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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. You make some good points John but I'm not so sure I see it as a point of honor. As a shooter, I have been hurt by some rulings that I thought were just flat out wrong. I have also had some calls that were questionable that went in my favor. In any case I am always ready and willing to accept whatever the ruling is as a good sportsman. The bottom line is that the RO runs the shooter, the shooter does not run the RO. I call them like I see them and I expect whoever is running me to do the same. Everyone of us makes mistakes, but at the end of the day the RO is the boss. If he makes a bad call in my favor I don't argue, any more than I argue a bad call that works against me. I simply defer to the judgement of the man in charge and let the chips fall where they fall. Tls
  2. In the example I gave, the RO got it right as far as his perception of what happened. He clearly recognized that the gun went off before I meant for it to. He simply interpreted the circumstances and the rules that apply and ruled that it was not a DQ offense. It was my rookie year in IPSC and I really wasn't sure, but I thought he was correct based on the 6 foot rule. I am now an RO and have studied the rule book quite extensively but I still am not sure if it was the correct call. Thank God the statute of limitations has run out. Tls
  3. I think you could make an argument either way. It didn't happen while moving between arrays. I was approaching a target and taking aim. I touched one off a split second before I meant to, due to sloppy trigger control. The bullet went under the target and into the berm. As an RO, I don't see how you could argue if the shooter said "it wan't an AD, it was a just a mike". I know that it was an AD but how could the RO be sure? This is exactly my point. There are times when the application of the rules is a bit of a grey area. By the way, if it was a valid DQ offense, why the language in the rule book about a round stiking the ground at a specified distance from the shooter's feet? Tls
  4. I shoot Zero JHP's in my guns. Decent price, outstanding performance. The only downside is limited availability lately. Tls
  5. If you are refering to the STI Edge, it is not production legal due to the single action trigger. If you want to shoot a 1911/2011 style gun in production the logical choice would be a Para LDA Tony
  6. I have used both and the Prec. Deltas do smoke. I didn't notice it too much when shooting. However, when going back and watching my stages on video, I was surprised how much smoke it was making. It's really not a function of who makes the bullet. If it has exposed lead on the base it will smoke. The only solution is a totally enclosed bullet with a jacketed base (or a hollow point). Montana Gold makes round nosed totally enclosed and hollow points. Last time I checked they also had bullets with lead exposed base. It just depends on the specific bullet ordered. I have adopted jacketed base bullets even though they tend to cost a little more. As shooters we all have to be careful about lead exposure. I don't want to make a bad situation worse by breathing in that smoke. Tony
  7. Okay, check this out and tell me if the RO made the right call. At a major match a few years back, I started a stage with gun holstered and hands on a prop. On the start signal I dropped the prop and began to move toward the first target array while drawing the pistol. Just as I got the gun up and my weak hand on it, I let one get away prematurely. It was an accidental discharge, but was in the general direction of the targets. The RO didn't stop me and I continued throught the stage. At the end the assistant RO questioned the RO and the reply was: "Yes that shot was not an aimed shot but he was engaging targets when it happened and the round landed more than 6 feet away from the shooters feet" After reviewing the rules I believe it was the right call. However, there are times when interpreting and enforcing the rules is not quite so straight forward as we would like. Tony
  8. Okay that settles it. I'm with Merlin on this one. We need to start a new movement. Save the Classic Cars. I suggest we start by buying up all the SS396 Chevy's, Road Runners, Cameros, GTO's etc. we can find. Take them into protective custody before someone sets them on fire. That is sinful. If they want to make a movie let them burn a Toyota. Tony
  9. This isn't hard to call. He had an accidental discharge during movement from one shooting position to another. DQ Tony
  10. Joe4D & Dirtypool40, I am with you 1000%. Just one problem. I had serious accuracy issues with my P18 LDA out of the box. I did send it back to Para for repair. They claimed to have replaced the barrel, test fired it and sent it back to me "REPAIRED". It was no better when I got it back than when I sent it. In utter frustration, I sent it to my smith. He put a Schuemann barrel and bushing in it, tweaked the timing, and it now shoots fine. I don't like this any better than you. However, there comes a point where you have to ask yourself, how many times do I want to pay the shipping to send it back to the factory when it is clearly an exercise in futility? I just paid the price to fix it and chalked it up to a lesson in life. I just won't make the same mistake twice. Despite the advice I have been given from just about anyone I could ask, I got the P18 9mm instead of the S--. Money isnt everything, but it's something. No disrespect to Beretta Lover but .... told ya. Tony
  11. I'll give you $100 for that now obsolete D200. Well, it's a start. $100 down,...... $4900 to go. How about $100 for my now obsolete N90?
  12. Anybody tried the Montana Gold 55 gr. through a CTR-02 18" match 1:9 twist? If so, what powder, results? Tony
  13. Crap. Now I have to pony up 5 grand for a new camera. It is clearly a must have for sports photography. I thought I was doing good when I got my D200.
  14. It's good to hear from you Jim. I'm glad you're okay I will look forward to the day I'm speaking to you from across a table instead of an ocean. Tony
  15. Hey Kath, I agree with you. I love football, especially college ball. I am an Auburn fan and watching the SEC (NFL lite) is never boring. For all you off-shore types, yes we know all about Soccer in the states. We have leagues for our kids to play in. Tony
  16. NO!. We have to keep talking about this til we get it right.
  17. It's about the shooting. You hear it over and over again. Of course it's about the shooting. I wouldn't stay away from a match because it doesn't have a prize table. If so I wouldn't ever go to a club match. I wouldn't go to a match simply because they do have a prize table. Matches that are well run and well designed will see me there, prize table or not. That said, I still think it's a nice touch and I always like my cake with a little icing. There's nothing wrong with asking sponsors to give something back to the sport that keeps them in business. There's nothing wrong with a decent gift to the first C shooter that just beat 40 of his peers. If you are going to have a prize table I prefer class winners then order of finish. Rewarding the top shooters over and over is nice. They earned their way to the top. But do you really think another XD or 1911 means anything to Robbie or Manny? To a newbie it's like winning the lottery. Sandbaggers are a fact of life, but they are not a good enough reason to blow away the classification system or to eliminate recognition. If those guys really bother us that much, change the rules to make it tougher on them. Tony
  18. I happen to like matches that sport a nice prize table. I think it adds a little fun and excitement when there are decent prizes up for grabs. It doesn't have to cost a fortune in match fees. The Tennessee sectional is a pretty good example. They always have a very good prize table and gave away quite a few guns this year but the entry fee was not excessive. It really doesn't matter too much to me what system you use to determine the order. Any system will reward those that shoot well and leave behind those that don't. That said, I like the systems that rewards all the class winners. I think it is worthwhile to see the newbies and the youngsters win something decent now and then. It encourages them and keeps them interested. That is good for the growth and future of the sport. Tls
  19. Cancer is a brutal and cruel disease that touches us all one way or another. Once you discover you have it, it never leaves your thoughts. You can wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you will think of it before your feet touch the floor. I was a macho man that thought you only go to the doctor if you're sick, ... bad sick. What an idiot! If I had, it may have been caught sooner and would have been easier to deal with. Mine has advanced to the point where a cure is still possible but it is going to be a fight with some real unpleasant days ahead. Sam is obviously upset about his friend and rightfully so. I don't want to hijack his thread and make it about me so I'm going to make it about you. If any of you guys don't know your PSA level, you are playing Russian Roulette with your life. You can't just decline to play. If you are a man you are already in the game. The longer you wait, the more bullets in the gun. Do it Now. Step back from the keyboard, pick up the phone and make an appointment. I know, I hate needles too but that's out the window now. I know what some of you are thinking. "Prostate cancer is an old mans disease". "It's not going to happen to me, I'll take my chances". "It's curable, I'll deal with it when it happens". "I'll do it later, I'm too busy right now". If so, come and find me at the next match. We need to talk. Thanks for all the good wishes. Tony
  20. I am sorry for your friend Hop and for you as well. I know how he feels because I have it too. Prostate cancer. I just found out about 2 months ago. When I told my best friend he broke down and cried like a baby. I haven't told too many people outside my family. I thought about starting a thread on the forum but wasn't sure if it was appropriate. It's a morbid subject and definately not shooting related. I will keep your friend in my prayers. I've been doing a lot of that lately. Tony
  21. The Varsity? Any time I get an urge to go there, I just drink a bottle of Crisco and I'm over it. Tls
  22. 38superman

