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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by folsoml

  1. How could I have missed this? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  2. I was on the way to the last Area 6 and still didn't have my last issue, yet my partner brought his with him...and we don't live that far apart. He said he'd had it a couple of weeks. And I don't yet have the current issue either.
  3. Go online to www.experian.com/fraud You can do one online fraud alert and it will be shared with the other two major companies.
  4. The only thing that surprised me, was that the car ever caught up with the motorcycle. Other than that, it was as I expected.
  5. I cried like a baby when my dog Cleatus died after being hit by a car. It was such a shock because he ran back home and immediately when into his kennel. I took him to the vet thinking he would be hobbling around the house in a leg cast for a while. I thought, "Hey, if he can make it home and into his kennel, it can't be that bad, right?" By the time we got to the vet he was having trouble breathing and the vet said there was nothing we could do. I never thought I would cry like that because, he was more my wife's dog than mine. My deepest sympathies, Patrick.
  6. I wish I had your problems. I can't even come close to the guys I shoot with.
  7. Like you said, on the longer courses you will be at a slight disadvantage, but probably only to the tune on one extra reload. On the shorter courses, it will be a wash because you both will have to reload, but only once. You will just have to do your one reload earlier (unless it is a really short course and they can do it in one mag). Nice homemade magwell, by the way!
  8. Have you tried brownell's? It seems like I saw some in the catalog, but that's at my office now. I just did a search on the website but didn't find any.
  9. This way kind of weeds out the sandbaggers as well.
  10. And we could have been such great friends. You needn't worry about me anyway. I work strictly property crimes now; no marked car, no uniform, more importantly: NO LASER!
  11. This trend of blame shifting has got to be society's fault.
  12. I kept waiting for the part where they either flipped, or ran someone over.
  13. Everything was the same. It was plenty dirty from a practice session earlier in the week, but no dirtier than it has been before. I goobed up with Slide Glide the night before, just like always. Nothing different.
  14. Now, not only do you have to worry about lead splatter from steel, but flying wagon rim parts.
  15. Quite impressive! Each run that makes it in one piece is a miracle.
  16. I do blame the ammo. Speer TMJs worked fine.
  17. Anybody else check his profile to see where he "works" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your reading about all these tricks and camoflage cops are using, and you want to know where I will be parking my marked car on the side of the road?? You'll see ME from a half a mile away!
  18. Ths range on my particular radar unit was cut way down in the rain.
  19. I take back every nice thing I said about blazers. Today I shot a match with blazers and on the first stage, I had about 15 light primer hits. I got a lot of malfunction clearing practice today. Now, I do have a 17# mainspring in my Para instead of the factory 21# spring, but I've shot my own reloads and other factory ammo with no problem. I don't know if it was a bad lot or old ammo, but when I switched to Speer Lawman for the rest of the match, I had no trouble--with the same gun.
  20. I shot an underground pipe supplying water to our barn when I was a kid. Shot it with a .22 rifle. Got my behind whupped for it. Like I could have PLANNED something like that!
  21. We got nothing but excuses from the cops we wanted to come to the match. "Oh, I don't want to embarass myself." What a bunch of fragile egos! They need to lighten up and laugh at themsleves. Plus, the ones who don't feel like they can shoot well enough are the ones who NEED to be at the range. I hope the guys who came spread the word that it is really a lot of fun. We hope to make this an annual event. Plus, I took HOA Limited 10.
  22. There are plenty in unmarked cars. And about the bullies: I was watching one of those scariest cop video show (which I rarely watch because it is like being at work) and they were showing an in-car camera shot of a traffic stop. This cop was not being rude per se, but he was being very short with the guy...telling him where to stand, asking if he'd been drinking (and not believing him). Well this other car comes along and hits the cop. He falls down and the guy he originally stopped helps him by calling for help on the radio and covering him with a blanket. He ends up thanking him on the show and I was thinking, "I hope you see how you were treating this guy and learn that, hey, you might need this guy to save your life some time."
  23. I rarely ever stopped anyone who wasn't going 20 MPH or more over the limit, and still plenty of busy days. I figure anyone can "accidentally" go 5 or 10 over without realizing it. 20 takes a little effort.
  24. The Leon County (Fl) Sheriff's Office Practical Shooting Team hosted an IPSC match for charity today and raised over $1200 for the Florida Special Olympics. Although we fell well short of the numbers we were looking for with our turnout, it kept it manageable and fun. We shamed a few cops into coming out a shooting (I never thought that would be so hard) and maybe they'll spread the word about what a great sport IPSC shooting is. Part of the proceeds came from a raffle for a certificate for a Beretta CX4 Storm Carbine, and get this: I have a friend who won one of these at shooting match back in November. The same guy won this one!!! So now he owns TWO Beretta Carbines, and HASN'T HAD TO PAY FOR EITHER. The worst part is he's one of those guys who doesn't need another gun anyway, but he say's he'll get this one in a different caliber.
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