop it back in a few times. Has anyone ever had a similar problem? I was shooting factory loads instead of my normal minor loads. I still had the 13 lb. spring in the gun that I use with minor loads - so I was wondering if that could have had something to do with it.
  23. If you stay in Production, you're probably going to want something other than your Sig. Having to make the transition from double action first shot to single action second shot is a limiting factor as I don't think anyone can make that transition perfectly all the time. From my limmited observations, I would have to disagree with the above statement. I see some good shooters in my club shoot DA/SA in production - CZs and Sigs. They do not seem to have a problem with a transition from DA on the first shot to SA thereafter. I shoot a Glock - because that is what I already owned when I discovered USPSA. But I am giving some serious thoughts to switching to a CZ. I have always liked the grip better than Glock's. I tried one out at a recent steel match and seemed to actually have a slightly better performance with it than with my Glock. It may be a better fit for me. So the best thing to do is to shoot what you have and to try as many other guns as you can. I would not worry about "being competitive". That has more to do with practice than the choice of a gun. Slav
  24. sslav

    Grip Tape?

    I tried Decal Grip and found that it shifted too much with use. A-Grip worked well enough. The two problems I had with it - 1. It is designed to cover the mag relase and I did not like that. A little surgery with a modelling knife fixed that. But the tape shifted a little with use and I had to keep on forcing it back to where cutouts alligned properly. 2. It covers up the trigger housing pin. I had cut small holes to give access to the pin, but had the same problem with the shifring of the tape. Unlike the mag release I needed to access the pins a lot less and the hole is a lot smaller but it was harder to re-align the holes to the proper place. I still have A-grip on my G-19 that I use infrequently. It holds up fine with moderate use. For the heavy use on my G-35 I switched to Tru-Grip and am extremely happy with it. It covers what needs to be covered and does not cover what needs to be exposed. It does not shift at all with use. Slav
  25. sslav


    Sorry, I guess it is the immigrant in me, but I can't help to be ammazed at the fact that you can drop an envelope into a mail box on monday morning in NY and it is delivered to the door in LA on Thursday afternoon. No system is ever perfect. And given the scale of USPS operations you are bound to have numerous glitches. But USPS is amazing compared to what you have elswhere. Slav
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