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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. hopalong

    Match Days

    Clay1, Patience !!!! NONE of us made GM the first time out, or the second, or the third...... It comes with doing it !!! Some people do "get it" faster than others but it still takes a while !!!! MOST important....... HAVE FUN !!!!...... This game to me is very much like golf...... "The most addicting but frustrating thing I have done" Hope that helps !!!! HOP
  2. Yes, Dillers have been in Southern TN for about 8-10 years now !! Winchester model 94-22M (.22WMR) Good Diller Killer !!!!! redmist, I nick named them Texas Speed bumps several years back !!! Hop
  3. Ditto on the "Thanks to the Staff " Without you guys the match would have sucked, (as all others would too!!!) Friday was "BITCHEN" HOT !!!!!!! esp. the afternoon !!!!! To all those on Squad 10: It was my PLEASURE to have gotten to not only shoot with you but spend a little time chatting and having fun !!!!! Squad 10 had 9 shooters, one that shot through and had to leave so we ended up with 8 permanent shooters..... OUT of those 8 came: David E.(not trying his last name) L-10 Division Champ !!! Bill Smith (little bill on BE.com) 2nd B OPEN !!!!! Chad Lofton (cjl32 on BE.com) 1st Limited Master !!! Sam Keen (hopalong on BE.com) Revolver Division Champ !!! That is an AMAZING 50% of the squad !!!!! The rest of the squad did not let the grass grow under their feet, and we all shot well and even better had fun!!!!! Harder match than A-6, set up for OPEN guns form sure !!!!!! All matches will tend to favor one type of gun or other, I'm not complaining just stating my observation !!!!! Good Match Ken/Wayne !!!!!! Thanks for the hard work(again) SAM KEEN
  4. DGSmith, Maybe tighter longer barrel just has more drag! also could be just a little more gap between forcing cone and cylinder letting some gas go the wrong way Don't know, all guns are different !!! Good luck with it !!! Hopalong Airedale, Don't wear my gun out before I get it !!!!
  5. Slight Thread drift...... BDH, I noticed you won't be having to climb all those stairs at Nationals again !!! See ya' Friday !!!! Sam
  6. Well, The time is upon us !!!! I have no Idea who will be there aside from myself !!!!! (shooting wheelguns) Jerry will be out of town working for S&W, too bad !!! It seems ironic that we are shooting in his BACK YARD (literally) and he is off somewhere else !!! I expect Rudy Waldinger as he now lives in Houston Tx. and maybe Jack Grahm again, that would be good.... 2 Masters to raise the bar !!!!! For me I just hope to keep the gremlins away !!!!! : In 2003 I had a squib bullet on the stars and hammers stage, luckily I only had 1 plate left !!!! In 2004 My 625 was at S&W getting a new Cylinder and the NEW one I had borrowed went out of time on the 2nd stage of the match !!!! NOT fun shooting a 5 shot, six shooter for 2 days I now have MY 625 back and it has been flawless for 6 months since I put the Vick Pickett spring kit in it !!! Plus a RELIABLE spare !!!! Looking forward to it, GONNA BE HOT !!!!!! Maybe see some of you there !!!! Hopalong
  7. A friend of mine has purchased a rifle in this caliber, is looking for reloading Info for it. thanks for the help !! Hopalong
  8. OK, Leaving tomorrow in the mid-morning to A-4 !!!!! Gonna go down there and get in a good Practice match for the "Ohio Revolver Championship" next week !!!! Looking forward to 2 good weekends of shooting and meeting "Good Folk" See some of you in Shreveport, and others in Circleville !!!!! Sam/Hop
  9. MCOLIVER, AMC, That was a Fast Little Hot rod back in the Day!!!!!! (sorry couldn't help it) Hopalong As far as swingers and turners, I will hold off on that as I'm not that good on them either !!!!! If you have access to one you may want to work on them once a week until you are comfortable with them though. (just a thought) Hopalong
  10. Looking on Weather.com...... Friday............90 degrees and 20% chance of T-storms Saturday........91 degrees and 30% chance of T-storms Bring something to help keep HYDRATED !!!!!!!!!! MAYBE just MAYBE we can get it in without getting rained on again !!! See ya there, I'm bringing BANANNA BOAT sunscreen and Water JUG !!!!! The raincoat and umbrella are staying in Tennessee !!!!!!!! Hopalong
