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Everything posted by sslav

  1. I think the S_I vs Glock boils down to this in the end. You can do equally well with either, but the illusion that you're shooting a better gun makes people happy (or, the illusion that they're shooting the worse gun makes them want the "better" one...) Actually does it matter if the advantage is real or imagined? The belief in the advantage could be enough to make you shoot better. So much of this or any other sport is mental. Top end athletes spend a lot of dough on shrinks and hypnotherapists. Whats a 2K gun compared to that? Slav
  2. Well the real question is what should the final product be considered? Do you go by the frame or by the slide to determine what the the gun should be treated as. The overall weight should be within 2 oz - but within 2 oz of what - 75? 85? SP01? And to go further - what kind of gun is a G-35 frame with a LW G-34 slide and 9mm barrel - is it a G-34? And if that is production legal, then why not a G-35 with a 9mm conversion barrel - that is within .5 oz of the G-35 original weight. I think this was a really bad choice to open up this can of worms. And it was brought up during the discussion period of the 2008 rules.
  3. sslav

    How easy is to...?

    I had no trouble installing Dawson adjustible rear with a pollymer punch and a rawhide mallet. Of course zeroing it was not an issue. For a fixed rear you will probably need a sight mover.
  4. As far as I know that is how they carry any pistol.
  5. On this I would have to agree with - "how is that different from 1911?" side of this discussion. Lack of safeties does not concern me when I am riding the reset as long as the gun is safe when I take my finger off the trigger.
  6. I am curious why that over the CED 7000 - prices are about the same and CED seems more convinient. Slav
  7. The only issue that I see here, and I have no idea what to do about is is this - you can see the thumb safety on the edge. And it is supposed to be on when holstering the gun. It is very easy to disable the striker safety and the drop safety on the Glock unintentionally if you do not know what you are doing - take out enough pretravel and you are there. Functional trigger safety is really the only way that I can think of to have some sort of indication that the other two are functional - or at least have not been disabled unintentionally. With the trigger safety disabled you could very well have a gun with no safeties at all with nobody - maybe not even the shooter being aware of the fact. Disallowing disabling of the trigger safety will not solve this though. As mentioned above you can have trigger safety effectively disabled without any externally visible indication of the fact or even without intending to do so. Slav
  8. I would go further to say that some trigger mod combinations will not reset to engage the trigger safety even when racking the slide without riding the re-set or at least will not do it consistently. In playing around I have gotten this result and I have ran into someone actually using a glock with this type of trigger at the last match.
  9. sslav

    G-17 or G-34

    I'll have to face that problem when I get to the master levels.
  10. sslav

    G-17 or G-34

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I like the idea of getting a conversion barrel and developing a 9mm load that feels like my minor .40. That way I can practice with 9mm and shoot .40 in matches. That still leaves the question of what to do with the certifficate. Now I am thinking either another G-35 for a backup or just something for fun. Slav
  11. sslav

    G-17 or G-34

    I've been shooting a G-35 with minor loads and am very happy with the setup. But the cost of ammo is preventing me from getting as much practice in as I feel I need. I do reload, but even with reloading I can cut my expenses by a lot by switching to 9mm. I was planning on getting a LW slide and a barrel for 9mm and shooting lead for practice and jacketed in competition. By a weird coincidence I lucked out and won a certifficate for a Glock pistol. So now I can get either a G-17 or a G-34 and a LW barrel for it. G-34 seems like an obvious choice. Is there any reason to go with a G-17? Slav
  12. Sounds like you would be a perfect person to organize some dedicated .22/airsoft run and gun types of matches at your local club.
  13. If you make your G35 a G34 you will have to make weight of a G34. The maximum weight can't be over 2 oz of a stock G34. Of course, if the weight allowance is 2.00 ounces and the conversion barrel to make a G35 equivalent to a G34 is only 0.50-0.60 ounces heavier, shouldn't it be allowed? But, back to slides. Anyone know how much LWD and Caspian slides weigh relative to the original G34 and G35 versions? I went to the site and I do not even see a G34 slide being offered. Slav
  14. I believe he has posted a number of tips on the subject. I have followed them and am very happy with my trigger. I do not know if it is 1lb as I do not have a guage to measure it. But it has a very light and fairly crisp pull (for a Glock) with a nice short and firm re-set. I think bending the tab forward is easier and quicker than moving the hole. Slav
  15. sslav

