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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. I use the STI/SV 771s for my .40 Standard IPSC CZ mags thoguh they are slightly smaller. the tanfo mags should fit if you screw in the adjustment a bit.
  2. At a big IPSC 3gun outside the US last year (might have been Fiji), a relatively unknown shooter either beat or nearly beat Michael Voight - president of USPSA in the shotgun portion of the match. The gun used? A Russian Saiga magazine fed open gun. The fact that an unknown shooter can keep up with one of the world's best 3gun shotgunners indicates there is a technological advantage to the Saiga. Is a Saiga reliable enough to win? - it was at that match. Is it expensive? Well, have you priced the super-common JP open shotguns or a tricked out beneli open shotgun? Even my limited legal Super X-2 was about 2x the cost of the Saiga. Are mags available? Yes - US made 10 rounders. There are at least 2 companies doing conversions (Tromix is one). You might consider such a gun - although the gun & extended magazines are brand new to the US. Also, check your state laws. You might be banned from owning one due to some state AWBs.
  3. Please disregard previous post. The effective rule in 3gunning seems to be: if you hit steel and it fails to fall because its set too heavy (even for designated Major ammo) - tough luck. Use stronger ammo next time. Anyone want to buy a 20 gauge converted Saiga w/ 2 of the 10 round mags & 5 smaller mags? Will be switching back to the Super X-2 and buying high brass #6s & buckshot for steel.
  4. Bought the posts, but never installed them - so there are two holes in the rec. Otherwise, it looks factory.
  5. Wasn't there an old .38 special military round that used a jacketed RN? When did they quit using it?
  6. You could set the 25-5 barrel back and shorten the ejector rod, then fit a 25-2 cylinder to it. I had an 8-3/8" 25-5 barrel on my 25-2 for awhile, used it for 8-pin occasionally. That is a cool idea. I always wanted a .45 ACP blued mountain gun for USPSA, but I understand they are very rare & expensive - plus I have a 625 that I use, so I don't need it & can't justify it. Still I though about finding a used 25-13 .45 Long Colt Mountain Gun and maybe converting it with a cyclinder & the mods noted above.
  7. do a search on "Varmint Al's shooting" on google. All moly contains sulfer. Sulfer + water = sulfurous acid. Add an oxygen molecule and .
  8. Anyone remember the SPS "Pelican" version of the long/heavy dust cover they showed in Frontsite a while back? Yes - I know those are not yet imported to the US. But given that gun & the STI Limited gun with the compensator (trusite) I can't see how the Tanfoglio factory gun would be outside the limited rules.
  9. "Option #1) Perform a true pistol-grip conversion, bringing the gun back to original factory "assault shotgun" appearance. This is basically what Tromix does, except that I will do it myself. I have the tools, and the instructions look straight forward. The result of this conversion would be a shorter and more elegant gun, IMHO." On a 20 gauge saiga I own, I went with this option using US made S2 parts and US furniture. I have 2 of the soviet 10-round factory mags and 5 of the regular 20 gauge 5 rounders. I think it is a better way to go - esp since you are going to the extra trouble of the form 1. I used the web intructions. One note of caution - the receiver is so thin & the barrel unweildy that its hard to hold in a mill vice. I ended up using the dremel and files more than I planed.
