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Everything posted by chp5

  1. +1 I love the format of this match. It has small squads and short waits to shoot each stage. More matches should adopt this format IMO.
  2. At the GA State this weekend, I had two parts break on my LTD Glock 22 - the trigger spring and the tip of the striker. The trigger spring broke on a stage and the trigger would not reliably reset. Interestingly, it did reset some of the time - other times it became a single shot pistol. The second issue reared its head when I began getting light strikes. I do NOT use a reduced power striker sping, so the light strikes were suprising. I broke it down and saw a small chip in the striker tip. I always bring a back up gun, so I finished the match with my G35. I've heard about trigger springs and striker tips breaking, but it never happened to me. Then I have both on one day! Such is life . . .
  3. +1 It's revealing that a man who is a "muslim crusader" encourages one group of muslims to kill other muslims. As you sow, so shall you reap . . .
  4. Congrats Julie! I'm glad to see S&W getting quality people and competitive shooters in the ranks like Ernest and Julie. Julie - can you get us some M&P parts and trigger jobs
  5. There are several great guns, I like the XD because I skip around between divisions and the triggers I set up are almost the same. True - but only if they send the XD to you (L2S) or Rich. BTW - have you ever done a trigger job on an S&W M&P?
  6. Well, you're one year older than me, so I guess it's MISTER Nemo to me!
  7. +1 Also, the reset of the stock XD trigger is incredibly looooong. A trip to Canyon Creek will solve that however.
  8. Anyone want to sell me some # 6 followers or trade for some #5's?
  9. Rocket - I usually get 18 or 19 reliably. That's all you need. Most S_I mags only get that many. BTW - I want the newer mags with the #6 followers. I have some like-new #5 follower mags if you want to trade. Drop me a line if you're interested.
  10. I recently pickup up a G35. With my Limited mags with Arrendondo base pads and the #5 followers, the last round in the mag would regularly nose dive into the feed ramp. This occurs in both live fire and when I hand-cycle the slide. Interestingly, this does not happen with my G22 and the same mags. I have two Limited mags with the #6 followers. They all feed the last round flawlessly in the G35. My guess is that the #6 follower gets the last round slightly higher than the #5. BTW – Flex says that the mags with the #6 followers are different than the mags with the #5 followers. I don’t doubt the Flexmeister, but I looked and looked and cannot tell the difference. YMMV
  11. We'll finish them at any dimension you want, the prototypes we're working with are using the new Warren rear sight. That's great. I didn't know Warren was making a rear sight for the M&P.
  12. We just built some prototypes for the M&P, there will be a couple of them being used at the Carolina Cup this weekend. We're setting up for a production run and our plan is to have blanks on the shelf and we will finish machine to the customers specs when they order, width, height, plain, fo, serrated. It shouldn't be too long, a couple of weeks, before we're ready. Speed Shooter Specialties That's awesome! I assume it will be for the stock rear sight - correct?
  13. Love watching MMA! My prediction: Hughes will smash Gracie!! Spook - why do you like Pride better than UFC?
  14. Thanks for the replies guys. I am a Glock guy at heart and really don't care about cosmetics After dry firing the STI for about an hour yesterday, that corner really started bugging me. I took a wheel sander to the edge and it broke it nicely. It's much more comfotable now! It's shinier where the chrome is gone, but I'll just throw some oil on it from time to time. I wouldn't think it's a big deal - some guys shoot their guns in the white for a while and nothing bad happens. Thanks for your thoughts.
  15. I recently picked up an STI. It’s hard chromed. The rear of the frame - just behind the grip on the strong side and below thumb safety (where the arm of the ambi safety inserts) is somewhat sharp and bugs my hand. I want to take my Dremel and round the corners of the frame in that area. I'm considering using a sanding wheel attachment. Will I mess up the hard chrome? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  16. One! Only one! Funny thing - I actually bought two today - my old STI (bought it bck from the guy I sold it to) and a Glock 35. It was a good day! Anyway - if I could only have one . . . it would be a Glock 19 (or 23). I can comfortably conceal it and still could shoot some Prod with it.
  17. Nemo, I hope soon, but he doesn't have the desire yet. I take him to the range with me sometimes, but he gets tired of it quickly. Someday I hope to get him shooting like your two fine sons! You really are a role model in that area.
  18. +1 to a 10 year old kid who knows what is right for him! This young fella is going to grow up to be a fine man. You must be doing something right Dad. Thanks for this and the other kind replies! I appreciate it. Round Gun Shooter - didn't you used to have a Corgi in your signature line? We have one - she's a great dog.
  19. So I guess one of MY life lessons is not to expect my son to like the same things I like and don’t expect him to be a “mini-me.” He’s 10 now and is own person. At his age, my favorite things were sports. To my surprise, my son decided not to sign up for football this coming fall (sign-ups were today). He played the last two years and was always the smallest/lightest kid on the team. In the game of football, that’s generally a bad thing. However, he improved greatly and learned a lot. It also made him tougher – physically and mentally. We play little league football in our county based on age. Other counties play by weight. Last year, Chip was 55 pounds. Three kids on his 9 year old team were >155 pounds – and two of them were extremely athletic!! Chip playing against a 155 pound kid is like me (195 pounds) playing against 555 pound guys. I can’t help but think he decided not to play because he was scared to play. That bothers me - and maybe it shouldn’t. Chip told me that, even though all his friends were going to play, he decided football was not his sport and he was “going to be his own man.” He’s right – and he truly is not afraid to be his own [little] man. I’m very proud of him.
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