    Too much polishing

    I started with a $.25 trigger job. Then I got RS Trigger kit. And used that for about 8 months. I later swapped my 3.5 Glock OEM connecor with a lonewolf and kept that setup for probably another 6 months. After I started having a reset problem with my trigger I swapped out the trigger spring for the OEM and replaced the striker spring with the Wolf reduced power one. Since I can't leave well enough alone and I have read a lot of stuff from JoeD on this forum I got an extra trigger bar and attacked it with a dremmel and a blowtorch. I must have gotten lucky because I have a really sweet trigger now. All of the safeties work. The reset is nice and snappy. There is just about zero overtravel and the pull is quite light though I have no trigger gage to test the pull. So far I have about 300 rounds through the gun with the new trigger setup and I am very satisfied. Where I am going with that is that yes you can overpolish but Glock parts are fairly cheap. And if you don't try things you may never find out what you are missing. As long as you understand how the internal safeties work and you do not inadvertantly disable one or more, the biggest downside is only a few bucks worth of metal bits - throw them away and start again. Slav
  16. As we all I am aware of the gun grabber inability to think rationally or to get their facts straight. But I have not seen this sheer volume of distortion and outright lies collected in one place before. It was interesting to find out that being a proponent of second ammendment rigts automatically makes me a racist who wants to spread guns in inner cities in order to 'thin out the population' as well as being complicit in Oklahoma City bombing. Dr. Goebels would be proud.
  17. I find it the easiest to work the mag release with my middle finger. I found the extended mag release to be of no help at all and in fact the sharp corners would dig in in between the middle and trigger finger to the point of bloody blisters. I replaced it with a standard one on my G-35 and I feel that it is more comfortable to work. I have bent the mag release spring a little to make mag release a little softer. Giving an extra hard slap to the bottom of the mag releases the slide from a slide lock pretty well.
  18. Thanks for responses everyone. I am sure the trigger spring is not broken. I checked it right after the stage when I had the problem and it is fine. I have not adjusted the striker spring at all, however I have not replaced it in a while - probably 10K+ rounds Same with the striker safety spring - no adjustments since installation but have not been replaced in over 10K rounds. Both of these came with RS trigger kit. I suppose I should start with one of these two springs and replace it with OEM. If the problem still occurs I'll go with the other one. The only difficulty is that since the problem is intermittent, I can not know for sure that it is fixed. Slav
  19. I have a G-35 with with a RS trigger kit + Wolf Connector + Original Glock trigger spring and a 13 ISMI recoil spring. I've been running this setup for about 4-5 months and have had it for about 5-6 months before that with a Glock 3.5lb connector. Recently I started having occasional reset problems. When it first started occurring I had replaced my trigger spring with a new one. This one has no more than 400-500 rounds on it. Yesterday I had shot a local match - five stages and about 150 rounds or so. Gun ran fine most of the day but on one stage I had a failure to reset - twice on two consecutive shots. I am at a real loss at how to trace this problem. The problem is so rare that it is nearly impossible to judge if a part swap has any effect.
  20. To me the two are fairly synonymous. Hockey, football, basketball etc... are all games - yet the amount of involvement and dedication even at ammature levels is tremendous. Slav
  21. sslav

    Car Dealers

    I had similar experiences until my last car purchase a few months ago. I did my research on the internet and had a price in mind that I should be paying. The guy sat down with me and quoted me the sticker price. I asked him if he could do better than that. He fed me a line of how they do not make that much of a profit on these and he can only do so much. Then he quoted the new price wich was actually $100 below what my research told me I should be paying. At that point I shook his hand, signed papers and had the new car. I am going back to this guy for my next car too.
  22. Thats 'cause us accountants and computer programmers get our fill of chinos and polo shirts at work. Slav
  23. sslav

    New GLock Frame

    As fellow lefty, I too have always used my trigger finger to actuate the magazine release. I've tried the ambi mag release on the G21 SF and do not care for it. I also don't care for the Glock factory extended mag release on the G34 and 35. It's too long and the edges are sharp. I've switched out the stock mag releases on all of my Glocks with the Vickers mag release from Tango Down (http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/Vickers-Tactical-Extended-GLOCK-Magazine-Release-p/vickers%20glock%20mag%20release.htm). It splits the difference in height between the standard mag release and the Glock factory extended release plus, it has slightly rounded edges. I use my middle finger to activate the mag release. This works for me for both Glock and 1911. In my case it forces the trigger off the trigger as well. Extended mag release on my G-35 was digging in between middle and trigger finger while shoting and was not all that comfortable. I have opted for the standard one and it is jus the right size. I have also put a very slight bend into the mag release spring to slightly soften the mag relese. Slav
  24. I have a G19 DOH from Bladetech. It fits 19,17,22,34 & 35 just fine. The bottom is open so the additional length does not matter. Slav
  25. This video makes me sick .
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