  10. First off, a bit of good news out of all this: it looks as if they will rebuild Shooters (posted on the website today): "There was a fire on the shooting range Sunday March 18th. The two alarm incident caused considerable damage to the range, roof and rear of the structure.Thankfully, all the staff and customers present were safely evacuated. It will be several months before the store and range can re-open. At this time, plans are to rebuild with estimates ranging from 5 to 8 months. During the interum, the web site will remain active to keep our customers and friends informed on our progress. Up to date information may be found on the forum in the announcements section. " Website is: www.shootersparadise.com Not long after Phil bought the place, we started holding monthly USPSA style club matches there and we affiliated shortly thereafter. For several years and with a LOT of help along the way, I helped run the USPSA program at Shooters, even staying on after Phil sold the business. I stepped down from my position after running the August match last year, though in fact, my good friend Jeff - a new Open master BTW - and our dedicated crew had been the ones running the club for some time. The Shooters match was one of only six USPSA pistol clubs in the VA/MD section, and we were the only other year-round indoor USPSA-style match besides the NRAHQ range. We have not been able to do an inventory of club assets lost to the fire, though we had a considerable number of props and targets - which may or may not be salvagable. Shooters had grown to support several other shooting competition disciplines including an affiliated ICORE and IDPA club, both of which are now inactive thanks to the fire, in addition to hosting: -a 3 gun program, that once featured a Thompson SMG stage, -Jeff Hoge's (former section coordinator) new competition shooters class, -periodic SO/RO and CRO classes, -competition pistol and shotgun classes including Scott Warren and Dean Breavit - that were often organized by I-SHOT/SERT Systems, as well as Phil's Basic Pistol II -a one time Sig shoot/gathering that featured a select-fire Sig 552 LEO demo gun Shooters also supported the shooting community in other ways. Recent examples that come to mind include hosting a local Boy Scout Troop while they earned their Rifle and Shotgun Merit Badge, a weekly CCW class that was usually taught by VCDL activist and volunteer instructor Bruce Jackson (who also taught the Utah CCW class), and providing a range for various military and federal organizations to conduct training from time to time. In all, this fire represents a significant loss to the shooting community in the area as well as a personal loss to me, since it was my "main range" - as it was for so many others. But my loss is very small compared to the potential loss to the current paid and volunteer staff. They are our good friends and fellow competitors. Thank God no one was hurt. Our friends may be facing tough times in the wake of the fire. Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers until Shooters gets back on its feet. Regards, Douglas Johnson TY-44934
  11. You could be onto something. There are fans of a 6" "fat-free" limited gun. Why not a Tanfoglio? That platform certainly has the mag capacity, accuracy and reliability as demonstrated by Graufel and Walgren's occasional entries in Limited/Standard.
  12. Agreed. However, if you proceed, there is actual PUBLISHED DATA on 147 lead bullets and straight Clays in the (I believe) Lyman pistol reloading manual (its the manual with the chapter by early IPSC guru Arnt M. Myhre. I would not try TG with a coated or lead bullet - to hot burning & too much smoke. I am expiramenting w/ Solo 1000 and 147s. Have you considered Universal?
  13. Loaded lead FP 255s for .45 - I seem to recall that the only powder I had on hand for which there was data in the Lee book was: HP-38/Winchester 231. I think the velocity might have been 800 or so. Accurate. Lead smokes though. Built them from a box of 250 intending to shoot pins, but USPSA took me away from that hobby. Gun was an old .45 ACP Edge 5.0.
  14. The fact that he apparently takes drugs is what seems to have caused the problem here. Who here has not gotten a speeding ticket? And the bug-out vehicle/lights/night vision, well I live less than a mile from the Pentagon & remember the traffic & panic that dark September day - so I can kinda see the thought process behind the car. But what may cost him the car and the guns? - illegal drugs. My point in posting this though, is that the media consistently gets it wrong when it comes to guns.
  15. Angus has been working on an improved thumb safety and he has pictures posted on his own forum section on these two forums (first one has the pics if they are not on www.ghostholster.com) www.czforum.com www.ipsc.com As for the mag release - yes it is too long and can eject a mag if the gun gets snatched off a table (i.e. stage 7 or 8 at the tri state back in '04. Ooops). Not sure if a 75 or 97 part would fit - I would ask Angus or Matt. If not, its time to fire up the mill.
  16. Not to complicate things but: -if your 7.5 load in a 12 gauge does not take over the steel, stop shooting and call for a calibration. -20 gauge is still major in USPSA as far as can tell, and we don't generally chrono shotguns in USPSA. Calibration has to be performed with a load as close to the power floor as possible. -if they don't use a 20 gauge with ammo close to the power floor, then its seems to me that you should either win the calibration or have grounds for a protest. I think that the rules for calibrating shotgun steel are usually overlooked in setting up a shotgun stage.