  11. DAMN Jay !!!!!! What does Lion taste like ????? Chicken ???? Kind of a big HOUSE CAT don't you think ??? Congrats on the KITTY !!!!!! Hopalong
  12. Ya'll are just Jealous because we get to practice our reloads even during a match !!!! Jake, If I found a tricked out 627 with Comp, Red dot ect you could shoot revolver and OPEN at the same time !!!!!!! Wouldn't that be the "BOMB" Looking forward to it myself !!!!! Sam
  13. Yeah, But Dan is a SANDBAGGER !!!!!! (old one too) HOP
  14. Redmist10, Have said gunsmiths and Mechinists figured out how to get them into your revolver yet ????? See you in OHIO next week ! SAM
  15. With Autos, until the recoil gets too much to where it is "unmanageable" the higher PF let's us use the recoil and forward momentum of the slide to our advantage. No such luck with a Revolver though Just my .02 hundreths !!!!! HOP
  16. That's Them !!!!! Thanks Econo Lodge, Is that the other Hotel accross from the Outback Steakhouse??? If so I will be able to "walk" home after the party HOP
  17. OK, I didn't think so but my memory is almost as long as my HAIR !!!! I did have some Austin shooters though.... seems like a gal named Penny shooting an OPEN gun..... Damn memory !!!!!! See you there any way !!!!! Please introduce yourself if you run into me. BTW look at your "funny thing happened to me at the range" SAM
  18. June 6, 2005 Birthdays for: LouSig.......Happy Birthday !!!! keep em coming !!!!! SinistralRifleman......The Baby of the Bunch (23) Man I wish I could be 23 again!! D. Carden.......Got-cha you SANDBAGGING OLD MAN !!! Jack Smith...... Last on the list but not the Last one for a while !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! Hopalong
  19. Schoonie, Nutin worsen a diller in the leaves on a good Frosty Mornin Caspian 45. Dillers seem to be like Rabbits !!!! Do Not import them into IL !!! Clay1, Them and skunks are pretty bad about carrying Rabies too !!!!! HOP the DILLER KILLER !!!!!
  20. Congrats go out to you, from Way over here in Tennessee !!!! Good shooting Julien!!!! Hop
  21. DJPolo, Did I shoot with you and Beth27 last year in the rain??? Shot Revolver that sometimes didn't go bang!!!!(out of time) Others on the squad.... Ross Carter Chad Lofton Carina Burns,Rudolph Phil Henson Names of those that I can just call up without having to strain my poor little brain !!! SAM
  22. Larry, I'm glad I had it, you are quite welcome.... Man are you CRAZY ???? Shooting OPEN after shooting THAT match the day before with a REVOLVER???? That is HARD CORE !!!!!! Good seeing you again, looking forward to the next time. SAM And, Welcome to the Forums !!!!
  23. DGSMITH, Welcome to the forums, and to the Wonderfull World of Revolvers (WWR)!!!! Since Flexmoney(Kyle Farris) has already posted I guess he has seen your question and has hopefully responded personally to you, He is the CO-Match Director with the Help of Steve Anderson (Watching from the Shadows). I think he is crowding the revolvers together but he has not said anything like having a Revolver Squad. There will be a Variety of talent in Revolver Division from A on Down for sure, I have not seen any familiar names with M on them (USPSA). Carmoney is Sandbagging in B class just waiting to smoke some poor unsuspecting A class and M class shooters !!! I have not had the honor of meeting and shooting with Bill Nesbit but have heard that he does know how to use one of them things from several GOOD sources. If Sweeney shows up he is an "A" but ended up 2nd at last years USPSA nationals behind MR. Miculek. Aside from USPSA Nationals I personally have never seen more than 10 revolvers at 1 match (2005 Area-6) so Kyle and Steve have already set a MAJOR precidence(spelling?) And Thanks to this forum, that is mostly why. Now about my classification....."A" stands for Accident as in it is an Accident I ever made it out of "D" for Dangerous (in my case) Really looking forward to this match, Thanks to This Forum and Kyle for getting the numbers up!!!! It may help in trying to promote Revolver shooting in USPSA, sure can't hurt !!!!! Hopalong/Sam Keen
  24. Benny, 200 + - on one stage..... around 100 offhand stuff on another Not going to be many "gadgets" just shooting !!!!! What is this I heard about your "BACK" SAM
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