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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. Very good idea. They do make a black fiber insert, but since it's a special order you have to by it by the mile I think. You would never be able to sell all of it in 10 lifetimes.
  2. Blade tec does also. Try www.speedshooterspecialties.com he has them in stock.
  3. BBB, Ask Kenny at www.speedshooterspecialties.com (he has a spot in the dealers section) he'll know. He might be at SAPSA this weekend.
  4. Fireant

    Hand Pain!

    Jack, Just remember to be prepared for the unexpected reply that we talked about. I tried that line when I got home, only about the bad shoulder and elbow, her reply was to stop shooting for a while if it hurt that bad Not what I was hoping for.
  5. Julie, what sights are on that thing?
  6. Thanks, I kind of thought so. I wonder how a case of 9mm would go over
  7. I've been invited to attend the ceramony of a local young man that I have helped start shooting USPSA matches. The question is do I need to bring a gift? Is it O.K.? or expected? I've only had 2 other students make it to that point in the last 15 years and they had moved to another state by that time. Thanks.
  8. I like to consider myself a goodwill ambasador for the shooting sports. I'll shoot anything and even try my best to promote any shooting game(i'm not good at any of them really, I just like to fling lead). Even if it's not my cup of tea. I hate to see one group bash another, if we don't stand united the anti's will take us down one small group at a time. The lady's have a protected forum on this site, I wonder if Brian would do the same for IDPA rules and general discusions? That way if your just bashing the game you can be locked out of that section. Then maybe the IDPA powers, whether it's Robert, BW, or Mrs. BW would feel more comfortable or at ease addressing members that want to better the game.
  9. I'll stand by my belief that stage designers should have to pee in a cup when they submit things like that
  10. I like that. Now can someone give me some directions on how to get it in the avatar? I have people at work fooled, I really don't know much about computers. * hey, I figured it out.
  11. Hey, if this is the only rule that doesn't make sense to you, suck it up and drive on. That puts you ahead of the rest of us
  12. Not bad for a local match(just joking) Kent summed it up pretty well. We had great weather, great food, and I even shot fair. Hey, I'll be back again.
  13. Hey Chris, I'm not so sure about this now. This strong hand weak hand junk is kicking my limited behind with the new open blaster
  14. I think showing up to the nationals with an over weight gun is poor planning on the shooters part. Before I shot just a local match with my ESP gun I weighed it three times( on different scales) and tested it in the box at leat 6 times. If I had gone to nationals I probably would have weighed it everyday for a month and stored it in an offical box so it would not grow any over night.
  15. This is exactly what normally happens when they score behind the shooter. The score keeper looks at the target and then writes down the score. The checks and balances is not the score keeper checking the targets, but rather the RO checking that the score keeper is writing down the correct score. When I'm blasting away down range and you have your ears on, you don't have a third RO calling off scores. Now we have it straight from a RO that that could lead to problems. The rest of my A6 experience was fine . It still grates me the wrong way that I was treated as an inconvience to your or whoever's master schedule. These matches are supposed to be fun and I stopped having fun for a little while there But, depending on RM's I'll be back again.
  16. I've let this sit for a few days now before chiming in. Since area 6 was brought up by someone else I'll jump in there also. The way I understand scoring the RO calls it off and the clipboard RO repeats the score. This is a checks and balances thing going on. When they start scoring behind the shooter, there is no checks and balances going on. Even the delagate does not really know what was written down. This is bad for everyone. Mistakes on a hot southern afternoon happen very often. If you as MD decide to put every moving prop you have on one house stage that's hard to clear anyway, shame on you and you get the comments that you deserved. Don't use poor target selection/circus props as the reason to suddenly want to clear one shooter a min. on the stage. If you want to use all of your moving props in one stage either expect delays or put them on a shorter course of fire. Not the 150 yard long field course. On the house stage at area 6 the RO's and pasters had me and my shooting buddies all confused. They told me I had a mike on one target in the house, so I rushed in to see it. The paster said no it was scored two hits. So I chase the RO down again(all the way through the house). He tells me the score keeper has it and is finished. There is then a NS and a mike on the sheet. They then tell me that my bullet on the second target engaged hit the NS deflected off the 2x4 and then made a round hole in the scoring target. What the heck????? The NS was no where near the target. I've since tried to get my bullets(172pf by the way) to deflect off of a 2x4 and for some reason can not get them to. Go figure. So, No I don't think scoring behind the shooter is a good idea. Just my $.02 worth as oppinions vary.
  17. Well, I do now. A 5" STI Eagle in .40. Ready Tac holster. I'm even using the same ammo. I just load back up to 17 rounds when I leave.
  18. Michigan Today
  19. I had been told that 1.250 was the longest I could load and I'm at about 1.245.
  20. Thanks. I'm loading about as long as I can already. The ramps look the same. I pulled the extractor and cleaned the channel tonight thinking that could be it. We'll see in the morning.
  21. Well, I was trying out different spring combinations tonight and had a problem. I have two barrels fitted for my gun. One is a trubor in 38 super and the other is a bar sto in s8 super with a bedell comp. With the barsto barrel I was having problems with a few pieces of brass getting wedged between the slide and the hood of the barrel. It happens with just about any spring weight. 7, 8, 9, and 10. any ideas what would cause this and how do you fix it? The problem does not happen with the other barrel.
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