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Everything posted by CrashDodson

  1. I shot the Cowtown Classic match in Cresson on the 12th. I was shooting my new limited gun that I didn't have many rounds through, but I couldn't get the optic mount off my other gun to run it in limited. I let a buddy shoot it at our local match and I put about 400 rounds through it in practice without any issues. It ran great at the match, its operator, not so much. This was my first match in 2 months and it showed. The first stage or two I was really uncomfortable but it got better throughout the day. My wrist didn't bother me as much as my stupid broken toe. I finished the match 5th/41 in Limited with one limited stage win. I had 4 mikes and 9 D's. 1 mike I got popper f'ed but the the other 3 where on paper shooting while entering a position. I was not letting my sights settle and not calling the shots. I have a good focus for practice until Doubletap in a few weeks.
  2. I got the cast off last week. Its very stiff and painful to do certain things as expected, one of them being holding the gun. The wrist forward position is a reminder not to do stupid things like fall on the ground. On top of that I broke my little toe on my left foot chasing my kids at my moms house the weekend before I got the cast off. Evidently my karma is low or someone has a voodoo doll of me. I've been doing rehab exercises/stretches for the wrist. I skipped shooting our match this weekend and just did my MD duties. Dry fire this morning made it evident that the grip strength is lacking right now, its hard to hold a steady sight picture on hard targets. I definitely feel weak trying to squeeze the grip, and I'm finding my weak side palm farther forward then I would like on about half the draws. Reloading isn't too uncomfortable, albeit slower than before the injury. I have every intention of shooting cowtown this weekend. Im going to keep with the rehab and going to try to get some shooting in at least 3 days this week. Going to tape the toe and take some pain meds for the match and see if its not a total train wreck.
  3. Ya most don't stick with dillon dies for long
  4. getting charged months in advance is kinda shitty
  5. Understood. I have wifi coverage at my range. Look forward to it.
  6. Is this on the roadmap for android? Its a really cool feature for major matches.
  7. I dont really need to sort by multiple things, but being able to quickly see who is checked in by sorting by checked in or not checked in is valuable when running a match. Match is starting in 20 minutes, I need to quickly find out who is not checked in so I can go hunt them down or remove them from the match.
  8. i shoot way to much a year to go back to pulling a handle. Either way it will be a nice machine.
  9. I looked back at my emails. It was a feature where the tablet auto synced scores to the website but was only working on iOS when I asked in October
  10. So at nationals as soon as they entered my score on the tablet my phone would go off and I could see my scores on the competitor app. When I looked into it at the time I was told it only worked if the scoring tablets were ios devices. So this has changed now?
  11. I was just trying to mess around with the check in feature. Being able to sort by checked in status would be greatly helpful.
  12. The tread on the salomans just dont last very long. I have had speedcross 3's and 4's. I went with Inov8 last year and have been happy with them. A lot of guys are now swearing by the much cheaper boombah brand.
  13. Ive never had them weigh or even ask about ammo flying southwest or american.
  14. I like the DAA adjustable thumb rest.
  15. How does the check in feature work? It would be great if you could have a tablet mounted on a stand so that a shooter could walk up and easily check themselves in by typing in their name or whatever, and it was locked to that checkin screen.
  16. Welcome. I run a uspsa match in Midland texas on the first Sundays of the month if your ever out this way.
  17. I dont know what the feature is called but at Nationals we got instant updates via practiscore competitor stage by stage. I believe at the time that was an IOS only feature. Is that on android now? It was pretty damn cool.
  18. Most issues with any 2011 gun are magazine and ammo related. Hell you can get an STI to run all day with tuned mags. You can also make a 9k SV look like a POS with a bad mag. At the end of the day I would be looking for a local builder with a good rep. Someone you can easily ask questions of, get the gun to for changes or repairs if needed. Everyone but SV is using the same parts, any decent builder can fit a 2011 to be more accurate then we are.
  19. Since my dirtbike injuries I dont have the range of motion to do a flat palm pushup anyway. I can do them using dumbells or pushup bar things. Ive been keeping it simple with the one handed dry fire. Basic draw, sight picture, trigger and transition stuff. Been adding as much simulated longer distance as I can. Doing some one handed table starts. Due to weather and family I have not been to the range in a while. I should have some time to get to the range this week, maybe only the indoor range. Would something simple like dot drills be good one handed work?
  20. On my 4th DR and she is one of the best Dr's I have ever been to. The MRI showed some ligament tearing but not something that would require surgery. She was also unable to see any new fractures from x-rays but really listened to how I explained the injury and that it felt just like my previous scaphoid break. She said the best thing to do is trust what Im feeling and treat it as a scaphoid injury again. She said a CT scan could show something, but would not change the treatment. So I have been in a hard cast for almost a month. A pretty pink one. I get the cast removed on the 1st and we will asses at that time if I have to wear it for another 30 days or if I can start doing burpees. Cowtown is on the 12th and I plan to be there!
  21. when did you place your order, if you dont mind me asking
  22. You should be able to sell it locally depending on where you live and what condition your 1050 is in. Im sure you could sell it online but shipping would be a PITA. You could always keep it and turn it into a brass processing machine if you dont need the money.
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