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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Talked to Dawson this morning. They sent the wrong ones. He told me to send them back to them (at my cost by the way). The ones that they sent were for a Para and these don't include the mag spring. The ones for the Glock do include the mag spring. Disappointing transaction. Rick
  2. Watched this one tonight and lost interests as it just got too weird for me. I also watched Assault on Precinct 13 and liked that better. They had lots of toys to play with in that movie.
  3. Clay1

    G17 Or G34

    The 17 L sure isn't production legal. If you are going to shoot a 9mm it should make production or go for the 40 in a G35.
  4. My wife and kids did like the film, we saw it last night. I wasn't excited about it in the least.
  5. I just bought Inova T3 and it says that it has 80 lumens. I also have a Surefire C2. The C2 is rated at 65 lumens. When I look at both of the lights it is a no contest the 65 lumen C2 kicks the T3's rear. I think that some companies are using a little creative writting skills when they advertise. My M3X is definately brighter than my C2. This link is an independant comparison of output and throw charts of handheld lights. I find the numbers here much more realistic to actual observed results. I just wish they did a review of weapon's lights. http://www.flashlightreviews.com/features/chart_manu.htm If you look at the T3 it is rated at 45.83 and 28. The C2 is rated at 59.45 and 52. The first number is throw and the second is what he calls overall which is not a lumen rating (expensive equipment) but is still a relavant number of brightness. Throw is more a spot rating.
  6. Clay1

    Drop Frees

    Like George said Armour All or silicone spray. One of the things not to do with a Glock mag is sand it or polish it. The polymer starts to fray and becomes fuzzy and causes it to stick even more. No steel wool on the plastic or anything like that.
  7. I ordered 3 Glock basepads for my G34 from Dawson Precision. I asked the guy about what spring and he said a mag spring was included. I come home today to find a box with 3 basepads that says part number 005-004 and they say they are for a Para on the package and no spring is included. They also charged me the wrong price. I'll call tomorrow and straighten things out but in the mean time if anyone can answer the following I would appreciate it. These don't fit, or I don't know how to put them on. Can someone tell me what number I should have recieved and if I need to buy another spring assembly which one should I buy. Thanks Rick Yes, I bought the extended basepads for my 9mm and want to try to shoot limited with minor powerfactor.
  8. Thanks for all of the comments guys. I see that some of you are gamers like me and want any edge that is possible. I see others talking like you are trying to cheat and still other that say that things will change too much. All valid points depending on how your club does it. If no one else knows the COFs and you practice them that isn't cool. If everyone knows and they are stds that are easily duplicated, I can see some advantages, if it is a complex stage with many barrels etc to hinder your view of different targets I can see duplicating that will be a waste of ammo. If you have never practiced a stage before hand try it, you might like the results. Just don't expect to totally burn it down the same in the match as you would in practice. 95% of practice speed is my personal goal. If I try and do 110% because I have previously practiced it - I go down in flames. That's just my take on it. Rick
  9. I get some of that "we frown on that" feeling by actually practicing a COF. If they are made public, posted on the club's web site - why not. If for some reason you are one of only a handful of people who know what is going to be shot and you practice it and no one else has access to it, then I feel you would be cheating. If everyone has access to the COF a week before the shoot and you practice, I feel like it is just another step in the right direction if you are so motivated. On the classifiers and grand bagging - I sure don't want a classification that I will never live up to so practicing the classifiers might be another story. I am just starting to try and shoot them like any other stage instead of putting so much emphasis on that particular stage. I shoot OK on sections of the match and then when it comes to the classifier I try to shoot above my ability level and just blow it so badly that some of them were embarrassing. We actually shot an El pres at one of the matches. I was the fastest shooter in production, but I had a mike and I would have shot much better if I just shot at a rate that was 95% of my max and got my hits. It's a long learning curve sometimes with this thick skull of mine. Shooting a league night on Tuesdays and another league on Thurs and dryfiring and shooting a match on the weekends. I got to get better at this stuff one of these days. Rick
  10. Do you practice the actual COF before the match if you know what it will be? Do you run the classifier before the match? I was wondering how many actually practice the particular COF that will be shot at the match vs. practicing components that will allow for all challenges. Thanks, Rick
  11. I got the idea from Matt Burkett's latest DVD #7 where he and Kevin are using the laser indoors to work on movement and a few other drills. Thanks for the thoughts guys. Rick
  12. Bluntly I think that I will be able to shoot faster without the laser. Try and find a little red dot that is bouncing around isn't what I think will be tacticle or practical. I want one to see how my gun moves during the trigger pulling cycle. I have no dreams of mall ninja syndrome. I would like to run a low light course with one just for fun and see if my perception is correct though. It's just a toy to play with. Besides I need something to buy that is gun related and I can't think of anything else to get.
  13. Duane, do you have a link for: "my on-gun laser will be the Laser Products." I see the link above for Laser Devices and I have been looking at a quick detachable Laserlyte GD model that is easy on and off of the Glock rail. Thanks, Rick
  14. The particular laser that I mentioned has a quick detachable mount. It mounts like a Surefire X200 or a Streamlight M3X etc. Simple on and off and I would be willing to pay more for that. Laserlyte says that they are the largest US purchaser of laser diodes so their prices are better than many. You can get the one that isn't easy on and off for much less.
  15. Has anyone tried one of these inexpensive lasers for trigger controll training? I have seen these for $80 and didn't know if this was a great deal or $80 down the drain. Thanks for your comments http://www.laserlytesights.com/qdlaser.html
  16. Flex, I read the same thing about the Carver mount in this month's Front sight magazine and thought of that right away when I read this post for the first time. Seems simple enough. Rick
  17. Just stumbled across this thread with a search under laser, but oh well I don't stay on task very well. Lawman, curious about your experiences with the new lights from Streamlight the X series which are shockproof and have isolated light bulbs and are much brighter, almost 2X as their non-X rated counter parts. Have you seen better performance with the X series? Rick
  18. Duane, if you have an article that will be published on accessory rail mounted lasers, I would love to know the publication that it will appear in so that I read that one.
  19. The Surefire weapons light is very nice. The M3 and the M3X are different animals completely even though they share a similar designation. The X series is shockproof and waterproof and twice as bright as the std M3. I really like it.
  20. Clay1


    Matt Burkett has a bonus section on how to shoot a Texas Star in his newest DVD #7 how to practice. Some nice tips. I've never shot one personally but looks like it could be a nightmare if it starts to rotate much.
  21. a·nath·e·ma [ ə náthəmə ] (plural a·nath·e·mas) noun 1. object of loathing: somebody or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned Apology in advance for the definition. The word is so appropriate though that any other word just wouldn't make the grade.
  22. David, I have ordered from them a few times before and they always delivered a quality product at a substaintially attractive price. This time the price just wasn't worth the hassle. I called them for weeks with no response, I emailed them with no replies. I finally cancelled the order and amazingly they said that they just got the product in. I took delivery, but I'm done. Ebay and I get along much better. I deleted their web site from my favorites and their name will ever more be anathema in my book.
  23. M4, if you don't have a timer already, when you do buy one get the Pact MK IV with the Chrony and then you will KNOW. I really like that unit with the extra features like the comstock function. Sorry for the little of the topic plug. Rick
  24. Geezer-lock, long post man, but preach it brother! Couldn't agree with the author more. Now the question is how to make that happen once we cognitively understand what needs to be done?
  25. Sorry, Didn't remember that I posted that same link for the T3 in the above post. Here is the link for the Surefire C2: http://www.flashlightreviews.com/reviews/surefire_c2_m2.htm
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