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Everything posted by Tuflehundon

  1. My misses are getting closer when pushing myself and going as fast as I can I should have said. I only do this at local matches. Haven't shot a big match yet. I've only been doing this for 6 or 7 months, and ammo is to scarce right now for me to shoot any big matches. I have only done 1 classifier to, not sure what my rating is within my division.
  2. Several of my friends do this. I did when I first started shooting USPSA, but quickly got out of that habit. When I first started shooting USPSA I concentrated more on form and safety and said speed will come in time. It was my fellow shooters who encouraged me to go faster. They said there was no reason they should be beating me every time. That I should be competitive with them. Just not waiting for steel to fall before moving to the next one can take several seconds off of your time. Also, by pushing myself, I forced myself to concentrate more. My misses (non A hits) are getting closer. I'm getting more close C's, and less D's
  3. Should be able to use it as long as you don't have a light on the gun.
  4. I have an app called "IPSC Shot Timer (Beta)" on my Samsung Galaxy SIII. It seems to work pretty well. I am still learning to use it myself.
  5. Yes, I will be getting another Glock once the craziness stops and prices come back down. I got my 22 in early December for $350. Same gun now is $600+. I will use it as a carry gun / Limited gun.
  6. That was how I started shooting Limited as well. Got my Glock and only had 3 mags. One of the stages was 32 rounds, so I had no choice but to load up and bump from Production to Limited. never shot Production again.
  7. He probably couldn't get it to run right either, hence the discount... He says that he is taking it back to Limited since he built a 2011 Open gun. But you do have a point. I think I'll wait and get the mount I really wanted anyways, which is the 90 degree mount.
  8. Looking on his YouTube channel, he uses a Lone Wolf Slide which comes with a somewhat lower ejection port already. Carvers website says it's not as much as is recommended, but it is lower than stock. Wonder if Noximus's mod would work with a stock slide?
  9. Which do you prefer and why? I have tried both, but only a few rounds each, not really enough to get a good read on each set up. I was originally planning to build my Glock Open gun with a 90 degree mount my SJC so the dot would be closer to the slide. But I have found a used standard mount and optic for a decent discount. Is it worth it to pay the extra for the 90 degree mount, or should I get the standard mount and go with it? I know I will have to have my ejection port lowered with the standard mount, but not the 90 degree mount. So the savings aren't huge.
  10. That would have more to do with th estriker and striker spring than the rest of the trigger. STandard striker can have issues with light strikes when used with a light striker spring. The skeletonized strikers fix that issue.
  11. in the practical disciplines the only time I've seen anyone wear a glove has been open shooters on 3 gun, and only when shooting shotguns... they usually hold the shotgun by the barrel as the push in the speed loader.. with out a glove, it's a guaranteed way to burn your hand.. outside of that.. i don't think anyone wears gloves.. I wear a glove on my weak (left) hand when shooting shotgun events or 3gun due to reloading stronghand with it. I have always been faster at stronghand reloading and it also frees up a lot of space for mag on my left side.
  12. I have been shooting USPSA for a while now. Have made improvements in that time, mainly just getting back into swing of things. I have been shooting for years, but this style of shooting was new to me. Some of the guys I shoot with lately have been helping me out with little tweeks here and there. One that really helped was a better shooter started showing me how he runs each stage, and why he runs them the way he does. He said that he felt I was playing it to safe and seemed to be afraid to get out of my comfort zone. I was taking more time than I needed to in each shooting position, and not realizing it. He recommended I burn through stages for a night or 2. I would walk through the stage, and find what I though was the fastest way to do it, and still maintain safety. He and I would walk through together after that and we would make some tweeks to my plan if needed. Then I would go through and shoot each stage as fast as I safely could. I made mistakes here and there. But it showed me what I needed to work on more, and it also showed me were I had improved so I was able to speed up. Once I did that for a couple of nights, and then went back and moved at a "regular" pace I was able to run the stages much faster, and take a second or so extra when needed, and my times and hits were much better. Surprisingly, the close shots were one of my weak spots. I knew the shots were easier, so I was getting ahead of my sights sometimes. I was taking way to much time on steel, I had gotten much better at shooting steel than I had realized. I was also able to figure out my optimal shot cadence at different ranges better. Main thing I concentrated on while going as fast as I could, other than going fast, was still being safe with the gun while doing it. Moving faster than I normally felt comfertable made me very consious of gun handling during each stage. I had to get out of my comfert zone to realize I had gotten better. I'm still no GM or M, but I have improved since I started.
  13. I plan to shoot the Pro/Am this year, at least with my Limited gun. May have my Open gun by then, or I may see of I can borrow one for that.
  14. I'm dealing with relearning the draw and reload motions now. having switched to Limited, I picked up a race holster (Ghost), and am picking up some Race Master pouches. Took me a couple of weeks of dry fire practice to get used to the draw stroke, and to feel comfertable using it at a match. Next I get to relearn the reload motions since I will have mags right up front vs on my side.
