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Everything posted by SSGJohnV

  1. Yep. I have 4 on my belt, one in the gun. Used to be 3 and 1, but I had a steel match where it was 10 rounds only and added a pouch. I actually had to use it on one stage in the Ohio championship when I had a unexpected mag ejection, followed by a death jam.
  2. Quick question for you all. I'm trying to come up with a decent load for the Pro Am next month. I have about 1800 Nosler 135 grain JHP's just sitting on my shelf and I would like to make use of them. My current load for limited major is 4.45 grains WST under a 180 grain Black Bullet, mixed cases, 1.160 COAL (runs fine in my 2011) with an 11 pound spring. My previous steel/minor load was all of that, with 3.4 grains Tite Group as the powder. My question is, can I just put a 9 pound spring in, change the bullet to the 135 JHP, and expect it to work? I would test it first, of course, and probably need a 9 or 8 pound spring, but is that feasible? Starting load on Hodgdon's website is 5.5 grains at 1.125 COAL. Gun being used is a 6" 2011 in .40. Thoughts? Thanks. -John
  3. Awesome match. Challenging stages and a great staff. Hope to shoot with all of you again next year!
  4. Is there a Division and class breakdown, by chance? Wanted to see how much competition I have. Really looking forward to it. Going to shoot the Rock Castle local match tomorrow, then drive 4.5 hours to Circleville. See you on Sunday!
  5. I look forward to another great match at Rock Castle. It will be a good warm up for the Buckeye Blast the next day. Ha!
  6. Registered. Sounds like fun! The USO has helped me a lot in my career. It will be nice to give back.
  7. Anyone shooting sunday that wants to share a carpool or hotel? I'm on squad 306 and am wanting to defray costs a little bit. Thanks!
  8. Great match put on by a great bunch of people. Thanks for making it worth the trip!
  9. Kswift, will do. Still waiting for a go/no go from legal. Talked with my buddy in the AMU and I think I have a workable game plan. Thanks all for your advice.
  10. If anyone is planning on driving to this match from north tennessee or Kentucky and wants to carpool please let me know. I'm shooting all day Sunday and plan to drive up on saturday. If you're interested please feel free to pm me. Thanks, and I look forward to a great match.
  11. Everything blue devil said is the truth. The support for junior shooters was great, as well. Everything from the quality of the steel targets to the professionalism of the staff was on par with a major match. Great way to spend a saturday and I look forward to seeing what Jeremy and Dan can come up with for next year. A personal thank you to the sponsors is in order, as well. Without them this match couldn't have happened.
  12. Congrats to the winners and let me say, that was a lot of fun. Looking forward to next year already. Great staff, great shooters, and an amazing prize table. Wish the weather had been a little more cooperative, but you can't have everything. Thanks for the great time!
  13. Haha. Glad it worked out for the both of us. Had a great time, myself. Look forward to seeing you at Alabama.
  14. Thanks to all of the staff for putting on one hell of a match. Thanks for your support. It was a challenging match that was well worth the trip.
  15. Thank you all for your insight. I had an interview with Shannon Smith at the Area 6 Championship and getting his voice behind it is definitely going to help, especcially seeing as he is ex-Army himself. I'm still working on the proposal and will keep you all updated with the progress.
  16. Sarge, I might do just that. I'm going to get a promotional video together with clips from my interview with Mr. Corn, and some shooters at Area 6 and stuff like that. Try to make it look good.
  17. Sarge, I 100% realize it will be a tough sell. What I aim to do is propose it as a joint thing. Army Marksmanship Competitions (like what the AMU puts on, as they run matches for this purpose), USPSA/3-gun/Steel Challenge events, and training the force here as a team. I have a buddy in the AMU and I asked him about this exact thing, and his suggestion was to stick with the Army part of it, but I believe I have a chance of it if I present it as a joint thing. Yes to the rifles thing, but most Joes have a pistol at home. If a team can motivate Soldiers to go out there and compete (rifle, pistol, whatever) it will only raise readiness. I'm not saying USPSA is a real world example of combat for the troops, but it's better than standing on a static range and punching paper. In regards to the jersey, if I'm going to wear a logo, I'd like to be compensated for it. Oh, and in speaking with my contact at the AMU, they (the AMU) are cutting a lot of their train the trainer courses and resident courses while they work up new doctrine and adjust the training curriculum. I appreciate your input, in all seriousness. I guess I have a hard time taking no for an answer. And yes, my chain is behind me on this. If I can present something worth a damn they will back me to the CG.
  18. The difference would be that this team would be internal to the 101st Airborne Division, and might hopefully lead to the AMU picking them up as member if they show promise. Who knows. Just because the Army has a unit dedicated to marksmanship, doesn't necessarily preclude another unit from having something similar I imagine. The AMU's entire mission is to compete and train. This would be a team to do something similar, but within the division, and not full time.
  19. I am presenting it as such. There was just an AFN news snippet about Marines shooting 3-gun on post as part of their training. I foresee it not only as a team to go out and compete, but to bring the following to the unit as a whole: -Greater interest in shooting in general, which will increase individual readiness -A multi-faceted team (I only shoot pistol currently, but have a few 3-gunners that have said they are interested) that can present new shooting techniques to the unit without having to go through the doctrine changes of the Army -Training workshops with members of the unit This is being pursued as a division team, not just a company or battalion (100-150 people, and 300-500 people, respectively), so it would apply to everyone that wears a 101st patch on Fort Campbell. We are a combat infantry division (Air Assault)
  20. Hello all, A little background. I am active duty Army stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and am working on pitching an idea to my Division Commander (101st Airborne Division) regarding forming a Division Marksmanship Team. Focus would be on shooting both Army Marksmanship competitions as well as practical shooting competitions in the civilian sector. I already have an interview planned with Jay Corn for this weekend to get his input on the subject, but I was wanting to seek out some of you who might have more experience with forming, organizing, and funding a competetive shooting team. This is not going to be some half-assed attempt at getting paid to shoot, but that would be a nice plus. I am looking in to all areas of this and respect the Enos community for the large amount of experience and information present here. I've been shooting USPSA seriously for the last 3 years, and am trying to shoot as many majors as possible this year, but would love to see the Division put more emphasis on marksmanship as it is a perishable skill that the average Soldier doesn't get enough training on. It is my firm belief that practical shooting benefits the unit and its service members, so this is something I plan on seeing through. What are your thoughts on the subject? Pitfalls to watch out for? Things I should plan and account for? Thanks for your help. -SSG John V.
  21. Go to uspsa6.org to read the statement from them in regards to the stages. It explains it pretty well.
  22. As long as the match is challenging I don't really care what stages I shoot, but I can understand and support the decision to make sure there is no suspicion of inside information. Glad to see A6 is trying to nip this in the bud. Look forward to seeing all of you there!
  23. Calvin, These are Dawson tuned mags with Grams followers that I have already modified to not lock the slide back. The slide was locking back with between 10 and 5 rounds remaining in them. I will test when I get home to see if they lock it back empty or full. Thanks for the link though. I've seen that before but know Brazos is a great resource.
  24. I just received my Nitro Fin and it dropped right in. Dry fired with it and loved it. Took it to a match and once again was the example of "test your stuff before you use it in a match". I had it on for one stage. It felt great, but it kept locking the slide back with rounds left in the magazine. Is that user error or do I need to fiddle with my dremel to modify it? I really want it to work. These are Dawson tuned mags, btw. I'm planning on doing more testing this weekend. Any thoughts? 6" FGW limited gun.
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