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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. I like that idea. I might even get away with it if I wrote "Kitchenaid" or "Cuisineart" on the front of it.
  2. This is how you do it. 2 in square x 1/8 thick tubular steel legs. Table top is 7ga steel framed out with 3x3x1/4 angle iron. Bottom shelf is 7ga plate on a 3" channel iron frame. Legs are leveled by 1" jack bolts and then the table top is attached to the wall with 3/8 lag bolts.
  3. You sometimes worry that your house might be raided by the fire department.
  4. You can actually tell the difference between Hoppes and Outers just by the smell.
  5. Corey, Production? Why not shoot SS minor with a 9mm.
  6. I think your level of fitness matters. In a sport where fractions of a second decide the winner, how can it not matter? Moving from shooting point to shooting point means quick starts and stops. That requires leg strength and agility. Getting to your feet after going prone or getting low enough to shoot from a low port happens much faster for the fit. You don't have to train like an Olympic champion but it does matter. I often thought that tennis would be good cross training for our sport.
  7. I used CCI almost exclusively for years and never had an issue or failure in any kind of gun (including numerous revolvers). Can't say the same for Feds. An out of gun detonation of a loaded 40 cal round pretty much ended their usage for my handguns. At this time, my primer of choice is WW but I have no hesitation to use CCI. Tls
  8. I lost 25 lbs this summer. The goal is to be down 60 by the Florida Open The motivation is simply to move better on the range. At my age, I have to take every advantage I can to keep up with these kids.
  9. I think whether to stay or go depends on the situation. I have never been DQ'ed in 7 years of shooting. There have been a few times when I could have been or maybe should have been, but so far,.... no. I have left major matches twice, but due to injury, not disqualification. In a club match, I would definately stick around and help reset the steel, taping, etc. It's just a matter of good range etiquette. In a major match it depends on when it happens. If it is the 1st day of a 3 day match and I'm 600 miles from home, I would probably pack it up and try to save additional hotel costs. Otherwise I think it is better to stick around, help your squad however you can, and be there at the end to shake the hands of the guys that shot with you. I love shooting sports, especially the big matches. I don't have to participate to enjoy the moment. It's enough to just be there and take it all in. Tls
  10. I used to have this problem but found a simple solution. During recoil I would occasionally bump the safety and engage it, often without realizing I had done it. The resulting failure to fire would result in all types of time burning gyrations. Tap, rack, reload, and then total brainlock trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Many suggested that I ride the safety with my thumb while shooting. That may work for some, but It changes my grip too much and I just couldn't make myself comfortable with it. I now have the detent pin hole drilled slightly deeper on all my guns with external safeties. You want to make sure that its the safety engagement that it drilled. I need to make it harder to engage the safety, not to disengage it. Tls
  11. The SS odyssey is on hold for now. I decided that since my leg needed time to heal, now would be the perfect time to send my 1911 to the gunsmith for a makeover. My faithful Springer is now in the hands of Rich Dettelhouser for some functional and cosmetic upgrades. I hope it doesn't take too long. I can't wait to see how it looks when I get it back. While the gun is on vacation, I have been on a mission to load as much 45 ammo as possible. I want to be ready for some drills when the blaster finds it's way home. In the mean time.... I have taken my 14 year old nephew into training for his first USPSA match. The young man is beyond enthusiastic. I have taken him to 2 club matches and he had a great time watching the proceedings. I cobbled together some gear and let him run through a stage after the match. I now have obtained proper gear and have set him up to run production with my XD-40. Yesterday was his first real training session. We spent 6 hours on the range working on fundamentals, safety and range commands. Christopher has talent, there is no doubt about it. With a little coaching, he was cutting the X out of a bullseye target at 10 yards. Not too shabby for a kid that never shot a gun of any kind, before this summer. If he sticks with it, he could become a real terror in the junior ranks. We'll see. I'm finding that teaching this kid the ropes is about as much fun as I've had at the range in a while.
  12. Stage 5. Start position was on a platform with a pvc pipe in the strong hand. When the buzzer went off I lunged forward and something popped in the back of my leg when I hit the ground. I tried to finish the stage but I couldn't push off on it. Here's what it looked like last Friday. Looks worse today, the whole back of my leg is purple. It looks like I was beaten with a baseball bat. This seems to be a common injury in this sport. I know at least two other people that have done the same thing. I did it to the other leg a few years ago at the Florida Open. Tls
  13. I can honestly say I've never had a match canceled due to hurricane. Tls
  14. Barry, was this the Holiday Inn? I am asking because we had a second hotel, Comfort Inn, that provided some rooms at a discounted rate. I would like to add Kudos to the Comfort Inn. I stayed there Friday night and had reservations for Saturday night as well. When I got hurt and had to return home, I limped into the hotel to check out around 4:00pm. It was 5 hours beyond check out time. I explained that I was injured at the match and had to leave. They didn't have to refund my money but they did (without being asked). I was very surprised and asked the lady why she had done that when she didn't have to. She said, "The maids are still here, besides...... its the right thing to do". Uncommon Decency. Tls
  15. Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces Little darling, it seems like years since Z's been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right. Welcome back.
