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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. I agree; the .45ACP runs at such a low pressure that the brass will harden and split before it enlongates/thins enough to seperate. When it splits upon firing, nothing happens. When a reload splits, I have never noticed a difference in the way the gun fires, point of impact, etc. I know that a split has occured only after I collect cases. Now I have seen other calibers (i.e. 40SW) where a case reloaded too many times will seperate or have a "head seperation". This can be quite ugly. At a minimum, most of the case stays in the chamber and you gun WILL be disabled for a couple stages. While I don't doubt that a .45 could seperate ( with constant +p+ loads, it probably has) I consider it so unlikely that I never count the number of times I reload 45 cases. Some of the headstamps are barely visible on my brass. Here is one exception where .45 ACP longitudinal cracks might be dangerous on the 1st reload: http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...4&topic=265
  2. Agree, I have a National Match upper custom built and custom throated by White Oak precision for reloads using bullets up to 80 grains; many of my national match 600 yard reloads will easily choke the other AR uppers I have (Colt M-4, Oly bull 20", no-name 11.5" w/ 5.5" flash hider). Unfortunately for us 3gunners who are forever doomed to tinker with our guns and loads, off the shelf ARs are made to shoot 55 and 62 grain factory ammo. In the design, they are "timed" to function with standard factory ammo out of 20" barrels (one reason the shorter guns often have problems leading to some bizzare solutions like the corkscrew gas tube). As was discovered early on with the first M-16s, deviations from factory loads, or reloads duplicating factory, can be disasterous. Please let us know how testing goes. Regards, D.
  3. Not sure if new Ghosts have a pin adjustment, but if som screw it in a good bit so it actually engages the triggergaurd and secures the gun. Some folks back it out too far thinking they will get a faster draw. The pin is what makes the Ghost work.
  4. I hear your concern and don't worry about asking a question here; I doubt you would get flamed from fellow BE folks. Patience is valued here. In general, direct sun and car heat will not set off rounds nor will dropping them while boxed or individually. If we consider all the posters here at BE, we have cumulativly watched literally millions of rounds hit the ground upon the command "unload and show clear". In a metaphysical sense, I suppose such a round "could" go off although they don't. One note of caution as to hot car trunks though - some powders, including my personal favorite for .45 , straight Hodgdon Clays, exhibits very high pressure if its allowed to get very hot prior to firing. Its not something you want to take out of an Arizona trunk and go fire. Best keep reloads with my beloved Clays in a cool place before firing. Welcome to USPSA/IDPA competition and to BE. Look forward to seeing you at the range!. D.
  5. Hey Vince! What's new in Hong Kong? (I won't ask about the crocodiles!!?!?). Thanks for the perspective on international/IPSC rules as we approach the world shoot. Good to have clarification on "the" rulebook since its what the world follows, with local exceptions. Thanks also to Kath for the AD clarification. There are ADs and then there are, shall we call them "unintended" shots into the berm - a phenomenon I know more about than I'd like to admit. As long as one keeps the muzzle in a safe direction, the unitended shots were just an unfortunate learning experience from the early days.
  6. Similar experience with 9mm blazer in a G19. Can't say the same for the Colt 9mm upper - it hates the stuff. Still, in Glocks and Ruger handguns, the stuff works. So we know what functions and how cheap it is. What about closest to minor PF? Lowest recoil? What to use as Production Match ammo??
  7. Similar experience at a local match that does not use written stage descriptions - at this match, descriptions are announced from one of the RO's memory. Anyway, I did not hear "from" before "box A". I assumed start was in Box A and shooting could commence forward of that (the stage just prior to that was shot that way). So upon the signal, I left box A and engaged 2 paper targets on the move placed right next to a door. I was done shooting them by the time I reached the door, opened it and engaged remaining targets - seemed like a good plan. However, since all the shots were supposed to be fired from inside box A, I got 4 procedurals! The range manager was there and he was not pleased! (the last shots were fired near point blank to the targets and the angle was such that they could have hit a cinderblock wall instead of the indoor backstop). He wanted to DQ me but the RO asessed procedurals instead. I am now in the habit of taking off hearing protectors during the stage description after my big screw up.