    Why we compete

    I have a bad back and some days at the end of the match, it is so painful to bend over I have contemplated leaving the mags where they lie. I must admit to using performance enhancing drugs. Aleve and Ibuprofin. I hope this will not create scandal or tarnish my legacy. Tls
  23. 38superman

    Why we compete

    Thanks for reminding me why I love this sport. Tls
  24. Fireant, Since you stipulated near the airport, I am going to let you in on one of my personal favorites. It is known mostly to locals since it is a small shop and off the beaten path. It is a French cafe and bakery that is located on the main street in Hapeville, Ga. This is just north of the Airport and best access is from I-75. Google maps will get you there. It is just down the street from the old Ford Atlanta plant and I used to make a point to go there for lunch anytime I was in the area. Great sandwiches and soups and pastry. The have a recipe for chili that is unlike anything you ever tasted. It is spicey, slightly sweet and so good I could eat a gallon of it. "Cafe at the Corner" 636 South Central Avenue Hapeville, Ga. Tony
  25. Don't judge all widebodies by the failure of a few. Many of the 1911/2011 guns run great. My SVI is as reliable as gravity and it was from day one. The biggest problem is usually the magazines. I don't understand why any manufacturer would build a fine firearm and cut corners on the mags. It has to be that pressure to keep profits up leads to the temptation to cut corners. If you don't want to skimp on quality control for the gun, the logical place to do it is the magazines. The gun and mags are a system that is only as strong as the weakest component. Continuously dumping them on the ground and trampling all over them probably doesn't help. Tls
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