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Everything posted by Rikarin

  1. re UFC Arrrrgh! 8 seconds heavy weight championship fight is so boooooo. I mean, its cool and scary how strong Anerei is, even thought he is so creepy.But "let's get it on!" and next thing I knew was Big John stopping the fights. I was like "are you out of your mind??? it's just started!!" This time, I didn't have many buddies to watch together and shelled out 20bux! Forrest's TKO in like 1st rounds too. So, its almost like $5/minute. Geesh. Dana, can you come up with more equal match up please?
  2. This just in! Rika is sighted at Chabot IPSC match today:) Yes, Just reading this thread with so many people sharing and encouraging me, it made me feel I am not alone and when this many people care about me, I felt bit selfish complaining about it. Also, taking ya'all's advice, I came up ways to incorporate shooting and what makes me happy. 1) to have a sarrogate shooting grandpa. I asked a really good shooter friend of mine to be the one His job is to be happy for me no matter how I shoot and gives me pointers here and there. I can report both my progress and regress, and share my "yay!" moments and "I suck" whines. 2) to have a shooting children. I never thought about teaching since I am just C class. But, I can do TA. James Saburomaru has told me he does intro IPSC class and I can help him teach. Prospect of teaching made me needed and it's a good feeling. Therefore, I dragged my ass over today even though I was like "ah, same old boring stuff" and ended up having fun. Because, Jesse, Alton and Merwin heard me and decided to take matter into thier hands and volunteered to be my sarrogate husbands:)! Picking up my brass, showing me the way to shoot and keeping me company. I felt so cared beyond imagination and it lifted alot of pressure off of me. What a big difference! Whoa, I actually enjoyed being at the range! But, I couldn't get the mojo back so soon:( I wasn't even watching the sights. Many misses but didn't care at all. I didn't care the score enough, I decided to hose down the last stage. Like video game, just let your body carry you even your eyes are saying "no-no, not yet!" Haahaha, geez, I had like 4 Mikes on further targets but strange thing is, I actually hit quite well on nearer targets. It was a pleasant surprise. Even thought I wasn't paying attention,I can score points! Then I realized, I sure was pushing myself too much. Every match I go, I beat up myself if I had Ds or Miss and analyzing why it happen so that I don't make same mistakes. I guess I will be hoser for a while. Who knows I might actually learn something. And most of all, so many thanks to all of you, who has give me tips, encouragement, laugter, your experiences and thoughts. This thread will be my own personal sticky and I will come back to again and again when I am bummed :)
  3. I hated today's UFC. Gimme my money back! Heaveyweight championship lasted only whopping 8 seconds.. grrrrrrrrrr. Cool and all but I wanted to see grappling! Submission! Blah.
  4. Aaah, so I am not alone on this. Millon times? I feel same way too! Its just not fair. Like she sits on chair and he load her ammo and stuff. I'm like a so want to shoot better than her because I'm so jealous..... Hey how about that! Now I feel motivated But you know what.... I have virtual shooting family here, don't I? I used to embarassed to whine and to have needs to share. So typical woman. I was ready to duck when someone would say "do you want chease with that?" but no one has said that. You are all so nice.
  5. Geez, did you just noticed it? She is soooooooo cute, pretty, hot, beatuiful and everything! You'd be knocked out when you see her hair down.
  6. Ohimgod! That's $$$$! impressive wineseller sir!
  7. Hahahahaha! oooh, sh*t, I forget about the fun of shootingman! Hey, DVDTracker. Didn't know yu are here! Yeah, I was surprised I remembered how to ride motorcycle. It just came back to me once I hopped on. It was so crazy shooting my Sig amongst big long guns there.
