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Everything posted by ChuckS

  1. Here are 2 screen shots. One in mobile and one in desktop. I prefer the one that I can read
  2. I get that. Mobile mode is much easier (for me) to read the posts. Something in the last update took some controls away from mobile mode and they are not even buried in a menu. Like I said, dumb.
  3. This is dumb. When I want to mark everything read, I need to request the desktop view, clear s#!t, go back to mobile so I can actually see the posts. Dumb...
  4. Thanks, that did it but there is a f*#k load of zoom in/out in my future. geeezzzzzzzzzz
  5. Grump, What is the exact URL you are pointing at?
  6. I just spent a little more time looking around. I can't even find a way to logout!
  7. And how does one engage "view desktop feature">? I am beingdumb today....
  8. FF or Chrome... And: I moved the thread to the proper forum...
  9. Can't find the MSR button in any mode on Android. No Bueno!
  10. Yeah, that would be great. If you see any other interesting view, please provide
  11. Thanks for the post! Could you provide one more picture with a loaded mag inserted into the lower?
  12. Just as a reminder, this forum IS about gun games. From the guidelines: Intent This Forum is for firearm, technique, and conceptual discussions pertaining to training and competition. (And various unrelated topics.) While the occasional defensive shooting post is not prohibited, in general, defensive shooting discussions or debates are discouraged. And please, no hunting or "killing animals" (of any kind) threads. (Thread moved to a more proper home...)
  13. That's cool. I got what I needed yesterday.
  14. oops, I forgot: I work here! Closed...
  15. Not necessary while we have the mesh wall thread active
  16. In case you were wondering why all the gun part webpages are slow, read this: 9th Circuit Court sides with gun owners in landmark Duncan v. Becerra case Today the California Rifle & Pistol Association received the much-anticipated ruling in the long-fought Second Amendment case Duncan v. Becerra. This is the same case that led to “Freedom Week” where thousands of Californians were able to lawfully purchase standard capacity magazines much like the rest of the country. CRPA has been fighting since the 30,000+ member-driven organization filed the case back in 2017, and has led the fight through the courts with the assistance of the National Rifle Association. Help contribute to this and other fights Initially won through a positive ruling by the United States District Court in San Diego, the state quickly appealed — and Judge Benitez was forced to stay his ruling to allow the purchase of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition until the appeal was made to the Ninth Circuit. CRPA’s legal team quickly answered the State’s appeal and presented oral arguments. “Today’s decision in Duncan v. Becerra is a major victory for the Second Amendment, both in California and across the country,” said Chuck Michel, president and General Counsel of the California Rifle & Pistol Association. In its case, CRPA demonstrated how prohibiting law-abiding citizens from manufacturing, obtaining, selling, transferring, or even possessing standard-issue magazines for firearms violates the constitution. “After years of fighting, the Court decided in favor of our plaintiffs’ challenge against the state’s ban on standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds,” said Michel. The court noted that the state’s efforts to ban these magazines does not pass the strict scrutiny or intermediate scrutiny tests and is a heavy burden on the Second Amendment rights of Californians. “This is a huge win specifically for the right to possess these valuable self-defense tools. But more generally, this case may present the Supreme Court with an opportunity to set things straight on the underlying issue of what the standard of review test should be when considering any Second Amendment challenge,” Michel said. “The Supreme Court seems inclined to do away with the complicated subjective tests that many courts have wrongly applied in Second Amendment cases, in favor of a clearer more objective “originalist” approach that considers the text, history and tradition of a law to determine what infringements might be tolerated,” he concluded. CRPA continues to fight in nearly a dozen major court battles to protect and defend the Second Amendment in California. Our attorneys are reviewing the order now to determine what this means for FFLs and gun owners in California and more information will be made available soon. How Does This Affect You Immediately? Click Here. About the California Rifle & Pistol Association Founded in 1875, the California Rifle & Pistol Association provides training in the safe, responsible, and enjoyable use of firearms; sanctions competitive shooting state championships; and fights for the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for those who choose to own a gun in California for sport, hunting, or self-defense. For more information, visit crpa.org.
  17. You are going to have to wait until they no longer will accept back orders on ANY mag > 10 rounds
  18. "The view of T1 is not the same from A and C since those are different locations. " View and location are different things. A location is changed by moving both feet. A view is broken by a vision barrier. One could walk along the fault line from C to A or from D to B and have the same view of T1 and T3 respectively based on the glossary definition of view. This is what made my head hurt. If I say that T1 and T3 are not included in the down range arrays, my head does not hurt.
  19. So i am thinking that T1 and T3 are not considered to be part of the arrays visible from A and B. That makes sense. But the rule does say location OR view. Location was cool but I was hung up on view as per the glossary. If one does not consider T1 and T3 as included in either downrange array, life is good. ETA: Like I said, it was bugging be but I could not call it illegal. I just wasn't exactly sure why it was legal.
  20. I have captured the essence of a stage I saw a while back. This example is a 30 round long course with 5 arrays of 3 USPSA targets. During my walkthrough, I observed that it would take more than 8 rounds from locations A and or B. I made a comment on this and I was told that the stage was fine since you could see T1 and T3 from locations C and D respectively. This kind of bugged me but I wasn’t sure it was illegal (and I was shooting Open ) so I just pressed on. But it still bugs me so I brought it here! Here are the rules involved in this issue: Long Courses – In Level III or higher matches must not require more than 32 rounds to complete. At any level match, course design and construction must not require more than 8 scoring hits from any single location or view, nor allow a competitor to shoot all targets in the course of fire from any single location or view. Location A physical space within the boundaries of a course of fire. For the purposes of this rule, a competitor will not be considered to have changed location until both feet have moved to a new physical position. View A range of sight or vision specific to an array of targets. In order to constitute a new "view" under this rule, the range of sight of an array of targets must be broken by a vision barrier of some sort, such that a different array of targets is seen in the new view. While A and C and B and D are definitely different locations, by the USPSA definition of view, the view of T1 is the same at locations A and C and the view of T3 is the same at B and D. I am probably over-thinking this but it has been bugging me. Thoughts?
  21. I am pretty sure that Springfield uses a 0.220" radius for the grip safety where as others use 0.250". There is a pretty good article here: http://www.harrisoncustom.com/Static/Beavertails.htm
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