  8. Julien - greetings from the US! I am using N350 and my last lot was quite old ('97) so powder was my original worry. However, a friend using recently manufactured 3N37 had same problem with these primers in a 38Supercomp and his comped caspian. Still another friend gave me 4000 cases that he had reloaded 5x in exchange for me cleaning, resizing, and hand priming the cases and giving 1/2 back to him (I rejected those with loose primer pockets and will load them light for the Astra 400/9Largo). Anyway, he loaded these Winchester primed cases with N-105 Supermagnum. All 3 of us had inconsistent ignition with Winchester primers. The same load/case/bullet had no odd symptoms with 200 CCI prinmers I bought from a retail gunstore nearby (was in a bind & needed primers so went with CCIs at $3 per 100!). Good thought as to it being the powder, but I seem to have ruled that out as the culprit. Will let you know if problem re-appears. How is the IPSC season progressing for you in France? Will Eric Graffel (sp?) win the world shoot again?
  9. No free/discount ammo for off range use that I have ever heard of. For factory 40, 45, or 9mm, Walmart or mail order is the best bet. However, police ranges will often give you their once fired brass for free, or for the price of you picking it up off the ground for them. Should be reliably once-fired brass with like headstamps and the price is right.
  10. Don't mind the hecklers. Shot 1st match w/ open gun last weekend and on 12 plates in the middle of a course, that gun hammered through faster than I imagined possible - it was the gun, not me. Welcome to the lunatic fringe. D.
  11. After 2 bad 1000 primer batches of Winchester sm. rifle primers, I am switching to Remington. Will post my lot number. One was bought through a mail order retailer in the southeast; the other at a retail outlet near Richmond. Both batches inconsistently ignited 9 supercomp. The reaction was several normal shots, then a huge flash in the comp (as if I had hybrid ports, though I don't) and then a few more normal shots. Have eliminated all other variables; it is the primers. These primers do it in a friend's gun too. I do not like to bad mouth a product, and I am not loyal to another brand of primers yet. My grandfather even worked for winchester many years ago, so I should be the biggest Winchester fan there is. However, Winchester has caused me much annoyance that I hope others will be able to avoid through our experience. Reluctantly switching to Remington, Federal or CCI.
  12. Tried a magnet on them; they are copper jacket & lead. I had some of the 62 green tip 5.56 that is supposed to have the steel core; we decided not to try it after seeing what plain lead and copper could do! On a side note, our local indoor range features 3 gun where invariably, an AK shows up. You should see the sparks fly when that steel jacket ammo hits the backstop a popper or a plate - its impressive. Have not closely inspected the poopers or plates for damage, but my .223 rounds don't seem to affect the targets much; must be hardened steel.
  13. Thanks for the tip! I just ordered 5 surplus IMI 20 or 25 rounders from Sarco that I plan to machine myself to work in the Colt upper. Will be sure to check for adequate mag height before I cut. The 9mm at 300 yard deal was not my idea; a gunsmith friend who is a fantastic offhand shot, was convinced we could do it. In fairness, he had us hitting that 300m gong with an ancient 30-30 that same day - I think he said it was 108 years old & it has a heavy octagon barrel. I even hit it once out of 4 shots with that old antique levergun. I guesse they knew a thing or two about accuracy back then. Unfortunately, as I suspected, the 9mm is not up to the task. However, later that day we consistently hit that 300 m gong with an Oly 20 bull barrel and cheap old surplus .223 Malasian 55 grn ball from the early 80s. I was surprised how deep a crater the 55s left in that 1/2" steel diamond plate. They seemed just as deep as the 7.62s that hit it.
  14. Wrung out the new Colt 16" 9mm upper after Sunday's local match. Its a complete pre-ban colt upper on a '92 Oly lower w/ a new ASA drop in block (supposed to relicate the old Tac-Block and 40 round Argie made Uzi mags converted to AR use by CDNN in Tx. First, it did not like CCI blazer 115gr - it choked 1/3 of the time w/ FTFeed jams. Switched to Russian steel cased 115FMJ - viola! perfect function (hey, this ammo is about $89/k at gunshows). At 100 yards offhand, it was easy to keep all doubletap shots on a standard target and if one slows down just a little bit, A-zone hits were easy. At 300 meters in stiff wind, we could not hit a 12" gong offhand - we stopped wasting 9mm ammo before going to sandbags. Suffice to say that the 9mm rifle is viable as a 3gun rifle at 100 yards, possible at 200, and not likely at 300m (all matches around here are inside 100 yards. Then switched to Russian Silver bear 145 gr HP. Its supposed to go "1200 FPS". Out of a pistol, we chronoed it at over 1100, but not close to 1200. Out of the rifle? Will have to wait to test it over the chrono but suffice to say it meets minor easily. Then it jammed. Several hollowpoint rounds seemed to hang up on the way into the chamber. Too bad too since the 145s shot VERY soft indeed! Have looked into Federal Am Eagle 147 FMJ and Winchester whitebox 147 FMJ. Anyone know who has the best delivered price on 147 FMJ? Best so far was Chestnutt Ridge Supply for about $150 /1000 before shipping.
  15. Carlos