  8. Yeah, I'd be so interested in hearling from Julie. I currently use left thumb. Prospect of hours and hours and hours to switch to push with right thumb is so horrifyingly discouraging adding to my "I wana quit" syndrome
  9. Geez, I wasn't sure if I wanna hang out here but can't ignore those intelligent, insightful posts! It all made me think.... as Spook said, yes, I want to win. I want to do good. So, bit different than "i can't care less." And Boo is quite insightful. shooting just ain't rewarding anymore. I started to suspect shooting might not be something for me. When I look into myself and see what makes me most happy is something like holding my cat and when she licks my finger. Writing/creating smething. Or finishing a great article and so satisfied and impressed by its perfection. Or best yet, rewarding my cat after he does fetch (yeah, he is good at that) and bring back a toy so proundly. The connection with other beautiful souls. Creation of beautful things. And further, I am just not up to the efforts people put to get better. I know my tasks now are to speed up draw and reload, and solidify index. I'm talking about hours and hours of dry practice. Oh so boring! Then there's bigger question. I am nothing but a dust in this universe. Suppose I win Nationals. From universal point of view its nothing but "so what?" When I started, it was so rewarding. Everybody was so suprised this small woman kicking ass. But now everybody (including me) gets oeve with it, expectation has changed. I'm C class and sometimes shoot B class score but that doesn't make me as happy as when I became C class. Strange isn't it? I bet if I have a shooting buddy, I'd feel so much better. When you share happiness, twice as more and when you share burden, half the less! I am envious of girls come shoot with her husbands..... (that mean Lori, you! I wish SigLady or Snpier lives in Norhern CA.
  10. oh my god oh my god oh my god! Thank you Bill!! It works now! Oh god, it's a miracle! Somehow, my broken speaker started to working again today, too! Dude, you rock! I am soooooo happy Thank you!!!
  11. Thank you so much for the support, suggestions, funny jokes. It all helps. Sometimes I hate to be me being tomboy. If I am into more girly stuff, I can share with my girfriends and get support. But shooting is completely different. It takes alot out from me and got tired from it doing it alone. well, I think I will find something else I can enjoy for now. I felt pressured since Babes with Bullet and Area 2 is around the corner. Well, if I don't recover by then, all I have to do is to cancel. Both of them has waiting list anyways. I just want to say, thankyou all
  12. Anyone have recommendation? I don't have any video game console. Must buy off from ebay. oh got specify. Not on PC. I just want to blast so simpler the better.
  13. [whining and cursing mode on] I was so burnt out on shooting this couple of weeks. I got so bored from lining up sights and pulling the trigger. Was so sick of everything.. reloading, waking up early, dicking with equipment and most of all, having mulfunction on qualifier stages for months! My best qualifier is like from March godamnit! Malfunction is fixed now (changed recoil spring and bumped up PF) but I guess repeated disappointment for half year really striked me down. Watching super squad at Steel Challenge didn't help. Heck, they aren't human! Its like gecko's toauge! I can only see what's happening with slowmotion video. There's no way I can shoot as half as that good. So, why bother? I am no 20s anymore and there's no way I can do as those young men. Why the heck I started shooting stupid bitch. It's so rediculous. Argggggggrrrrr.!!! I was really bummed...then I got angry... then I was thinking, hey, I bring a lot of ammo to the match and hose the stages. That would be fun! Like, playing "House of the Dead". No worries about hitting A box. Just throw bullets at targets and run as fast as I can. Then, it "feels" like I did well, even its full of mikes. I just want to feel I can do good. I want to feel good about myself. Besides, haven't you had a stage you felt you did great and score didn't match up? Its all BS anyway. I know half of this is I really am pressuring myself to get better. I can not forgive myself doing mediocre anything and spending so much money on this and not seeing result. And since my life revolves around shooting, when shooting sucks, everything sucks. I guess I need to have some back up plan too. sigh... thank you. I am glad be able to write this thinking some might feel for me. I just needed to feel there's people out there who can empathize and related to my pain. [/off]
  14. Nope. Or at least I don't know. When I tried to download with firefox, it says "use IE dambass" transfer service? But it totally could be Firefox issue. I will dick around this weekend... no I might not go to match... I am so burnt out right now want to sell all the equipments!
