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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I have had excellent luck with Kart EZ-Fit barrels in several of my 1911s. Might be worth a try, if you're even a little handy. There is some satisfaction in DIY.
  2. There is a learning curve, but Practiscore is a great development. Nobody will be scoring on paper in a few years.
  3. Dude, this is like the 14th post in a row where you're pushing Trausch grips. Are you getting a kickback from them, or what??
  4. So I have some airline vouchers I need to use up, and the tix have to be booked by next month. Has anyone heard anything about whether the WSSSC is going to happen in 2013? Is it going to be the last weekend in January again? (I have tried to contact Steve H. a couple times by email and PM, and I don't think my messages are getting through to him.)
  5. If the match is good enough, and the competition is good enough, we've never hesitated to fly across the country to shoot a one-day match--the Summer Blast, Sunflower Classic, and the Memphis Charity Challenge are examples that immediately come to mind. Am I right? If we had a week-long 30-stage "let everybody shoot one gun" national match in Vegas, I would be there. You would be there. And about 18 other revolver shooters would be there. Am I wrong? Phil's plan is worth trying. Who knows--maybe once a dedicated Revolver Nationals gets going, it turns into a true multi-day stand-alone match that moves around to different venues someday. In the meantime, I think it will be great to see Robbie and Nils and Taran and Phil and Shannon and everybody else step into our world and mix things up!
  6. Many self-employed people work 7 days a week, most weeks out of the year. They may sometimes have more "flexibility" in scheduling, but there are also times when they have to miss matches entirely because of business or professional commitments that have to take precedence. I will admit that I don't really relate to the concept of "vacation days." There is no such thing in my world. My work never stops. If I take time off to travel and shoot, I pay the price before I leave and after I get back home. That said, I do want to apologize to anybody I offended with my previous comments. I recognize that there are different ways of looking at this issue. Several people who have a differing viewpoint are people here whom I know, like, and respect. I really hope the new format works out well for everybody. When I first heard about the change, I was excited that the Revo Nats was going to be a dedicated match held on "the Sunday after the Single Stack." It's unfortunate that PASA couldn't accommodate that. (Which I find somewhat frustrating--what could be so important that PASA couldn't let us have the frickin' range on Sunday??)
  7. Is this really about scheduling and vacation days? Let's not forget that only a fixed number of shooters have been able to shoot the SSN on Saturday in past years anyway--everybody else has had to shoot on Thursday or Friday. And one year in the recent past the SS match was shot over a two-day format. Remember that? How about the guys who work weekends--won't this make it easier for them?
  8. G-10 grips are neat-looking, but heavy. The el cheapo plastic Ergo grips are ugly, but really light and grippy.
  9. And that, my friends, is the down-side of the plan to run the Revo Nats behind the SS Nats. I'll guarantee you they will not change the stages all that much from the SS stages--which means 24 rounds max and fairly limited movement. We're simply not gonna have a bunch of big-runnning field courses--which will disappoint some Revo guys, but make some others equally happy. On the bright side, this year's SS stages were better than ever. If the stages are equally good next year, it will be a fun and challenging match to shoot with the wheel.
  10. Exactly. Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish. As wonderful as the Memphis match has been, I suspect the real idea behind running a dedicated Revo Nationals behind the SS Nationals is to encourage cross-over participation. We will have a "captive audience" of 300+ shooters who are already in town for the SS--including many top shooters who have never really had a practical opportunity to compete in a Revo Nationals. What a great opportunity to give Revo a moment in the sun. So to those who feel the need to come on here and bitch about their own little selfish scheduling issues--it's time to cut the whining, man up, and bring your Revolver stuff and shoot both matches! That's what I will be doing!
  11. It's a one-time scheduling glitch. The people who are serious about shooting the Single Stack Nationals will show up and shoot the Single Stack Nationals on whatever date it happens to be.
  12. At least some years, Sunday was reserved as a make-up rain date for the SSC, in case the weather got too crazy to shoot on Friday and/or Saturday. Of course, it rains every year. Can't remember if the rain date has ever actually been used....
  13. We don't yet know how they will handle registration for the Revolver Nationals. Personally, I doubt they will use a slot system for the first year. If they do set up a slot system, there will undoubtedly be some sort of waiting list option which will give everybody a chance. I'm guessing it will be first-come, first-served. As Sam pointed out, they can handle 150 shooters in a one-day match format at PASA with no problem.
