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Everything posted by CrashDodson

  1. Holy crap, is it taking that long just to get SV mags?
  2. I have some general goals in my head, but nothing that I have written down or read every day Lanny Basham style. My biggest training buddy is taking the year off to focus on work and I think that has taken some of my motivation. Defining my goals for this year I think can help get me back on track, thanks Scott.
  3. When MBX first came out, and they were small, their mags were the best out of the box mags you could get. Once they started getting bigger their mags have needed tuning, for a lot of guns, out of the box. I have found that new style SV tubes hold their shape and lip dimensions better than anything. I have also not tried MBX since their first generation.
  4. Thats a pretty good description of what I am experiencing right now. I was very motivated last year, was doing two a day dry fire and trying for once a week live. I shot around 30k rounds last year and probably 150k+ dry fire trigger pulls. Unlike many others, I actually enjoy dry firing. Since December I have not been as motivated, for whatever reason, and definitely not disciplined. Motivation got me to M class last year but its going to take discipline to get my ass out of bed on these cold mornings. I only dry fired in the morning once last week, and afterward it felt great. Need to find the discipline to get back to where I was on a solid training schedule.
  5. This sounds like a good plan. I have JJ's class this thursday/friday and will run the dot for the class. Was going to try to get some live practice in this weekend but it just didnt happen. I might try to get to and indoor range this week and run some dot drills.
  6. This is crazy. If I forgot and left a mag full for a week with taran springs you might as well throw them away. I make sure to never leave a full mag with my grams springs for the same reason. With Taran springs if I left a full mag for several days I would start having feeding problems with that mag.
  7. I'm taking the class with JJ again solely because I am the one that organized the class for our club so I get a comped slot. I could definitely leave the dot on, I suppose that wouldn't really change anything as far as the class goes and that would be 1500+ rounds more behind the dot. The bigger reason behind thinking about taking it off was the space city challenge at the end of February. I am not yet 100% set on going because the match is only half full 3 weeks out and cant see paying $150 to shoot a half full level two match. I agree 100% on needing to apply whats being learned vs taking more classes. Schedule so far looks like this: Feb 23 Space city challenge (Maybe) April 27th Texas State Open May 11th Oklahoma Sectional June 09 Double Tap Sep 08 New Mexico Sectional Sep 13 Area 4 Oct 04 Oilfield Classic (Maybe) Oct 26-28 Limited Nationals High Desert (Not released) Gator Classic (not released) Cowtown (not released)
  8. Ya you just have to trim the follower to not lock the slide but its no big deal. SV makes the best tubes in my opinion. I run Grams guts and Taran pads.
  9. I switched to grams springs from taran springs for the same reason...they just last longer. This is in SVI tubes.
  10. Due to the time change, winter weather and my whole family getting the flu I have not been able to get out and practice live like I had planned with my dot experiment. I have dry fired a bit with the dot, besides maybe first shots being slightly faster I am not noticing much speed difference in dry fire with the dot. I have shot 3 matches with the dot and after getting used to how much the dot moves I took second overall at our local match yesterday shooting 98.5 percent of a local open GM. I have found you are able to shoot sooner when you transition between targets since there is not really any sight picture refinement that has to be done, just watch the dot and shoot. Shooting steel has become faster, though at first the dot was very distracting for me on steel. It is a lot faster shooting longer distance targets. I shot good points with only 2 D's, scoring targets I saw that I had makeups on some D's and some close C's. There were also two mikes that I made up. One was on the Virginia count classifier, I shot early on a transition and instantly made it up, taking the extra shot penalty. I was definitely more excited about the makeup then I was upset about the penalty. I found shooting weak/strong accurately with the dot is A LOT easier than with irons. Overall it has been fun. I have found that it is easier to process calling the shot when all you have to be concerned with is where that dot was when the shot breaks. Not having to process the relationship between the notch and the front sight makes shot calling faster and easier. I find a lot of times when I have called a bad shot in limited I have already transitioned off of the target by the time im registering the bad shot. I am then wasting time returning to that target for the makeup. I am taking a class with JJ in two weeks so I am taking the dot off, and i likely wont put it back on until the mid year break in majors. To better call my shots in limited I am going to have to find a way to pay more attention to the sight alignment, while not slowing down, and make that sight picture more important.
  11. Other than making it look pretty this is the finished product.
  12. It uses a barrel like a glock...with a single lug in the back instead of the lugs on the top of the barrel that have to be fit to the slide. No barrel link either.
  13. If it works its pretty cool. I would love to have an open gun to play with without dropping an additional 5k+ for an open gun. Or for the guys that shoot 3 gun and uspsa its pretty cool setup. Great to see new innovative ideas. I would imagine most of the first run guns will be bought up by other gun builders.
