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Everything posted by Rikarin

  1. This is such an awsome idea. Its very very difficult for women to get into the sports unless someone close to is shooting already. I'd love to teach other women to shoot and see them enjoy. Have no idea how many women would show up in our area but I wish we could!
  2. Thanks for the tips.. I think Shot-Round's rechipe would work so great for me. I am soooo stressed out. Being sick, dealing with stupid client and controling a*&hole photographer (yes, I keep on having problem. They have so much problem when this small asian woman boss them around) and so much stuff to be done before the Babes with Blllet camp. I used pheromone spray and didn't work. Sounds like plug in is better choice... I will try tuna now. Maybe add some milk to it...
  3. Hahahahaha! You just priced a man... a pizza Funny!
  4. Rikarin

    5 Tips For A Woman

    but Erik, it would be super if they are all friends! :o
  5. Ahhh, my nightmare. My family does't get along. Last night, my cats (three of them) saw a stray cats through a screen window and they got sooooooooo frightened, tearing each other, one of them is even pooping all over (I guess she got scared sh*tless) . I finally managed to cage the wrost one into cat carrierand keep them in separate room over night. But wrost one growl and hiss when I comeby. I might have to keep her in the cage all day today. I don't know if that's ok. I know I can bring the carrier to the vet but that would be $$$. Do anyone know how to like, make them forget what happened? It happened before in 1/10 of severity and vet said "time will calm them down". How helpful.
  6. Thank you Sharyn. Exaaaaactly. I need man power here. When men are most useful! :D Hmmm, NOW I have good reason to go to Bay Brdige Charity match this weekend... I heard a lot of young Marines are helping things out.. !!!! Talk about muscles. Ok, I have to go buy that open end wrench and close end wrench (I have so many manly tools already was trying to avoid it. ) and bring to the match with die. I can found lots of manly men there even no Marines, no??? VLAD: thought so but many of the cases were shot by Glock and sized by Dillon. Goppies they are and need to resize by Lee...
  7. Rrrrright. Exactly. Just loosen the nut.... but nothing can loosen that biaaatch!! I was using the that wrentch - you can swing left and right but only turns one direction - and wrenth itself almost broke or crecent wrenth stripps the flat part of the die itself. Lee must have poured locktight in it. hemph.!
  8. We're talkin' girl talk here. It's the Lee Die Thingie... but different than Rikarin's 'cause hers is first and mine is last... and mine doesn't have the stick thingie in it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hahahaha! I totally forget what it was called. But you boys understand too right??
  9. Sky I used to live in Europe and traveled alot. My base was in Holland where food is horrible. Everytime I go Italy or Spain, I was so happy. You better open restaurant here! Yep those are machines I have with motor and thing to attach to the counter. I use my feet - put egg, flour and teeeny weeny little bit of water as little as possible between thick plastic and stomp on it. Otherwise, there's no way I can need without adding more water. It's just amazing how good it is. Its taste like fresh pasta but have strength like dried one. Mmmm. salmon and voka. You are northern Italian eh? Cream in the recipe.
  10. So, I heard you guys and bought Lee's size-die and having a good result. I have to nudge the case into the die with finger 1 in every 5 or so and it is much heavier to operate. But rejection rate is so minimal and I think its worth. I have bunches of cases I pulled bullets out. You see, primers are in them. I wanted to pull the primer pushing stick thingy out of the die. But this thing is like lock-tight! so I thought I might be doing something wrong... all I have to do is loose (counter clockwise) the smaller bolt on to of the die right???? Argh. I don't have vice
  11. Ah, thanks! I thought its handmade and it must take hours! I make pasta myself sometime, and even fettucini (sp?) takes quite while. But it still looks like maggot...... Aaaaaah, thats my dream... go Italy and eat as I go. I only went Millan and Blogna. You are a lucky one Skywalker!
  12. Goerge thanks! Hope you are spa-ing and dining and having fun after the grueling match!
  13. Oh my god, it almost sounds like you witness what happened to me last week! ...And I remember that I only remmeber the shots which I mseed up. Like, when I went " bang bang" even when my FS is behind the RS. Or, finding the target and waiting almost forever to find the FS and then lining them up. The shots I don't remember are either I hit A or nearly A, or my eye went to next target before I called shots. Either way I felt its ok...that I "felt" I called shots. So, I can not recall the stage like video camera tayping. Brian, you are very visual person I think. Do you think I should work on so that I can remember each shots?
