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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Mikey, I still don't have my 625 back from the plater but I happened to have my 627 .357 apart tonight and so I weighed its similarly-skeletonized hammer on my powder scale. With the stirrup and sear installed it weighed 265 grains. (Randy says his custom hammer weighs 301 grains.) A stock factory forged N-frame hammer weighs 532 grains, so I managed to take more than half the hammer mass and turn it into dremel dust on my basement floor.
  2. There's another thread on this general topic somewhere on the forum, and since that discussion I have looked back at all my match booklets from the major matches I shot last year (including Nationals, 2 area matches, and a whole bunch of state/sectionals), asking myself whether I would have had the advantage with the 10+1 .38 Super SS shooting minor, or an 8+1 .45 SS shooting major. I believe that in about 65-70% of these matches, I would have chosen the .45. The other 30-35% of these matches, I believe there would have been a slight advantage to having the extra capacity of the .38 Super. (As someone already pointed out, the Single Stack Classic is not a great example to use, since it is decidedly 8-round friendly, the major shooters have a true advantage there.) At most matches, it would be hard to call which gun to shoot without carefully analyzing the stages ahead of time. Smart single-stack shooters will have both guns available, and do just exactly that. In this instance, I think "gaming the equipment" will be fun and interesting, and I can assure you that two equally competent and experienced USPSA shooters will look at the stages at the same match and come to differing conclusions on which gun would be best used. To me, that means the rules are set up pretty well.
  3. Can you give us the Brownells part number for that?
  4. Easy to say for a guy with three of 'em! Have a great match, Cliff, Luke, Keith, Bob, everybody! Really wish I could be down there with you guys....
  5. I'd say the fact you noticed him doing it that way means it's slowing him down some.
  6. I like to shoot Wolf stuff through my 1911 .45s for the same reason.....a couple guys at the range bitched about the mess at first, but they all seem to agree that the Wolf cases just sorta rust away after awhile....
  7. Yep, I agree with Matt, learn to shift your grip. That's how Rob Leatham does it, and he's fairly good! Don't use your left hand, you'll be mad at yourself later for ingraining a bad habit.
  8. George, what do you mean "you guys"? You're a single-stack shooter, aren't you??
  9. Jamie, PM coming your way. When you watch "Super Squad" videos, it's always interesting to see how many of the big name shooters commit this violation. It's pretty common.
  10. No, A-3 will be held at the Mill Creek club, DeSoto KS over by KC. Both good ranges for big matches. I'll be attending both myself!
  11. Only three more days until the big event. I can't wait to hear all about it.
  12. Cliff, good luck at the Open, buddy--make sure Ricardo understands this is your turf!! (Just as well I can't make it, I'd hate to have to buy an extra seat on the plane just to haul that giant, gaudy-ass trophy back to Iowa.)
  13. In fact, in those rare classifiers in the CM03 series which have no reloads (there's only a few), revolver shooters might actually have too much advantage--hell, if I were grandbaggin', I'd always take a wheelgun and a 30% time advantage in a stage like 03-10 (although weak hand only double-action is a bitch). On the classifers which can be run with the same number of reloads as the autos, the 70% of Ltd HHF is probably not too terribly far off from reality. Where extra reloads are required of us, though, like in 03-08 and a bunch of others in the CM03 series, the classifiers are killers--as I've said, I don't believe even Jerry could get GM scores on any kind of consistent basis on those. All of this said, it still doesn't matter much. While it's nice to see an upward progression, the classifications for Revo are going to be largely controlled by the number of classifers shot (and re-shot), and (unfortunately) the particular choice of classifers shot. In my view, the only truly valid classifers in our division are the aggregate percentages of major matches where Jerry is in attendance. There's never enough prizes or plaques to pay out down through the classes in our division anyway. It's heads-up ball. Which is OK with me, actually.
  14. See Eric??? See why I'm embarrassed to have these discussions in front of normal ordinary people??? Now do you understand???
  15. Cool!! We made it 20 minutes--good start--let's build on that!!
  16. I don't know anything about any test, Bubber, but in your scenario you shot 'em all with one round, you did your mandatory reload, and you re-engaged 'em all after the reload with one round each. Requiring you to do it otherwise would appear to be reading additional rules into the stage that aren't actually there. Sounds like that scenario would've fulfilled the instructions and solved the problem in what is probably the most efficient way. But I understand others view it differently, and therein lies the problem. And normally the ROs cannot give advisory opinions on how they're going to rule.....
  17. Here's what Mr. Heinie says: http://www.1911forum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136024 Hey, I know, how about we all agree to just let this new Single Stack division get off to a great start without the same kind of pissing and moaning that's poisoning the atmosphere in Production division right now, OK? Sound good?
  18. Aiiight then, in the spirit of inclusiveness and comeraderie, and out of appreciation for your smiley, I'll re-post my question on your match thread and ask that responding wheelgunners post there too. .......man, I sure wish I were flying to FL this weekend......
  19. I'm not going to be able to make it this year but I'm sure interested in hearing the scoop on how the 2006 major match season kicks off for the USPSA wheelgunners! I don't believe D.Carden and Hopalong are shooting it this year, either. Has anyone heard from Ricky? Or any of the guys from Europe (or elsewhere in the world)?
  20. Better smile when you say that, Don Juan. Like this --->
  21. I'm not going to be able to make it this year but I'm sure interested in hearing the scoop on how the 2006 major match season kicks off for the USPSA wheelgunners! I don't believe D.Carden and Hopalong are shooting it this year, either. Has anyone heard from Ricky? Or any of the guys from Europe (or elsewhere in the world)?
  22. Taurus does have some meaningful history of supporting the competitive handgun sports (years ago they were big contributors to the bowling pin shoots)....their attitude toward us has always been good....they just haven't quite had the right products in the past for what we do. I think it would be great if Taurus made a real effort to design stuff with us in mind. Ruger too.
  23. This is why you DON'T want to do the backed-out strain screw stuff--I don't care what kind of loctite you have. Get the mainspring tension right, crank the screw good and tight, then leave it alone!
  24. AzShooter, I'm going to have to disagree with you here. As they are written, the instructions are susceptible to two different (but reasonable) interpretations. I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong--I'm just saying there can be a reasonable debate on how those instructions can be followed. I can virtually guarantee you that this classifier (and several others like it) is being administered inconsistently for Revo shooters at various clubs and matches around the country. Dave W. is correct, it's all pretty much a big mess anyway. The classification system is totally screwed as it relates to revolver. The same "discount" from the Limited HHF (high hit factor) seems to accrue regardless of whether the classifier is reasonably "revolver-neutral" or not. As it stands right now, there are some classifiers that are pretty easy to max and several classifiers on which I'd bet even Jerry can't get close to the HHF. If Sedro wanted to fix it, they'd need to gather up several top revo shooters, set up the classifiers, and base the HHFs on real-life performance. And as Dave rightly states, there are never enough Revo shooters for the class system to function correctly at a match anyway. In reality, we shoot heads-up. Like real men.
  25. Yeah, Taurus will have to ramp up the QC quite a ways if they want to compete in the competition marketplace. Ask Tom Drazy, he was actually sponsored by Taurus and shot their revolvers in competition (when he could keep them working), once upon a time....
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