  14. I slapped a dot on my limited gun as a training aid, and for fun. At the local level I have been competitive with the open ballers around my area. Round count comes into play on some stages as I only have 140mm mags. I am honestly not sure I could shoot much faster with a full open rig. Targets like medium-long distance steel arrays or plate racks a full open rig does seem to have an edge over my setup. Shooting major has me beating some salty PCC guys.
  15. That PT gun is pretty interesting. I wouldn't want to be the first owner of one but the concept is pretty cool if it works. If you choose to go custom I would check out Peine Custom Firearms. He is out of Texas and builds excellent limited and open guns. Full custom in 3 months or less depending on coating preference. https://www.facebook.com/peinecustom
  16. This. You have to get out of your comfort zone, just a little, every time. Burning through reps at your comfortable pace will not do much for you. I have wasted countless hours of dry/live practice sitting in my comfort zone. I would say 90% mental, 5% movement, 5% Shooting I would work on some hand strength! I have taken a class with JJ and taking another next month. He talks more about the trigger then anyone I have worked with. This is indeed a thing when shooting accurately but you can get too hung up on it and then shoot slow. The trick is doing it on demand...moving from hosing paper to a 20 yard plate rack and back to hosing paper. In dry fire you should practice working the trigger hard. 90% of the shots in a practical pistol match you will be working the shit out of the trigger...practice with that in mind and work on gripping the gun so you can smash the trigger without affecting your sights. If your prepping and pressing on every shot your likely losing.
  17. Unless you can afford to go to the range every day you likely wont get where you want to be. Ask your wife if you can have an ammo budget and time to go to the range every day, that might open up the dry fire conversation. Perhaps you can setup your dry fire in the garage or something so its out of sight out of mind. Not hiding it from her, but showing her how you maintain a safe, unloaded firearm in your designated dry fire space.
  18. I will be hosting JJ Racaza in Odessa Texas this year. February 15th/16th at a private range. Tuition for the course is $600 plus a $20 range fee. A deposit of half is required to register with the remainder due 1 week before the class date. You can register via the practiscore link below. PM me with any questions. https://practiscore.com/jj-racaza-traning-course/register
  19. Ive been through several iterations of my Limdot gun now and found the only viable solution for this temporary experiment. I ended up having to get a bomar mount for the RTS2 and remove the rear sight. This puts the dot about as low to the bore as I think it can get, but will will be moving with the slide, we will see if it will survive a few months. Hopefully I will have my new Peine Custom pistol soon and can still shoot local matches as limited without having to replace and re-zero sights on this gun. I have been dry firing with it and right off I can see how it could improve my patience on steel. I have a few simulated poppers and this morning I was working on some small movement drills where I would come in on the popper and its really in your face how low you need to get to stabilize that dot. This is something that is harder to see with irons, at least for me, and a problem I have had in the past. It is very surprising how little time it has taken to get my index working with the dot. I hosted an RO class at our range this weekend and its the first time I have shot live with the dot. Without zeroing it I was able to hit alphas at 10 yards without any trouble. The dot moves quite a bit on this limited gun but seems to be tracking fairly consistent up-right (having only shot maybe 32 rounds). I am hoping to get some live fire practice in with the dot, its just difficult right now with the silly time change, holiday season and my wife and I trying to start a business. I've really slacked the last two weeks on my dry fire, only picking up the gun a few times. I could tell the time off has hurt me in drills such as 6 reload 6 reload 6....You have to be a robot to hit that drill in a smoking time and I was off my normal pace by 3-4 tenths at first. Working to re-ignite my focus and intensity....and it starts with dragging my ass out of bed on these colder mornings and into a colder garage. GM in 2018.
  20. This. Snap the eyes drive with the legs. Learning to transition fast also includes learning to call your shots. If you are calling your shots then you are transitioning as soon as the sights lift on that second shot. A clean blake drill will sound like just six consecutive shots. I also would not simulate any sort of recoil in your dry fire. Work on calling your shots, snapping your head and driving the gun with your lower body. In live fire it will just happen, recoil doesn't change anything, you call your shots and transition.
  21. Las Cruces is a bit far for most of my guys. Would be a great class though. We got ours for "free" as part of a new club program USPSA has. We just have to pay for the instructors food/hotel and local transportation. As for the date all we could do was submit a few different dates and USPSA assigned us an instructor and picked the date.
  22. I agree on majors. I get processed brass from Dominion Defense for majors. For area matches and nationals I buy new starline. Better safe than sorry.
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