  14. I never heard of this past (some Italian name) and ordered. whoa. I think I'd like to name it. Maggotti alla Bolognese
  15. Chet! That's soooo funny. whoever ate that baked fish must be Japanese... he/she has technique to eat baked fish with chopsticks.
  16. FYI, in Steel Challenge, to able to score something as Lady, whatever the gun you shoot, you are classified as Open. It totally made sence she shot open too.
  17. After a lot of consideration, I think I stick with Julie method. I have to flip ALOT to reach. I mean almost like 45 degree. Its difficult not to drop while running or keep muzzle down range. I experimented with strong hand index finger aproach and don't get it. I need to shift grip anyway to reach strong side mag release (XD can do from both side). How you guys do that? Best way I cna come up with is to push with strong hand middle finger. If I can master stronghand method, it would be better than weakhand thumb.
  18. ooooh, this zatoichi is a great modernizing of the classic. I loved it too. How takeshi used the hip to shoot is so similar to other martial arts but not like kendo (refined sport version of sword-art). Talking about samurai movie, tasogare Seibei (Twilight Seibei) is the must. It gave you whole new meaing to what samurai is all about. It has very Japanese emotional context too. It made me cry river....
  19. I know... I hated it furst but after experiencing it, I changed mind. I wasn't even expecting anyone commenting on architecture on shooting forum. It is already nicknamed "flight career" or "S.S. de Young" buhahaha. It does look like it!
  20. Hmmm, wisedom here. I kinda is out form "burnt out" , because of the match last weekend I went saying "don't wannago!" I guess I finally was able to do "abandon" and it was a blast. Funny how things work.... when I absolutely didn't want to shoot, I had a break through. But its so true. I dedicated myself to shooting too much and started to feel like draggin myself to the work. I am cutting back bit here and enjoying writing an article on contemporary architecture. If I made it deadline, I might even go to Richmond to shoot this weekend!
  21. So, I am reporter and my new project is to report new Fine Art Museum of San Francisco buidling, which was designed by really famous architects Herzog & de Muron. Dominus Estate Winery was their frist American project. I went there and I was so blown. Let me say I used to hate modern/contemporary design. They are so cold, un-inviting, difficult to use. You know, clean lines are ok but human being is a mess. If we cannot use it - because we mess that clean lines - what's good for? But herzog & de Muron is differnt. They first studied how people in SF behave. Observe how people here use things. Studied the sites and surroudings. And made a buidling which ages along with nautre. ("skin" of the buidling is made with copper panel. It oxidizes and ages, just like Japanese temple roof) It is so inviting, warm, easy to use - you don't need direction signage. You kind a get sucked in and that's the entrance - and gives me emotionally fulfilling experience. What? Emotionally fullfilling exeprience by modern design? Hard to believe. But I am so impressed by its concept that 1/3 of the buidling is free and open to anyone, including 9th story observation floor where you can see 360 dgree of San Francisco, a bestest view of the city. They know buidling is for people, not the architect's statement. Ego-less architects? Thats oxymoron, isn't it? Picture doesn't show because I realized architecture is experience. But just to let you know. Photo taken by Asthetic Scientist/Richard Felix.
  22. wow, I am still stuck with episode 3 but can't believe THAT Luke guy who needs to put his head to north while sleep is finalist. He looks like such a wimp! And furthermore, we Japanese put futon head-north when someone dies. Funny how American interpret differently and still Eastern BS power works!
  23. Oh what!?? I wasn't aware of him in Stargate WITHOUT SHIRT. Rika, quick to netflix que! And how the heck I can forget about John Criton! I loooove Farscape. Like, when I started watch Farscape, I wasn't really hot for him. But more I watch and get to know with him, I was deeply in love with him. He got everything I want .. First of all, really funny. Then ingenious. Then, carying, warm, confident and blah blah and everything in one hot body. Hmmm, yummy!
  24. Buhahahahaha! Geez, how do you know I was reading this thread! Scary! There's no way I can put reddot on my XD. mmm, maybe someone has opengun which he/she doesn't use for awhile [hint, er, you know...]
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