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Everything posted by sslav

  1. I second that sentiment. But why do you say "almost needed to beakout the Kleenex"? I was crying when I saw those procedural penalties applied to my score! Slav
  2. I offer my services in that regard. I have all the qualiffications except for timing out - but I did come close! Slav
  3. Australia was already famous for its sheep. Now .....
  4. We had a surprise chrono at a recent local match and I think 2, maybe 3 shooters did not make their PF out of abotu 60. So in this, very isolated, example about 95% of the shooters were shooting at the appropriate PF. Slav
  5. I am a relative noob to this game, so take my advice for what it's worth. When you "know" that a piece of gear is holding you back - upgrade. In other words as you practice and compete, you will reaach a point where you will know for a fact that some piece of gear is holding you back. At that point you will not need to ask for advice as to whether you need to upgrade or not - just what to upgrade to. Slav
  6. And speaking of unoriginal - has anyone seen Journeyman? Why go where Quantum Leap had already been before and did a bangup job with the concept?
  7. I stopped coming to this match, when Dave M. stopped wear those tight nylons. Word has it that Dave has bought a new pair. Be afraid, be VERY afraid Jim The new ones are in "Tactical Black" however and must have cost more.
  8. A tungsten guiderod's only purpose is to allow for additional weight up front to control recoil. This option is not available on any manufacturer's DA production pistol. With the cost of the tungsten guiderod much higher than a steel (or plastic) counterpart, it adds to the cost of being competitive as well as moves the division away from the true roots of why Production Division was formed. If more of these changes continue, Production will quickly become "DA Limited". Tungstein guiderod's only purpose is to relieve gullible of their money. Lets not make a mountain out of it. Slav
  9. sslav


    I personally enjoy both guns and porn and have never used E-Bay for either.
  10. You may need a gun with a slimmer grip. Or you may need to trim your nails.
  11. There is a high tech solution for this problem.
  12. When I first got my G-35 I also had a problem with the extended mag release (lefthanded shooter). I even wrote a post here back then asking about sanding the edges off of it. Being that that would make it production non-legal and that I want to shoot production I ended up going a different route. I swapped out the extended mag relase for a standard one. I had also bent the mag release spring a little to allow for a slightly softer resistance. Since then I have been very happy with my mag release. You may want to give it a try.
  13. Doesn't Olhasso shoot an XD in production? Slav
  14. Unfortunately the vast majority of politicians remain isolated from the reality of daily life. Let them know how you feel here - http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/409898348 Slav
  15. sslav

    11 day wait

    Sorry I laugh at your pain. The last handgun I bought sat at the local FFL dealer for about a month and a half while my local PD was performing yet another full background check on me. Around here we have to apply for individual permits for each handgun purchase. And depending on how friendly your local PD is it can take as long as they want. Technically the state law says that they have to process the application within 30 days. However when I mentioned that fact while submitting the application, they openly laughed at me. I always apply for more permits than I need. But they expire after a while. By the time I got my hands on the gun I had the new belt/holster/magholders, reloading setup, primers, heads, brass, extra mags & magwell sitting at my house.
  16. sslav

    Blade-tech DOH

    I started off with a Glock and DOH was my first holster. It never even occured to me that the thumb is supposed to fit between the gun and the belt . Recently I bought a 1911 and a DOH for it and discovered that there is space there. I don't think it affects my draw any. For both pistols I wrap my fingers around the front strap and start lifting the gun from the holster and before the muzzle clears the holster I wrap the thumb around the backstrap. Slav
  17. Do you feel that "only those with $3,000 open guns need apply" philosophy is better for the sport? Around here Open division comes in third behind production and Limmited - and occasionally fourth behind Lim-10. Do you think that all those shoothers would either run out and spend 3-5 grand on a gun or volonteer to be easy meat for those with open guns? I do not know about anyone else - I'd be looking for another game to play. Apparently that is how IDPA came to be. So the whole "find best equipment" bit was already tried and where it leads to is pretty apparent. What a grand idea! Exactly! Lets do exactly that! More divisions will promote more competition - not less. If production division did not exist I would not be shooting USPSA today. Now while shooting production I have fought a losing battle against getting toys to play in other divisions. I eventually broke down and bought a 1911 I am planning to use for PSSD and Lim-10. I know it is only a matter of time before I get a wide body 2011 for limited. And I've been eyeing the S&W 686 collecting dust in my safe thinking of giving it a whirl in the revo division. Who knows - even though I have no interest in it now - there may be an open gun in my future. Production is still the division I have the most interest in. But in my case there is a liekelyhood of one more competitor "in the pipe" for other divisions. That would not have been the case if there was no production division for me to play in. So if another division will give an opening for someone to try this sport who otherwise would not have, lets have another division - or two or five.
  18. I had one of those from GLockmeister. Initially I was happy with it. But after only a few months of use, the spring broke and it is now useless. I was planning to contact Glockmeister but have not gotten around to it. In the mean time I've been doing fine without it (which is why I have not gotten around to replaing the spring). Overall, the product is not totally useless, but you could probably apply the $60 or so towards something more useful. Slav
  19. The heading summarises it all. So far I have taped down the bolt release and have dry fired it with safety on. Is there any harm in actually pulling the trigger? Slav
  20. A 34" belt works well with 32" waist. Plenty of overlap. Can't see any harm in having an extra inch or two though.
  21. This explains the low crime rate in NYC. Yeah...... That absolute gun control thing is working out just great for them...... I mean, the criminals are so frustrated with not being able to find street guns they are all just packing up and leaving town. In fact the crime is down in NYC. And compared to early 80's it is drastically down. I recall a nearly everpresent sense of danger back then on the streets and in the subway at night - and in some neighborhoods during the daytime as well. That is not the case anymore. Certainly there are places where I would hesitate to stop at a red light at night (nevermind actually walking there at any time). But those are exceptions rather than the rule. None of it of course had to to with gun control. Gun violence was never an overriding concern as a resident. I was far more afraid of getting stabbed, beaten, slashed with a razor or pushed under a subway train than I was of getting shot. Threat of gun violence was something abstract - the others were far more real. But improved economic situation and to the lesser extent tougher police presence has made NYC far safer than it used to be. As to whether it is safe or not is a question of what you compare it to - these things are always relative. I would rather be walking the streets of NYC at night unarmed than ride in an up-armored Hummer in body armor and with an M4 in Falluja.
  22. As a lowly "Norman Clone" and "Minion" I wish to extend a warm and heartfelt congratulations to Jim.
  23. I shot a knockdown steel match this past weekend. After copmletely blowing it on the first stage, my shooting got progressively better. On the last stage I was shooting plate racks when I experienced something really cool. After each shot, my gun would recover with sights alligned neatly in the center of the next plate. I was not "driving" the gun or putting any concious thought into it, it was just happenning on its own. Ok, now the question - how do I bottle this?
  24. And yet 92% would use 9mm. 50% gravitate to two manufacturers. Two other manufacturers account for 23% of the remaining 50%. Thats 73% ging for one of 4 guns.
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