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Everything posted by SSGJohnV

  1. He brought it up after ULASC. The RO took his word for it and gave me the PE.
  2. What the guys above have said remains true. 12-14 lb spring should do it. I run a 14 lb in my Para for major,cut am going to try a 12 when I get my STI.
  3. I'm bringing my iPad next time with the IDPA rule book on it. Have to vigorously enforce those rules, you know ;-) Thanks for the tips and rule sleuthing, gents. I appreciate it. -John
  4. Good to know. To clarify, I was behind cover, did a tac reload, dropped the (empty) mag on accident and picked up while moving to the next position, stowed it before my next shot, but I was moving out of cover during stowage. Was I still good? And I will be bringing up rule 2.4 to the RO's next time. They understood my argument but it was over with at that point...ended up those two pros would have made me finish 2nd I believe. Not sure, but it definitely mattered. Thanks for the rule sleuthing.
  5. A lot of us were thinking that. The RO and this guy are two of the main guys that run IDPA here, so they trust each others calls. I brought up that I don't think it's his call (peanut gallery) and the RO said he was giving me the pro. Then I got a pro for moving before I fully stored a mag on a tac reload...even though the mag was empty. Needless to say I was not happy with IDPA that day. Just trying to establish if there is a rule somewhere that decides who can make cover calls.
  6. I don't know if I was or not. It was pretty ambiguous cover to begin with (curtain with table in front of it) and I was definitely leaning way out to see and shoot the target.
  7. Had a local match last weekend. Finished the stage and was pretty happy with my time and hits...then got told I had a pro for cover...which neither the RO or scorekeeper saw...it was a RO qualified person that was watching. The RO took his word on it and agreed and I got the pro. I raised a little bit of a stink about it, but not too much considering it was a local match and I know these guys pretty well. My question is, is it legal for someone who is NOT the RO or scorekeeper of that shooter to make a cover procedural call? The guy that made the call is known for his...vigorous enforcement of the rules in IDPA. Is there a rule somewhere that decides this? Thanks. -John
  8. I agree as well. In the army we do that all of the time when zeroing our rifles. But, its in the rules and an easy DQ for new shooters. I think part of the barrel thing is they don't want to throw their nice guns in a barrel.
  9. Ha! Just saying it could add an element. Shooting under pressure. I'm also a believer in bringing the Rhodesian Wall back to uspsa, but that's just my opinion. Uspsa and 3-gun already have an element of physical fitness to them if you think about it. The more in shape you are the easier it will be to shoot well or run a bit faster on a stage.
  10. We shot this classifier on Sunday, speak of the devil. I did ok...even considering I was about to reload on string one with only 4 holes in the paper, so I did what any self respecting shooter would do and gangster shot once more (sideways) then reloaded. String 2 went fine. 5.12 and 4.91 respectfully. Had a new guy not reload at all...and he got a reshoot because of me. The RO didn't give me time for the first string and I forgot to ask. Lucky day for him.
  11. In the winter we tend to limit movement in general due to the icy conditions. We use tables for the most part and our MD rarely does movement forward of the dump location to minimize the risk of someone leaving a loaded gun. I brought up the barrel idea and got shot down, so we are sticking with tables I guess.
  12. Marv, I have the long flat one. I'm just going to have my GS file it down to the equivalent of a short-flat. My trigger press is suffering and a lot of my shots are ending up low and left when I'm putting on speed. It cost me 2 mikes and a no shoot yesterday. No biggie, just wish there was more support, especially considering how similar they are to 2011's. Thanks, though.
  13. Worse was when I caught them loading 9mm in my .40 cal magazines.
  14. I just told my wife what you said...and got the death glare. Thanks. Now I have to dream of a battered men's shelter.
  15. Sarge, thank you as well. Chaos shooter, it makes picking up your brass interesting when it melts into the ice after it hits the ground, that's for sure. And yeah, I've been a member since April 2013, but didn't post in the newcomers forum. My bad
  16. Might want to chamber check each round after loading, as well.
  17. Price here in Alaska is like $519 for a new G34 so I think the whole sub-dealer thing is true.
  18. Look up 2-gun action matches. Pistol and rifle with a lot of cardio in the match. Like, throw a kettle bell and shoot from where it lands until you get down to a line. I've been trying to talk my local range guru to make it happen...to many people say any apparently.
  19. Saw a guy at a local match do something similar on a different classifier. Realized he biffed the reload part and already zeroed the stage...so unloaded his 9mm STI at the last target on a virginia count stage.
  20. Took some newbies to the range once. It happened. Had to tell them "front towards enemy"
  21. Similar thing happened to me when I went from L10 to limited. Dropped a half full mag on het to ground after first array.
  22. Hearing these types of stories has made me paranoid. I just ULASC the snotty usually, but it's a pump so it makes it difficult.
  23. Another vote of a Dawson. Although, my GS had to epoxy that SOB down because the dovetail was oversized. My P16-40 was made in '99 though.
  24. If it happens in the future chek your recoil spring. I made the mistake of buying a recoil spring from a non-Wolff or ISMI company and it would do the same thing. Changed to a Wolff spring and good to go.
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