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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Congratulations to Kentucky (and many thanks for handing LSU a conference loss). This sets up a really interesting game in between Auburn and LSU in Baton Rouge next Saturday night. With two outstanding defenses on the field it looks to be another low scoring smash-mouth battle. LSU is a powerful football team but I didn't think they were invincible and Kentucky proved it. The last several AU - LSU games have been extremely close. These guys play games with final scores like 7-3 and 10-9. I'm not sure but I think the last three games were settled by a total of 8 points. There's nothing fancy about it. This is a game that belongs to the linemen. You line up nose to nose and see who has the heart to win the line of scrimmage. It's a street fight with shoulder pads. I'm really looking forward to this one. Fla and Kentucky might be worth the price of admission too! If the gators drop this one you might see fireurbanmeyer.com pop up seven games removed from a national title. Welcome to the SEC coach. Tony
  2. I think I may have one stuffed in a closet somewhere. PM me and I'll see if we can work something out. Tony
  3. The best advice I can give you is this: Budget and Open division seldom belong in the same sentence together. However, there is a way. Check out SJC Customs. They build a very nice open gun on the Glock platform. I would be considerably cheaper than the traditional open gun. I don't own one, but by all accounts, they build a very good competition grade gun and have won some matches in the hands of some well known competitors. Should be worth taking a look. I'm not sure but I think you can check out their work at glockjockey.com Tony
  4. I own a P18-9. It functioned okay but was spraying ammo all over the landscape. It produced groups that looked more like shotgun patterns than groups. I sent it back to Para and they claim to have fit it with a new barrel and tested it for accuracy. They sent it back to me with a target that showed a group less than one inch shot off hand. I took the newly repaired gun back to the range and it still was shooting 6" groups off a sandbag at 25 yds. In frustration, took the gun to Rusty Kidd in Atlanta. He put a Scheumann match barrel and bushing in it. He also told me that the timing was messed up on the gun when it left the factory. The barrel was starting to come out of battery before the bullet left the barrel. That explains the spraying ammo. It doesn't explain why Para claimed it was fixed, tested it and sent it back to me when it cleary still had a problem. It shoots great now that I put $400 of gunsmith work into a new gun. Never again. With all due respect for those of you that love your Para's, for me, never again will I go down that road. Life's too short to dance with ugly women and troublesome guns. Tony
  5. Hey I shoot both. I have shot more than one stage after I forgot to turn the C-More on (producing much amusement for my fellow shooters). I have also had the fiberoptic (or entire rear sight) fall off my limited gun in the middle of a stage. It produces about the same result. As for the concussion, lets just say that after a few thousand rounds through my open blaster, I am now immune to the effects of a flashbang grenade. Tony
  6. Baseball????? Oh yeah, I remember that. We used to play it when we were kids. It gave us something to do in between football seasons. Before you start flaming me, I have an excuse. I am from Alabama where we live for college football. Everything else is just background noise. Tls
  7. Perhaps I'm just a little too demanding but I feel that any respectable firearms manufacturer should be able to produce a handgun and magazines that run. If the gun and mags that are well designed and manufactured, there is no excuse for a ninety percent failure rate with any SAAMI compliant ammo. Especially a high end gun that costs that much. That little rant off my chest, the first thing I would look at is the magazines. They are stamped and formed sheet metal and are often not manufactured to very consistent tolerances. If they were, people like Beven Grams wouldn't have gotten so many of my hard earned dollars for mag tuning. If mag is notched a little too high, the mag release will catch it and allow it to hang too low in the mag well. The bullet is not up high enough when presented for chambering and the result is a mis-feed. The bullet shape will have an impact on how bad the mis-feed is, but the mag is often the root cause. Make sure you eliminate this as a possible issue before you start tinkering with extractors and such. Tony
  8. No, she was in that big Ole "speedy" 6000lb Avalanche . I might have to start making her drive the vette so she will slow down!! You own an Avalanche and a Vette? I'm so jealous
  9. I'll do my best. Torn calf muscles seem to be a pretty common injury in this sport. Randal Webb tore his up at Area 6 Randy Uy did the same thing just a few days ago at the Tennessee State. Perhaps you could lead us all in stretching exercises before the match. T
  10. Count me in Z man. BTW are you shooting Single Stack again this year? Shooting Friday sounds good to me. Tony Shores
  11. I don't know if it will become a trend or not. As you say, when the coach called time, there was no way to know if the kick was going to be good or not. Anything can happen, block, mishandled snap. If the first try is a miss, you just give them a practice shot and a second chance. I don't see the wisdom.
