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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I don't know, but in some circles it might be considered a badge of honor!
  2. I wish STI (and plenty of others) would recognize that 20LPI front-strap checkering would be vastly better than the kiddie-30LPI or the chain-link stuff.
  3. I would be interested in hearing you articulate why that would make any practical difference......?
  4. "Venturi highway....in the sunshine...."
  5. An original High Standard target pistol made in the Hamden, CT factory with a bunch of good original magazines is a WONDERFUL thing. Extremely reliable, incredibly accurate, and they have awesome triggers. The "military-grip" models have the same grip angle as the 1911. You can spend all kinds of money sticking accessories on a Ruger, but deep in your heart you'll know you're only trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
  6. And once again I would like to remind everyone....(using my friendliest New-Year's-Resolution-compliant posting demeanor)...... It is not a smart idea to look for answers to legal questions on a shooting forum!
  7. I like the looks of those VZ grips too, but keep in mind that if you're close to not making it under the weight limit, aftermarket grips made from heavier materials can be a big factor. Just a word to the wise.
  8. Sgtis108, you stated you installed the Power Custom oversize hands in your guns, right? The aftermarket Power oversize hands are gigantic in every dimension--much bigger than the oversize hands put out by the factory. If you can pop one in your gun and it slides properly through the hand window, that tells me the hand window is already way oversized and the last thing you want to do is file it more. The only reason to file the window is to permit passage of a wider oversize hand, and you've already installed the widest hand available (the Power Custom) and the cylinder still won't carry up?? I think you're going to have to try to find some extractors and go that route. Your frames either have a lot of wear or somebody's gone crazy filing the hand windows in the past. Normally, 25-2s don't exhibit carry-up problems very often (unlike the older guns in magnum calibers). I have five 25-2s and I have only had to replace the hand in one of them, and that gun has a lot of rounds through it. Even so, all it took was installation of a factory oversize hand--which the hand window was already able to accommodate smoothly without any filing.
  9. My 9mm Spartan needed a good throating in order to function with all types of ammo. The same was true with my Metroarms American Classic .45, also made in the Philippines. Both are good guns, but they both had to be throated to work right.
  10. What kind of gun are we talking? Some of the 9mm 1911s (including the STI Spartan) aren't very well contoured or throated from the factory.
  11. FYI, that generally means the chambers on your 625 are tighter than SAAMI spec, which is very common on 625-2s and 625-8s. You might want to consider reaming the chambers.
  12. Don't change a thing Mike. Keep entertaining the masses. Happy New Year to you and the family Thanks--and the same to you, Gary. Happy New Year to all the fine folks here on BE, roundgunners and flatgunners (and those who go both ways) alike!
  13. Wow, when even RGS calls me a mean old man, I obviously need to reassess my internet forum posting style and try to be more tactful. I think that should be my New Year's resolution for 2012! From here on, no more grumpy Mike.
  14. STOP!! Bill N. is right--don't put Slide Glide or any other grease in a revolver action, especially one that you might need to rely upon for self-defense. Do yourself a big favor and don't take your gun apart. Seriously. Clean the gun externally, including brushing the chambers and bore, make sure everything is clean and dry under the extractor, and that's it. Maybe put one drop of synthetic motor oil on the yoke barrel where the cylinder turns. I wouldn't even put oil in the action--you really don't need it on a carry gun. FYI, in case anyone was wondering, I do follow my own advice on this! My primary carry J-frame (a S&W M-337) has never had its sideplate off! The yoke screw has never been loosened, the factory threadlocker is still in place. The gun functions perfectly, the DA is heavy but perfectly fine for a carry gun, and I know it's going to function in the unlikely event that I ever need it. That's my advice.
  15. I really like the Filipino 1911s, but they all seem to have a feed angle that is a little too abrupt. Easy enough to fix.
  16. Only 3.1 of Clays and still make major? That's a little hard to imagine. Is he using cut-down or GAP brass, by any chance? And did they actually chrono everybody's ammo at the Memphis match?
  17. This is excellent advice. The only thing I might take issue with is the implication that the only fields with a future are math and the sciences--there are plenty of great career opportunities available to people who excel in the arts and humanities also. However, I would agree that your field of study should be selected carefully with a view toward future marketability. In addition to doing yourself and your future family a great favor, becoming academically successful and well-employed is probably the greatest gift you can give your parents. Something to think about. Good luck to you!
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