    Glock competitions

    Agree- the GSSF entry price is actually very low if you consider that you have a VERY good chance of winning a prize (possibly a Glock of your choice!) no matter how well you do. Think of it as a very generous lottery that is actually fun to do. Should you buy a glock for IDPA? Personal choice. I carry a glock concealed so I practice and compete with one as part of what I consider as my responsibility to stay proficient. If you own another brand handgun right now, the best advice I can offer is compete with what you have, talk to folks, and learn what you can. Then decide what to buy. See you at the range!
  16. What is the reliability difference between a hardcast lead H&G68 200 SWC and a Ranier plated 200 SWC? Most likely, the lead in the Ranier is soft - possibly pure lead. If you are going to plate it, why use an expensive hard lead alloy? Moreover, I believe all the plated bullets are originally swaged, and that process requires soft lead. The Raniers I have used had very thin electrocoats. If the nose of the SWC deforms during feeding, that deformation could cause a malfunction that would not happen with hardcast. I don't believe the plate is thick enough on Raniers to protect the soft lead. From what I have seen, the electrocoat on available plated bullets is: Berry's - thinest Ranier - slightly thicker Westcoast - quite substantial I also go in with local shooters and for .45, I pay about $45 to $50/1000 200grn bullets. Westcoast makes a 200 grn roundnose that I think is ideal for .45. Lots of local guys shooting .40 like the 200 grn rounded flatpoint. Westcoast will sell you 200 sample bullets in the weight/style of your choice to try out. Sorry if this reads like a Westcoast advertisement. I like their product.
  17. Carlos

    3-Gun Rules

    Couple of thoughts: If everyone tends to shoot minor in rifle, why is there a major? Agree that gun handling and use of the safety in rifle and shotgun needs clarification. What about carrying a rifle via the sling? Action open? We don't carry cleared handguns that way. What about rifles without bolt hold open devices like all the AKs? Limited comps? Should they be eliminated? Not sure where we should go with these issues. Your thoughts? D.
  18. I walk by his picture every day on the way into the office here at DOJ. I even met him in person once - he was the first AG to ever visit my office. It was OK working for Janet; I really enjoy working for John.
  19. You wrote: >>>>loaded a 135PF 45 load using 3.4 gr. of Clays with a 230 gr. RN. I had absolutely no problems with unburned powder but I did get a lot of carbon in the breech area. Apparently the pressure was too low to seal the case in the chamber. Never had any reliabilty problem because of it though.>>>>>>>>> My experience exactly. Low charges of straight Clays will darken one third of the case just below the case mouth indicating that the case did not completely seal, but will work just fine and still be cleaner than 231. I use 200 grn plated bullets and had to go to 4.5 grns to get to 165+ (I think it was about 167 on a medium cold day). Accuracy and reliability were excellent. Have not tried titegroup yet, but it is supposed to be position insensitive and as economical as Clays. Might be dirty at reduced charge levels. Don't let the Clays pressure rumors scare you off experimenting with this excellent powder; those rumors apply more to .40 than .45 and involve heavy charges rather than reduced charges. (Edited by Carlos at 10:40 am on May 16, 2002)
  20. Carlos


    Hmmm - 9x23? Would this be an open competition gun with bull barrel and comp or a regular 1911? Give us a few more details and I am sure we can answer your question. BTW, there is a 9x23 forum on http://www.pistolsmith.com. However, I found that many of the posters there do not use the 9x23 in competition and they generaly own 1911-A1 style single stack, bushing barrel guns without compensators or optics. Their take on the 9x23 (which we mostly call the 9Supercomp) is quite different than those of us using this fine cartridge in USPSA competition. Note- I find that their notions are not necesarily incorrect, just motivated by a different purpose.
  21. Good point about sights - I have the interchangeable threaded inserts on my upper and for most of the matches around here, I just take out the insert leaving a huge ghost ring. Every rifle match in these parts have all targets closer than 50 yards. Anyway, the interchangeable rear is a good feature - it lets you find what will work best for you. I think Bushmaster sells these sights.
  22. Now I am interested - what brand of 2&3/4 shell are you using that is only 2 & 1/4 in?? BTW, anybody else notice that many 2&3/4" slugs are actually longer than 2&3/4?
  23. MaxPower: don't let our discussion of bull barrels convice you that you need a heavy barrel; trust me, its not a big improvement (and apparently, it may actually be a hinderance to some!). Although I choose to shoot an STI, I think the Bul/para will easily do 99% of what the STI will do - and it holds more .45 rounds in 140mm (Bevin gets them to hold something like 18 rounds). Did not mean to complicate your simple question - my vote would be for the Bul M5 IPSC.
  24. BE - will do and thanks for providing a safe haven for level headed shooters on the net. Spook/Bjorn - well put, and I too hope the forum remains as helpful as it has proven to be. Douglas
  25. And coincidentally, the Russian Saiga mag fed shotgun comes in 20 gauge - now whether you would want to shoot it in limited and stir up a hornets nest is another story.
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