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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Yardbird

  1. I load it with no issues.
  2. It will take your grip tape right off.
  3. http://atlasgunworks.com/
  4. How can this be legal if paint inside the mag opening was ruled illegal?
  5. Nope, I meant match.
  6. It's not a multigun match, it's running a rifle match at the same time as a pistol match. No one is shooting more than one type of firearm in their match.
  7. You can think of it like this... You are not loading for velocity. You are loading for pressure - to not blow up your gun. The velocity you get is a byproduct.
  8. Yep, i saw that. Troy is wrong too, but i'll happily do it the way he says for the sake of consistency. At least we will all be wrong together. More importantly, I'll make sure the WSB doesn't allow us to use Troy's wrong opinion, by specifying that both feet must be outside, or something similar.Troy is Director of NROI, what makes you think he is wrong? the english language is clear. faulting is not the same as being outside. He is using the same mistaken logic you were. but that's fine, if we all use the same definition, everyone is happy.A shooter is at a safe area handling his gun, one foot over the line, rest of his body and the gun is not overy the line, just one foot.Got DQ'd for being outside of the safe area. Was he in the safe area or outside the safe area? that's a good example, but it's still not outside, it's faulting or not being completely inside.but it doesn't matter. we have an interpretation and we can be consistent now. i'm cool with that even if it's a misuse of english. consistency of rules is more important than logic of rules in relation to the english language. He was DQ'd and others have been DQ'd for the same thing.The offense was called handling a firearm outside of the safe area. So? that doesn't change the meaning of 'is', mr clinton.As long as we are consistent, it's all good. Now let's get back to banning glocks, like the other troll thread. Seems pretty consistent if you are partially outside an area whether it's a shooting area or a safe area, you are not inside the area. One foot outside is considered outside for safe areas and start position. Say WHAT!? One foot in and one foot out is not considered inside the box, but IS considered outside the box? That's ridiculous...
  9. I had a .44 sizing die get gouged and ruined by nickel cases. Had to throw it out and buy a new one.
  10. Acme 115s with 7.4g of Autocomp.
  11. Some folks only see what they want to see... 3:13 in the video...
  12. This kind of condescending attitude does not make anyone more likely to support you. Just because overall results are not important to you doesn't make the fact that they are important to some less valuable. This is really tiring. For the umpteenth time, having concerns about this change does not mean that I 1) don't like fun 2) am some sniveling jerk inflating my ego by looking at overall results 3) am some backwards Luddite that is against change or 4) any other condescending or insulting descriptor that you can arrange to serve your purpose. There are legitimate concerns that legitimately need to be addressed before making what is, in truth, a major change to what has always been a pistol match. Moreover, this is not a either / or decision. In fact, there are many ways to introduce PCC into USPSA. Shoe horning it into a pistol match is but one of them. Adding it as a new discipline is another. I've laid out how to have your cake and eat it too by running this new discipline separately but concurrently with an existing handgun match - a solution that has many benefits over and above the reduction in controversy. Not condescending at all. "HOA" is an imaginary win and we need to stop posting it. Your place in your division is the only thing that is real. Everything else is outside the rules. To make this change easier we need to clarify the rules and stop catering to those who like to see an imaginary placing in an imaginary division. Your arrogance astounds! This is getting slammed through asap, with not a lot of forethought. It's unfortunate even, that President Foley's video includes illegal, one handed, PCC shooting.
  13. You may want to explore the quote function if you want to respond to someone. I'm waiting for someone to try making sense of adding a rifle division the the PISTOL rules....not seeing anybody coming close to it. The best people have come up with so far is "it won't hurt anything" or something along those lines. There are already matches dedicated to 3-gun, multi-gun etc...and that's where rifles belong. Why someone feels the need to mess with pistol matches is beyond me. For all the folks who say it won't change anything, that's simply not the case, and it's easy to prove. Now for any stage with a turning start we're going to say "oops, you have to add a table to your stage design for the PCC shooters...sorry, it's how it has to be. Too bad you can't have the stage set up the way you wanted it, there's got to be a table taking up space where you might have wanted something else." Mini-Mart? Let's just change that classifier because it won't work for PCC. Melody Line? Hmmm...guess we'll have to add a table for that as well. Gun in box stages (yes, I've seen those recently)...nope, unless you build an extra box for PCC. Beware the law of unintended consequences. The chance that stage designs won't get altered at least a little bit is virtually nonexistent. Stage designers will see how PCC shooters game their stages, and they will respond and before you know it we could wind up with either the stupidest rifle stages or the stupidest pistol stages at the same match. If I was running a club I know I would already be expecting that the PCC shooters are going to start complaining that clubs haven't made racks for their guns, so add that to the to-do list, along with the associated time/cost involved...every bay now needs a carbine rack, and probably an extra safe area/table to accommodate them. LIKE
  14. I'm in Vermont, I drove up from Florida, due to the long drive I stopped for the night in New York. Did I not come from Florida?
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