  15. hahahahha! I know why! This is all conspiracy to abandon XP. When I had lunch with you you gave me a virus which I trasmitted to my PC!! Kind Mike gave my url to downlaod SP1 but SP1 installer says "sorry. I found newer version of IE on your PC" and dosn't istall. I am so bummed. Not only I am burnt out on shooting, when I need IE once in a bluemoon, it doesn't work and I can not figure out.
  16. the pages just doesn't load! Firefox works fine, proxy is set off, I deletead and reinstaled from original WIN XP CD, cleaned cache and temp files but nothing loads. Problem is I need IE to download IE. Help help help..... I need IE for this project... I know what messed it up... I installed plugin for Firefox called "load this page with IE". Basically, when I am using Firefox and want to see that exact page with IE, click this plugin and plugin start IE with that exact page. I delted this puglin but still IE doesn't work...
  17. Buhahahahaha! repeat after me... "Not necessary what you want is what I want, is that too difficult to understand? dumbass!"
  18. Hahahaha Sorry! You are so right! It's not slump I am burnt out! And yeah, I think I will rest.....hope...
  19. Great review from NYT today ---- It probably isn't fair to Joss Whedon's "Serenity" to say that this unassuming science-fiction adventure is superior in almost every respect to George Lucas's aggressively more ambitious "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith." But who cares about fair when there is fun to be had? Scene for scene, "Serenity" is more engaging and certainly better written and acted than any of Mr. Lucas's recent screen entertainments.....
  20. I hate my photographer. He is fired after this assigment. Once we started project and every corner he complains "oh, thats beyond innitial projection and magazine has photograher's budget for that?" Of course not! Its f&^in editorial! Plan might change! Its not wedding you get paid by day/hour. Mmmm. "You are fired!" Can not wait to say that! I hate dealing people who are like dogs. I always have to make sure who is the boss and I mean business. If I am nice they will walk all over me and if I am not watching, they will jump onto furnitures. So tiring. That's why I love cats. They give me lots of love.
  21. Oh god, I have to hijack this thread... I don't want to shoot now. I am so sick of loading ammo, waking up early, lining up sights and pulling the trigger. Same thing over and over. I used to find it fun. I have been getting better and that was fun too. But I can see getting better this year (I just got into 2nd year in comp. shooting) looks no fun at all. All I see is blood and sweat. Long guns were fun thanks to George. I didn't have to load ammo, I didn't have to dick with equipments or I didn't have to worry about getting better. It was like instead of cooking to become a chef, I got a treat of dine out. Dunno, feel like I wanna sell everything and do something completely different. Thought about moving to AZ so that I can practice more but now it feels like it doesn't matter. I love CA. Beautiful place!
  22. Busted! But but (read lip quivering here), guys who do competitive shooting are sexy!
  23. Doh! Doh! Why didn't I do that?? I couldn't becuase I was laughing on the ground crying... He is so funny and really wondrful person. Yay for Taran in this forum (Hi Taran) and "hi" to Linda! O like, at Steel Challenge, he got ricochet on his neck. The bullet was burried in his neck. He was bleeding all over. After the match, he went home and, hear this, used superglue to glue it and came back to have dinner. His reason? "wound didn't close but I didn't want to go hospital" HARDCORE. Thinking about sulerglue in the wound makes me pass out...
  24. Thanks I emiled them.. Also, I tried using "contact cement" which says it can glue rubber to glue a foam and nosepad... Failed! Nose pad doesn't accept it I thought this nosepad material can be categorized as "rubber". Any suggestions???
  25. Yeah, I never understand guys' particularness about toilet paper. It almost sounds like which mascara last longer, easy to apply, makes lash longer and fuller, keeps the curl, and easy to wash out. what a big deal???
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