  16. I thought I could just suck it up and deal with it. It seemed to be getting better, but today it's pretty sore. I came home early from work to soak it and then ice it down. I hope to go out to the range next weekend and do my favorite drill. I basically set up two targets about 3' apart at 7 yards distance. I draw and and double tap both targets, reload, engage, reload, engage until I have gone through four magazines and 16 rounds. This drill lets me practice draws, splits, transitions, and reloads. I have done it with my limited gun in 7 seconds and change. Thats shooting and reloading flat out with not much emphasis on hits,.... just how fast can I do it. I'm gonna work on it with the SS and watch that front sight until I can do it with all A's and nice, smooth reloads. BTW Congratulations to Shaun on winning the SS division at Tennessee. Tls
  17. This is what your foot looks like after a torn calf muscle. The internal bleeding from the muscle seeps down to your foot and turns it purple. Note the swelling still present one week after the injury occurred. Tls
  18. By now the Tennessee Sectional is over. It ended early for me on Stage 5 with a torn calf muscle. A bit of bad luck there. Anyway, I wanted a snapshot of my single stack skill set as a benchmark and I think I got that. As a limited shooter I was all about shooting the stage a fast as I could run and take aim. I am the classic spray and pray shooter. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get past that. Now I have no choice. That just doesn't work in SS. (Probably doesn't work that well in limited either) I approached the match with one overriding strategy. DONT MISS. Watch the front sight, shoot A's and let the clock take care of itself. It seemed to be working pretty well. Based on the 4 stages I completed, I was on a pace to finish in 7th place Overall. With a GM and 4 Masters in attendance, that's not a bad start for a SS newbie. Granted, with 6 stages left to shoot, anything could happen but I felt pretty good about how things were going. Now I have to let the leg heal. No running. That means several weeks of stand and shoot drills. Perhaps the injury was a blessing in disguise....... I need those drills.
  19. I don't think "challenging" is a strong enough word for stage 3. It was more like working a puzzle than shooting a stage. They should have named it "Rubiks Cube". I shot it in 28 seconds and felt pretty good about it until I discovered I had an FTE. I thought I had this thing worked out, but I never saw that last target on the walkthrough. Dropping 30 points really hurt. If you got through this one unscathed, your stage planning is good to go.
  20. It really was a good day as far as weather. It was not brutally hot as can be the case this time of year and the rain in the forecast never developed. BBQ wasn't bad either
  21. I just walked hobbled in at home. My match ended today on stage five. That's the one with the start on the platform holding a PVC pipe above your head. When the buzzer sounded I took off and as soon as my left foot hit the ground I felt (and heard) a "pop" in my leg. I instantly knew what had happened, .... torn calf muscle. This isn't the first time. It happened a few years ago at the Florida Open, only it was the right leg that time. I knew the match was over for me but it didn't hurt too bad at first so I thought I would try to finish the stage. I shot the first array to my right, reloaded and leaned to the left to take two more. When I tried to shift my weight and push off it felt like someone stuck a knife in the back of my leg. I went down on one knee and that was it for me. I absolutely hate this. My second major match ruined by injury. This one looks and feels worse than before. Now six hours later, it has swollen bad and can't put any weight at all on it. No running for me for at least a month I would guess. BTW the match was outstanding in every way. The NTPS club did their usual good work. The stages, at least the ones I saw were pretty challenging Tls
  22. Oh well. I knew what I was getting into when I saw the stage diagrams. I will certainly get some reload practice this weekend,..... with a lesson in humility thrown in. Tls
  23. Well, I had a little set back yesterday. I felt a larger magwell would be a great benefit to my reloads, so I ordered a mainspring housing, Ice magwell and some new basepads from Dawson. The magwell was a snap to install and really looks good on the gun but it really didn't fit my frame very well. When the retaining bolt is tightened down the front of the magwell pulls away from the frame of the gun. The mags don't drop freely either. Nothing serious, just needs to be custom fit to the gun. It's clear what has to be done but I don't have the proper tools. I was hoping to have it in place for the match, but it just isn't a drop in proposition. I will send it to a smith when I get back from Tenn. for a proper fit up Tls
  24. I work in the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tn. The new American built 2012 Passats are rolling off the assembly lines now and should be available at dealers this month. Guys, check out this car. It is the best bargain in the automotive market. I can't believe a car this nice is going to sell at the $20,000 price point. VW is the number 3 automaker world wide and has made a commitment to get to No.1. The new plant and new car is part of that strategy to make gains in the US market. I think they are insuring that this strategy succeeds by under pricing the car. It is available with a diesel and has received good reviews in the automotive press. Tls
  25. At my last club match, I faced one of those memory stages that everybody hates. 30 rounds 6 shooting positions along a wall. The plan was to shoot the first 2 positions without a reload, then reload while moving between each of the remaining ports. This would require using all 5 of the mags I carry. When the buzzer sounded I shot 4 rounds and launched myself toward the next port. With my first step I hit the mag release and it all went downhill from there. The mental dialog went something like this: Oh crap. I wasn't supposed to reload this soon. Maybe it would be good to put another mag in. I was only supposed to shoot three times here but now I'm fully loaded. Maybe I will take some more targets while I'm here. Move and load. Will I remember which ones I just shot? This is where I was gonna shoot 8 Did I already shoot one of these? Keep blasting. Move and reload. How many mags have I used? I wonder if I have enough ammo to finish the stage. I was only going to shoot 4 times from this port but I'm fully loaded again. Which ones was I going to shoot from here? I better shoot all the ones I can see. If I do I'll have to reload again before I take the last 2 targets. Do I have another mag on my belt? Move and reload. 4 more shots I'm done but I still have ammo. I wonder how many FTEs I had. Thank god that is over. Tls
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