  15. Found an Ope shooter at Sunday's local match that let me use his belt for a stage, and he had the DAA Race Masters mounted 90 degrees like I wanted to, even had them placed about were I was thinking. I really liked them. Another shooter had the Racers, she had hers mounted at 90 as well. But the racers didn't have the adjustablity of the Race Masters. I am going to pic a up a couple of the Race masters on the 1st at least, I'll see if I can get 4 of them. They may be expensive, but I only have to buy them once, and they will last for years. And they will work with any gun or division I decide to shoot in.
  16. I am actually considering building an Open Glock 22 for my first Open gun, since I have 2 of them. Then eventually I would build either a 9mm Glock open gun or a 2011.
  17. Bobby is the one who recommended I use the SJC mount, since I already had the race holster that was not compatible with his mount. I'm still going to get everything from him, and have him do the build for me. Haven't talked to him in person, but have talked back and forth via email. Seems like a good guy.
  18. I picked up a Ghost holster for my Limted Glock used pretty cheap. I really like it. Shot a match with a guy using a CR Speed yesterday. He wasn't to pleased with his and had been looking for a new holster for a while. I traded belts with him for a stage so he could try my holster, and I could try his DAA Race Master mag pouches. He went home and ordered a Ghost holster as soon as the match was over. I'll bebpicking up some race Master mag pouched very soon to. All of the holsters mentined in this thread are safe, secure, and very well made. Each person is going to have personal preferences. I actually like the DAA Race Master holster better than mine, but could not pass up the price I paid for it being less than 1/4 retail.
  19. What load and powder do you use for yours? I am thinking about having Bobby carver build up my Glock 22. Might give me a good baseline to experiment with.
  20. One of the big reasons I haven't bought or built an Open gun yet is cost. Wife was diagnosed with Cancer last year, and I had to sell most of my guns to fund her treatments until her insurance kicked in. She is in remission now, and just had her 6 month checkup, and it was all clear. I started shooting USPSA when she finished treatments, and I shot SS because my 1911 was the only pistol I kept. Then I picked up a Glock, which I now run in Limited. I am saving the cash up now to fund the Open gun. You guys do have a point though. May as well move on up once I can get the funds together.
  21. I shot SS for 2 months, and have been shooting Limeted for 4 months now.
  22. Ok, so one question I have for those who shoot Open .40's. Do you have to be as careful with brass is the guys shooting 9mm Major? I have seen that they can't use brass more than one or two times or they can have serious issues with the brass due to pressures. Does the .40 major out of an open gun have those issues?
  23. I shot an Open gun a earlier this year at the range, and really liked it. The guy who let me use it got it for his son to use in steel challenge, and eventually in USPSA. he said he wanted his to reach an M rating in Production 1st. Kids is pretty close, his hits are good and he is lightning fast. I am currently shooting Limited, but I plan to build an Open gun sometime this year, and thought my friends resoning made sense. I don't have a rating yet as I haven't shot enough classifiers, but going off of the classifiers I have done so far, I'm mid B. (Scores were low 70's) I am thinking of shooting Limited until I reach A, just so I can make sure I have the fundamentals down, and then make the switch to Open. Did anyone else do it this way, or did you just decide to go open, and dive right in? I'm just curious how everyone got into Open as it seems every Open shooter I have talked to started out in a different division.
  24. I think I am going to get the Carver Super Sport UL trigger kit. He uses the Zev trigger pad and and hand fits all of the parts. I'll end up with a 2 - 2 1/2 lb pull. His trigger is only $30 more than the Fulcrum kit, but it comes with more, and it's hand fit. after talking to a couple of people who have his trigger and have used the Fulcrum kit as well, I think it's worth it.
  25. I was talking to a fellow shooter and RO (who is much better than me) at a local friday match about 2 months ago. He was telling me that I was going way to slow, and gaming the stages in a way that took more time. He said that my hits were good, but I was being to conservative. He and I started walking through the stages together, and he would ask me how I would run it, then would tell me how he would run it, and his way was faster. He told me to go as fast as I possibly could for a couple of matches. If I missed I missed, but it would show me were I could go faster, and were I needed to concentrate more time on. I did that, and now I have gone back down to a more normal pace. I learned I was taking way to much time on steel, it was my weak spot when I started shooting, but I have gotten better at it without realizing it. I was also only shooting stages right to left, because I felt safer doing it that way. But I have been doing this long enough that shooting left to right is no longer an issue. There was one stage I did from right to left, and he pointed out how much faster I could have gone if I had done it the other way, and let me reshoot the stage, since we had to wait to move since the group ahead of us was a little slower. I took 4 seconds off my time going the other way. I didn't feel comfertable at first, but it helped me to get out of my comfert zone for a while. Shooting the Monthly match today, I noticed a big difference in my times, and my hits. If you are at a local match that is more relaxed, find a shooter that you get along with that is better than you, and ask to be on there squad. Pay attention to them, and ask questions. I learned a lot by being squaded with a couple of M shooters and a GM shooter. Not only ask them how they are going to run a stage, ask them why they don't do the way you want to do it. I notice that once one of the M or GM shooters does a stage, everyone after them changes there plans to be more like the way the better shooters ran it, and times tend to go down.
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