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Everything posted by alma

  1. What I am seeing mostly is a difference in positioning of your strong hand thumb. sometimes it is right on the frame but other times it is on your weak hand. On a couple of stages you even did both on either side of a reload. It may just be due to perspective but when slowing the video down to 25% it really looked to me like your gun was tracking inconsistently which would can be the result of an inconsistent grip. Not sure if that is a contributor but it would certainly make it more difficult to shoot reliably at speed.
  2. Here is the video. I will see if I can pull some examples about your grip. It was hard to see how low you had your left hand but It looked a bit low as well. It all applies but my CCZ grip is around the 3:50 mark.
  3. I just watcher your video and was thinking the same thing. It looked like you were unsure on your shots something you were staying on the target a long time before making a non-committal move to the next. Get enough alignment before pulling the trigger and know where the front sight was when the shot went bang versus looking for holes. Whew you transition make sure that you are finding the target with your eyes/head first. You were pretty slow on a of those transition like you were following the sights all the way over. Your grip looked very inconsistent with nothing your strong hand and week hand. It can be different on draws, after reloads, and it's inconsistent stage to stage. You need to fix this. I have a video that I made that I can post that might help.
  4. I haven't read all of the responses but how honest art you wish your sight alignments during dry fire practice? Perhaps you shot devote some of your time to just heating proper sight alignment without the trigger pull. I found that in a rush to get to the "click" can sometimes accept less than a perfect sight picture. That means that I am not pushing myself in practice to get my sights aligned where they need to be so my match draws can be much slower. I guess that brings up the question about your dry fire practice times versus what you see in a match. How do they compare? I just picked up one of the Stoeger books that has a lot of specific dry fire drills to perfect various skills. You should take a look at it if you needs to improve your dry fire training routine.
  5. Its often ideal in Production to find nice places to stop, shoot 6 to 10 rounds, an start moving again to the next position with a reload along the way. Almost nothing eats away the clock as much as stopping your momentum to set up for a shot and then having to get moving again. Depending on the target distance, positioning, and your ability to shoot on the move it is really nice to have the option to hit a few targets on the move on the way to your next position to minimize those time-consuming starts and stops. Like so many other things Smoothness (not necessarily raw speed) is the critical element of doing this well. It's important to blend your knees more and focuses on rolling your foot heel to toe to provide for a more staple platform. The suggestion to get a cup of water and walk around the yard trying not to spill it is a good one. You should also break out the timer and set up two shooting boxes with a few targets beyond the last box. Start in the far box and time ourself 1. shooting the targets from the far box and rushing forward to closest box, 2. Rushing forward to the closest box and shooting all targets from the closest distance, and 3. On start shoot the three targets on the move while approaching the closest box. See how each strategy compares. Also, for 3 try a relaxed walking pace we're you are comfortable getting your hits versus an all out run. You might be surprised how fast a relaxed shooting pace with consistent forward movement can be. Try changing target distance and positioning and seem how this affect your times. Shooting on the move will not always be the fastest so it's up to you to discover what works for you at your skill level.
  6. Moved from Glock 34 with a 19 for EDC to CZ 75 SP01 Shadow and CZ 75 Compact L for EDC.
  7. alma

    cops secret training

    As you implied the problem is money or rather a lack of. Training time is expensive as is ammo and unfortunately with the current economy things are not likely to get better any time soon. Most administrators will not allow you to set the standard to a level where it should be in my opinion because they don't have the funds to pay for it. Expecting officers to spend their own money on ammo is not realistic either. I have guys working for me who are barely scraping by as it is.Pat I think perspective is a more significant deficiency than money. Since qualifications are designed around the lowest common denominator many have no idea about what "good" even looks like. It builds a false confidence and ego about expertise which comes crashing down the second they step onto the range at a dynamic pistol competition with shooters who have more understanding of what good looks like. I have them upmost respect for our Law Enforcement officers. I also truly admire the ones who have the confidence (and sometimes humility) to step on the range side by side with the civilians who arrived pushing the limits of speed and accuracy with pistols, rifles, shotguns, and etc. A dear Federal LE friend of mine not only attended matches frequently but he always shot his duty gun with full-power service ammo. He also stressed accuracy whenever he approached a stage. I always felt that by doing this he was taking his responsibility to protect and defend to the next level. I certainly know that if my life was in jeopardy and I couldn't take care of it myself that he is the first one that I would hope to see exiting the SWAT transport.
  8. Autoload is great. It's nice to not have to change my reload based on rounds left in the gun. I usually strong-hand quad load but here is my weak-hand load using the Autoload feature for when I need just one more round. Rounds in the shell carrier are turned the opposite direction from where they would be positioned for a traditional weak-hand load. Here is Autoload (on a Browning Gold) in action loading 4 on an empty gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JN-KF-5JEQ#t=43
  9. Can you offer slide milling for the micro dots as well? Seems like the way to go to get them as low as possible.
  10. alma

    cops secret training

    That seems like a very generous statement.
  11. I am baffled by the lack of discussion on the A5. I am actively shopping for a 26" myself right now. I agree with the recommendation to not cut it down from there. You would want a mag tube that holds at least 10 so the gun wont be shorter than 26" anyway. Here is a thread I started after I noticed how good the A5 port looked for quad loading: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=187064&hl=
  12. Does the sensitivity setting impact the accelerometer?
  13. Could be worse. I used my kid's double wide stroller last time. The gun racks on the sides got some strange looks.
  14. Until the RO issues the instruction, "if clear, hammer down, holster," you have not yet arrived at 8.3.7 so it is not a DQ.
  15. Other than during movement, where in the rules (USPSA handgun or multigun) does it say you must be shooting at a target or it's a DQ?
  16. No DQ. After the RO issues the "If you are finished unload and show clear (8.3.6)" command the shooter can still fire. If the RO gets to 8.3.7 "If you are clear, hammer down, holster (8.3.7)" then the shooter may not fire and doing so would be a DQ under 10.4.3. In this example, just because it surprised the RO doesn't mean it was a DQable offense.
  17. And does the standard ACCU upgrade on guns sent to CZC include the barrel? Guessing not but I can dream, right?
  18. Thank you for the detailed update and for your efforts.
  19. I am wondering the same thing. I sent mine in April 3rd but was hoping locality would help me out a bit.
  20. I have seen this in USPSA. After the second or third squib in a match we pulled the ammo.
  21. alma

    Best slide lock

    If shooting USPSA production you need to stick with the OEM factory extended release. Unsure about other options.
  22. Sweet! Bug dixes! Does anyone else wish the random delay start would take just a little bit longer to start? Sometimes I am not back into my ready position before it goes off.
  23. alma

    Strange TS request.

    The TRS designs is very basic. DOE's anyone gave experience with making their own Springs.
  24. alma

    Strange TS request.

    I don't know why but going from a 6lb shotgun to a 3.5 lb rifle to a 1lb 12oz TS hasn't bothered me. The only thing I would change is the reset is not as positive as it is on my SP01 Shadow. Very subtle "click." I am guessing you could make a heavier trigger return spring since it's a pretty basic design but I would just try to get used to it.
  25. Team sports and 3-gun is a crappy analogy. What about golf then?
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