  14. I also like a fast-cycling gun. My 9mm 1911 has a tri-topped slide, and I feed it handloads with 95-gr. bullets at 1350fps. It's an unconventional approach, but I really like how it feels.
  15. Exactly. Hopefully USPSA will provide some incentive for this to happen. This needs to be in the form of a great prize structure, or a reasonable entry fee, or both.
  16. What is wrong with simultaneously? You can't have people shooting the same exact stages with two different guns and call it two separate national championship matches. Tons of precedent on this issues. At the back-to-back matches, they have always changed the stages (at least a little) between the matches. Plus it would defeat the purpose of having separate and distinct dedicated national championship matches for the different divisions.
  17. PASA wouldn't let them have the range on Sunday, due to some other conflict. You would think they would be a little more accommodating, as much money as USPSA has pumped into that range over the years. We all know the SS fills up and has a waiting list every year. That won't be a problem. Great opportunity to shoot two national championships in one trip to Barry!
  18. You have the dates correct. Here's what I have heard: They were originally planning to run the Revo Nats on the Sunday after the Single Stack, but PASA had some kind of conflict and the range wasn't available on Sunday. So they moved Single Stack back to Wed. through Fri. and the Revo will be shot on Saturday--this year only. A few of the SS guys are bitching that Revo is getting the "prime choice." But it clearly makes sense to run the Revo match after the SS, if the idea is to pick up a bunch of SS shooters who are mostly serious about shooting SS, but will stick around an extra day for a "fun match" with the revolver.
  19. You've "heard first hand"? I can't even believe we're having this discussion. There are certain aspects of our rules that are confusing and potentially ambiguous. This is not one of them.
  20. Sam is right. We need to show up at PASA Park next May en masse and prove once and for all that Revolver is a valid and viable division worthy of its own dedicated National Championship. This could be a real game-changer at the top levels.....all of sudden the regular wheels like Jerry, Matt, and Josh will have to deal with serious pressure from the likes of Rob, Shannon, and Nils! Those guys might (or might not) go out of their way to travel to a stand-alone match somewhere off the beaten track, but they are a captive audience in Barry that weekend! I have to think a bunch of the Single Stack guys will toss in their revolver stuff just for kicks. Why wouldn't they? They're already there! How cool would it be to have 100+ revolver shooters at Nationals the first year they try this thing? How cool would it be to have true competition in all classes, from D to GM? This could really invigorate Revo, guys. This is big.
  21. You would think PASA could be a little flexible, as much benefit as that range has derived from USPSA over the years. On the other hand, the Single Stack match is already well established and pretty much fills up every year. If a one-time scheduling change helps to jump-start Revolver Nationals as a dedicated championship match, that's an entirely good thing!
  22. From the latest BOD minutes: o Single Stack Nationals will remain at PASA Park, May 8-10, 2013, with a dedicated Revolver Nationals the day after the event (May 11th). Well guys, it looks like our Nationals is going to be a little different starting next year. While I will admit to some mixed feelings about this, I do think it's time to try something different, and our new president has given us that. I think it will be interesting to have a true stand-alone Revolver Nationals, even if it is only a one-day match. With 300 shooters in town for the Single Stack, I have to believe a fair bunch of them will bring their revolver stuff and stay the extra day. With a little promotion by USPSA, we could easily see 100+ revo shooters at Nationals. A few years ago, our back-to-back Single-Stack/Revolver matches in Iowa were quote successful. I hope that is the case here as well, on a bigger scale. Obviously, it all falls apart if we only attract the usual crew of 25 wheelgunners. Thoughts?
  23. C'mon Mark, it's always been way more than that. But I will admit that that Revo Nationals turn-out has been disappointing the last couple years. It would help if USPSA would promote and support Revolver Division as much as it promotes and supports the women and junior categories. I'm actually pleased with the announced change. Having the Revo Nats right after the Single Stack Nats will give a bunch of new people the opportunity to shoot the match. Can you imagine Jerry Miculek and Matt Griffin being challenged at Revo Nats by Rob Leatham and Phil Strader? That could very well happen!
  24. Careful now--that is not really correct. From the board minutes: o Single Stack Nationals will remain at PASA Park, May 8-10, 2013, with a dedicated Revolver Nationals the day after the event (May 11th).
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