  17. Now THAT is patriotic!! For the rest of us: do you insist on an American made car or truck? Then ask yourself: WHY are you paying all the gasoline and diesel money to Venezuela's anti-American dictator Hugo Chavez (Venezuela is an OPEC nation BTW) and our pseudo-friends like Saudi Arabia? Bio-diesel: its 100% US made and not just for hippies anymore. BTW - while the free market should usually dictate where our fuel comes from, in this case I think that using US made fuel is in our national interest and its a matter of national defense - thus we can and should suspend our usual free market preferences on this issue.
  18. The Tanfoglio competition guns now all use their "large" frame - even the .40 and 9mm guns. Since Tanfoglio large frame was designed to handle the .45 and .38 super OALs, then the magazines to fit these frames should also accomodate long-loaded .40 ammo (I would prefer a longer OAL when using straight Clays and N310 with 180s loaded to major). Henning - are the Tanfoglios throated to accept .40 loaded out to 1.200" or so? BTW - the extra room in the mag is a small difference between the CZ Tactical Sport .40 and 9mm (max OAL in the mag is 1.170") and the Tanfoglio competition guns.
  19. Good question. Wolf shotgun slugs are made in Germany - any chance that the small & large pistol reloading primers are made there too? Even if the small rifle primers are made in Russia like their .223 ammo, I might buy them since they seem about as soft as Federal primers and the .223 ammo is non corrosive - so its likely the reloading primers are as well. Seen the price of 5,000 Federals lately?
  20. SInce you bought it - then use it. I loaded one up w/ a small pistol primer & it went "bang" - but your chrono data may be off due to the weaker primer (and they are slightly crimped in - you had better have a Dillon 1050 press).
  21. Which brings up another point in favor of 9Major: now that the PF is down to 165+, is there really that big of a pressure difference between a 9mm Major load at your (close to) 1.200" OAL and the .38 SuperComp loads I used to run in my SV at 1.230" OAL? (besides the obvious .030"). BTW - I am not knocking the guys choosing to run 115s - I am just trying to illustrate both ends of the pressure spectrum in 9major. I think 9major has proven to be more pressure tolerant than many folks would have guessed back when the BOD dropped the ban. I think if you search out 9 major case failures here on be.com you will find exactly TWO failed cases so far, and I own one of the two failed cases (which failed due to a weak case that was probably loaded a dozen times).
  22. Many of you know Rudy Waldinger - especially if you are a revolver guy. But, did you know that Rudy was a member of Team Glock - Austria? He once told me (paraphrased): "the Glock 9mm prefers longer-loaded ammo for better feeding." The listed OAL in most manuals is actually the MINIMUM SAFE OAL and not really the "recommended" OAL that it is taken as. I suggest 1.140 to 1.155"
  23. Agree that the OAL is shorter than it should be (why load any shorter than 1.150+??) but the real issue is not the peak pressure, but rather, WHEN during the firing cycle the pressure spike happens. A longer OAL should cure the problem, although as you know, you may have to adjust the charge to compensate - especially since you are so close to the PF anyway.
  24. Just to re-hash, the Shadow is an SP-01 (non- decocker version) and simply has the following additions: -CZ factory race hammer -CZ-85 Combat trigger (with adjustable overtravel) -CZ factory ambi safties from the single action guns (wider - like an STI ambi) -CZ factory race sights, fixed, incl FO front -special recoil spring (the stock is way too heavy - this matters for IPSC more than USPSA) -different factory grips For USPSA, all these changes could have been made anyway (except possibly the safeties) so the change in USPSA would not be such a big deal. But it is important to our friends in IPSC.
  25. Been shooting for 7 years now, including one Nationals and numerous Area, Section & Summer Blast matches - and have YET to "visit a prize table" due to busy work schedule, travel, etc. Who has time for this stuff? Frankly, I know we've been over this before, but I'd like to see the prize table go away. Second Chance has been gone for a long time. I'd prefer to see all prizes raffled off to the match volunteers (couldn't shoot without them & yes I have volunteered too) and possibly see lower match entrance fees.
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