  12. The wolf has confronted a man with a warrior mentality. A man armed with more than a stick, he is armed with resolve. He has trained well, therefore he is prepared. He is completely focused on the task at hand. When resolve, intensity and preparation meet, pity the poor wolf.
  13. You can also make up a language. How about Klingon? I'm not very good at it. I wouldn't be sure if I just bought a time share or started an intergalactic war.
  14. I can always tell by the caller ID if its a telemarketer. I usually just let it ring, but if I want to mess with them, I just answer them in German. Halo? Das ist Tony. Sprechen Deutsch? Nein? Auf Wiedersehen
  15. Haven't finished this one yet. How bout a chorus? Robbie rosin up your hands and make your mag change fast, Cause hells broke loose in Tulsa and the devil's shootin last, So if you win you get these shiny bullets made of brass, But if you lose the devil gets your a**. If anybody wants to write the next verse, be my guest.
  16. Absolutely great game. Everybody got down on Auburn because they lost a couple of games already. I never believed they were as bad as some folks were making them out to be. They won their season opener against Kansas State (who knocked off Texas yesterday). They lost in overtime to USF (who knocked off West Virgina Friday) They also lost to Miss. State (who lost yesterday but played well in a road game at South Carolina). 19 point underdog to Florida? ..... Please. That young offensive line is growing up. Let's see where we go from here. War Eagle. Tony WTS: Slightly used kryptonite. Contact Tommy Tuberville
  17. 38superman

    Lowly C

    I am a B shooter in Limited and Lim10. My intial classification in Open was about 50% Within a month or two I added 5% with a few classifiers and a major match or 2. It just takes a little time to get used to the open gun. Once I have learned how to shoot it, I expect my percentage to quickly catch up to the other divisions. There are C & D class shooters in open, but not nearly as many as in the other divisions. Since Open is not a gateway division, this is to be expected. Can't ever remember a newbie showing up to shoot a match with an open blaster. Most migrate there after they have already learned what they're doing. Shooting open in C class made me immedately competitive. That was a nice change after laboring in the middle of the B class limited pack for a while now. Tony
  18. I guess I'm not sure if you are referring to what we call ourselves as members of the forum or as participants in this sport. As a member of the forum I would call myself "someone that would rather post than work". However, that's kind of long so I think we call ourselves "Brian's Disciples" As members of the sport, I vote for "Children of Colonel Kilgore" "I love the smell of napalm gunpowder in the morning" Kilgore's Children Works for me. Tony
  19. The longer sight radius might be helpful if I actually looked at the sights. I tend to shoot my limited gun like I shoot my open gun. I look at the targets and fire when I see anything orange move across it. Hey,....... stop laughing. I hit the targets, ... most of them anyway.
  20. This was my second year for the Tenn. sectional and I wouldn't miss it. The match is always well organized and flows smoothly. The stages were fun and interesting. The match staff & sponsors always seem to put together one of the best prize tables I have seen anywhere. Many thanks to all that helped to make it happen. My only complaint is that I think I got a "mike" when one of my shots deflected off a mosquito. Tony
  21. Needing to get up in the night to urinate is one of several symptoms for a prostate issue. Possibly BPH, possibly something worse. You need to have your PSA checked. Prostate cancer is no joke. Tony
  22. Hey! That's my sister! Just what are your intentions DP? What's this about postable pictures ZH?
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