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Everything posted by alma

  1. Imagine playing basketball and every court you go to has a slightly different set of rules. Just saying that the rules are posted at the door of the gym and you are just lazy for not reading them doesn't change the fact that it's stupid. I get that some modification in rules is required at different levels just like highschool, college, and the NBA will have slightly different rules, but the core game is still the same.
  2. Please enlightening us. On which platform are they based?
  3. Jason Tielke did one a few years ago. See if this link still works: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AllOHAfJZi57dG9qUU5WTjBXR0hoYnhnVkxiLTJoZEE&usp=sharing The link works but the document is not being shared publicly.
  4. One more thought. Has anyone done a side by side comparison to map out commonalities and identify differences between the various 3 Gun rule sets?
  5. And then there are the rules that no one thinks about until it becomes an issue like whether you can shoot off of that tree that is out of bounds as long as your feet stay in. Maturing the rules in a standard way with an accepted governance process to ensure voices are heard has advantages.
  6. Maybe the SSM DQs give the best example of why common rules are a good thing. The same safe actions which would be perfectly legal at man matches (including the previous year's SSM) was the root cause of the vast majority of DQs. Some may having not read the rules, some may have not understood the rules, but others may have just been doing the actions which were programmed into muscle memory and which came thoughtlessly during the heat of a run. I attended a recent match and heard 4 different opinions on how much time a miss would be penalized. The shotgun tube example is annoying but perhaps the least of the concerns. What are the most contentious differences between various 3 Gun rules? My guess is that the differences are relatively minor, somewhat arbitrary, and unlikely to greatly change the overall match in a significant way when switching one ruleset out forms another. If that is the case then why not come to a consensus that still allowed local MDs the flexibility to run stages the way they want?
  7. I picked up some from Stoeger. They were inexpensive to purchase an included free shipping. It could make my own but they wouldn't look nearly as nice. I would gladly order again.
  8. I ha lready done the Checkering and modifications to the beaver tail and trigger guard (although I might take the trigger guard a bit higher. Just trying to find out how the extra. I think the TS is a lot of gun for the money but I don't get + $1,800 for it
  9. Also, is this for a tactical training course or a scored match?
  10. Any significant advantage of the Czechmate over a modified TS? I am not understanding the additional cost.
  11. So you don't want them yo know when something has been activated?
  12. I take it that is a general rule and not division specific? An interesting point, but the hood on my WRS does not physically contact the pistol and is not what I would call a "strap". At any rate, every non-USPSA 3-Gun I have attended allows competitors to engage or not engage retention as they wish. In USPSA, my guess is you will have to use one holster for the whole match and you might have to use retention whenever you holster. I think the larger issue is that 3-Gun stages are not won or lost on the extra split second a retention holster might add, and I have seen lots of people with "very secure" kydex holsters dump pistols and go home. Getting DQ'ed from a major match is an expensive proposition, so I am willing to run a retention holster. Correct, this USPSA handgun rule applies to all divisions. My assumption is that the WRS hood would be deemed equivalent to a retaining strap and shooter would need to have it engaged before the start signal. I don't know that this rule is well known so I wouldn't be surprised to see some RO's overlooking it if the shooter does not have it engaged and there doesn't seem to be a penalty involved where this is neglected. For a pistol match the CRO in me says it must be engaged but the gamer in me says leave it down and see whether the RO picks up on it. Worst case would be he or she tells you to engage it. This rule seems a little unfair as the true race holsters include a locking mechanism which can be disengaged before starting the stage. I would be curious as to the origins of the rule and whether it is one which could use some attention in a future update to the rules. Regardless I cannot find an equivalent rule in the USPSA Multigun or other 3 Gun rules so it seems like the WRS offers the best of both worlds for those matches.
  13. I don't see a multigun equivalent but here is the handgun rule: Unless specified in the written stage briefing, or unless required by a Range Officer, the position of holsters and allied equipment on the belt must not be moved or changed by a competitor during a match. If a retaining strap is attached to a holster or magazine pouch, it must be applied or closed prior to issuance of the Standby command.
  14. Mine started life as an A2 Bushmaster. a few upgrades later the lower is the only thing remaining.
  15. Personally, I think you would be better off with a hood style retention holster, and then simply not engaging the hood on a stage where you are willing for forgo retention—say, a stage where you immediately draw pistol at the start. That is pretty much what I do with the Blade-Tech WRS: pistol first, hood down; anything else, hood up. Is that legal under the various 3 gun rules? I know that USPSA pistol rules required thumb breaks to be in place and etc. if they are on the holster. I agree that what you are describing would be the obvious solution if acceptable.
  16. The newer update on Android required manual approval since the app's permissions had changed. The additional OS permissions it required included access to Bluetooth and audio recording functionality. I can post a screen capture of the full rights late on. No, I'm sure you saw it, I'm just saying there's no mention of anything corresponding to those two function requirements in the change log on practiscore.com. I was looking for those in the change log as well. Here are the new permissions:
  17. Yeah, I wasn't thinking that this could be the popups that started on XP last month warning users that support was ending. I am sure many have been confused by them but regardless of which new operating system you move to you would certainly be long overdo for an upgrade if you are seeing those warnings from Microsoft.
  18. The newer update on Android required manual approval since the app's permissions had changed. The additional OS permissions it required included access to Bluetooth and audio recording functionality. I can post a screen capture of the full rights late on.
  19. Put a but on red loctite on those screws once you get down there.
  20. I noticed the Android app had she new permissions. Any details that you can provide on what is in store? Pretty sure I saw bluetooth and audio recording on the list. Any shot timer functionality coming?
  21. So what do you have on the bottom rail on your handguard. Guessing that is to brace on barricades?
  22. Fredericksburg puts on a great match. What time did you get out of there on Saturday?
  23. Looks good. I would think about removing some material above the follower as well.
  24. Why not run a Seekins ATC comp? I am loving mine. I also just installed a Seekins SP3R with a SLR Sentry 7 underneath.
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