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Everything posted by steviesterno

  1. Howard did mine come in good to go yet? I'm already dissecting the stages, and it looks like it will be a hoot!
  2. I figured I'd save you guys the trouble of deciding if this was something you wanted to do or not... so you're doing it :roflol: also, when are we getting a few and planing out strategy on how we will destroy york 3 gun?
  3. Alright, sweet. I think I got jay and Jeremy to sign up too. Gould be a good match and I bet it's good practice for the big 3m3g coming up...
  4. Pro 2, are you going to this? I'm pretty game for it, didn't know if you wanted to squad up
  5. Ok, glad to hear it. I like, but don't love kimbers. But I have been wanting a 9mm platform 1911 for a while, and this should hold me over. Plus I like the idea of 9+1 rounds, vs the 6+1 i was getting. will this work in my 1911 holsters?
  6. Um, I've seen this, but I am really hesitant to actually buy a stroller... Is that what you all do? Or is there a gun cart that's not too baby-oriented?
  7. Damn, sorry to hear they sold out in 9mm... I need some, now that I know some $16 extensions give me 23+1
  8. I'm in the same boat. All the while trying to come up with a perfect game gun, where I should really just be runnig a 1911 in l10 or ss. Next purchase is a loader though...
  9. wow, that's sure a varied perspective... Anybody know if they are better/worse/the same as a Kimber UC II that it would be replacing?
  10. this match won't be preventing angles, as it will all be shot stationary from a table. think Steel challenge, no running, just gunning. Check out google PSAShootout. it should be a great match. they had a practice match this weekend with 52 pieces of small steel in one stage A buddy of mine is on you tube loading his shotgun for 74 of the 100 seconds he was shooting.
  11. I'm registering my receiver as we speak... The plan is a 223 10" upper for 3 gun and range fun, HD, SHTF and a 22 conversion kit with a can on it for steel matches and good times. the 22 kits function great, especially with a can. Plus, it's 2 calibers for the price of one, good training, and change out takes about 15 seconds. You're welcome to play with my set up if you come visit in, um, like 12-43 weeks when the paperwork clears
  12. I first opened the thread and was all excited to read about guns and ice cream... I was suprised hope it all works out for you and the gun isn't too mucked up. If it runs fine, I would keep it. Game guns look amazing with scars, and every time you see it you will remember to avoid the snow fences
  13. the triggers are pretty terrible, and I have heard bad things (not experienced them myself). I actually almost bought one as my first hand gun, but decided to spend a few extra bucks on a walther. The triggers can be cleaned up with polishing or new springs, and there are places online to learn how, if that's important. If it's just a point a shoot gun every once in a while, I'd say go for it. I'd be comfortable with it as HD once I knew it shot every time. or go with them, and help them get a good deal on a used M&P, glock, S&W revolver, or something of a bit higher quality and ease of use. all run about $400 around here, maybe less
  14. Hey all, I know this isn't really much of a competition pistol (except maybe IDPA BUG stuff) but I have the chance to trade a gun I like (Kimber UC II) for a like new SA EMP9. it would be my EDC when I can hide bigger stuff, as I hide the LCP when I can't. Just wondering if anyone has any experience, good or bad. Yes I know I'm going 45-->9, but I don't mind carrying the 9, and just found out the UC has a 2" barrel! what kind of velocity would that even be
  15. I bought my wife from Dillon. Their no BS warranty means I can trade in for a new model when mine gets old
  16. I really want to just buy this, and figure out what to do with it afterward... I'm thinking about breaking it out on the skeet field with all the old guys in leather padded shirts...
  17. One: great to see you getting the little guy involved. I'm still thankful for the people that helped me get into it, as my family is anti gun... Two: so I shouldn't be too afraid to load my own? If that guy can do it, I probably could too... I did spend 23 years in school
  18. run what you brung! I'm working on building a 9mm 1911 for steel, but currently run a 22 1911 open rimfire and a full house 1911 45 or 9mm (if i'm broke that week) and do just fine. It's all about having a good time and beating your friends!
  19. I've shot a good bit of steel, and the trick is to make nice, square hits. I'm not going to try mixing loads, I'm going to run 6 or 7 on everything. if there's a difficult steel, aim for the top. Make sure you pattern your gun first, so you know where the bulk of pellets end up. those of us that shoot skeet/trap/sproting clays know that some guns pattern in a donut after a certain distance, so dead aim might not be good out past 35 yards or so. Only practice will tell. shotgun spread is about 1 inch every yard of distance. So I'm guessing the steel would not be spread such that you could do 2 at once. Try it! shotguns are not the spray-n-pray movies make them out to be.
  20. Hmm, well right now I don't load, and the 9 is snappy for her so I think 40 might be too much... Plus I don't love 40. too snappy from what I've shot before. And Limited 10 is covered with a Les Baer... IDK, too many guns, and not enough hands or matches! I can't win. Guess I better go out this weekend and warm up with some steel challenge!
  21. false... there is no such thing as too much grip tape! I can actually shoot my open 22 without closing my fingers. It sticks to my hand.
  22. ok, so I've been trying to get a 9mm game gun for me, and one for my GF to shoot. For those of you following along at home, I'm loving the 2011 but don't exactly have $2k to spend at the moment. I picked up an M&P 4" and she didn't love it. I like it well enough, and think it could be made to work eventually. We had the chance to shoot a LNIB XDm9 and it just fit her hands. It works for me, and the trigger was better than the old XD I had and sold the same day. So a couple of questions... Any reason not to run an XD in competition? It would be great for production, work in limited minor, and totally work in 3 gun with mag extensions. What else would be "needed" to reduce muzzle flip *(I don't load, yet) and make it the best it can be? Also, is a pretty much LNIB XDm with 7 mags and all the gear for $550 a good deal? Steve
  23. I've got a team coming! I sent you a PM if that helps hold a spot, check will go out in the mail first thing in the morning! Guess I better finally get the rifle optic, huh? did somebody say 200 yard steel?
  24. steviesterno

    Draw times

    Nerve speed travels at the speed of electricity, which is just shy of the speed of light. So claiming that your long nerves are slowing you down is good bar talk, but medical BS. I helped my draws tremendously when I took out all the extra movement that wasn't needed, and also start the stroke at the first hint of the Buuu in Beeep! I also throw my arm sideways, not down, since it gives me a better grip, as I'm only moving sideways not back and then front. Granted this is all production out of slow kydex, so I think a limited set up would be even faster.
  25. thanks for the help all! I think the hard part will be finding that replacement nut. I'll call Hogue if they ever decide to open up.
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