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Everything posted by CrashDodson

  1. The red one beside the bullet drop is 5he powder drop?
  2. What is in the station before the bullet drop?
  3. Ya its like 9xx something. Available later this year
  4. Last i understood of biology muscles/tendons move the skeleton. How can one apply pressure with their "skeletal structure" without using their muscles? I could just be completely ignorant on the subject but I am lost AF.
  5. I went from C to M in about 4 months of focused dry firing 30-60 mins twice a day 5-6 days a week. Along with live fire practice of about 3-4 times per month. This along with in person and virtual training/coaching from several GM's. It really depends on what you want out of it, and for how long you can be focused. There are several times I find myself going through the motions but not bringing any sort of focus or intensity. When that happens I find myself using a weak grip or not calling shots. I strive for a minimum of 15 minutes a day, but not sure how much improvement you can get with only that small amount of dry fire. To me, 15 mins is more of just maintaining basic gun handling.
  6. Am i doing something wrong or is it broken?
  7. Adderall or Armodafinil Dry fire in the saftey area. Dont want the buzzer to be your first draw of the day.
  8. easier to have the sign up online in practiscore. Once they have been to one match practiscore remembers them if you have to add someone on the spot.
  9. Ive been shooting with a dot now for a while as a training tool. The dot really shows how much the gun moves, and I find its a lot easier to call shots good/bad. We will see in a few months how it translates back to irons. I have found I can shoot accurately while moving faster then I had thought possible.
  10. I ran into the same thing with my son. We dry fired for a while together and I thought he was really into it. Two matches in and he had a bad match and that was the end of it. Once he saw the need to practice, and the practice as work, that was the end. I think he would play paintball every day if I would let him but thats the only thing he has ever showed interest in besides games and youtube.
  11. Double plugging helped me too. I dont do it regularly anymore. I am still not a great shot caller but I am having more and more of the "that didnt feel right" experiences. I stil have some targets with unneeded makeup shots, but thats better than the alternative at this point. For me, when your shooting fast it does seem to be more of a feeling than me recalling a bad sight picture. I guess over time you build up images in your mind of what a good/vs bad sight picture is at a distance and that gets interpreted as a feeling of something not being right, at least for me right now.
  12. In my .40 limited guns I had to run a .400 bullet in a barrel I had that was TIN coated. These same bullets will tumble in a new gun with a schuman hybrid, I have to run .401 bullets or they will tumble. Some bullet companies will send you some raw lead bullets, that are softer, that you can use to swage your barrel with to determine the size you need. The crimp can also be an issue, but so is bullet to barrel fit.
  13. I'm pretty sure they are using a hornaday measure. Not sure about the case feeder. They will have an electronic measure available later this year. Having a separate seat and crimp is very nice. You can also have a separate expander. I run an expander die now instead of the swage backup.
  14. Im sure that works too. Seems like it would leave an undesirable texture but maybe not.
  15. +1 for dry hands. I have used all the hand chalk stuff and this stuff is the best. For really hot days I also use a hand anti antiperspirant. https://www.amazon.com/All-Sport-Topical-Antiperspirant-Non-Slip-Enhancement/dp/B0015R4AUS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1521664565&sr=8-4&keywords=hand+antiperspirant
  16. I would buy one just to get a primer collater.
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