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Everything posted by steviesterno

  1. Croomrider, Thanks for the head's up. That makes sense, and I know not to use clays at high pressure. I use it for 9 and 40 minor, and 45 major. I'm new to reloading and I'd never try something like that without working it up. Appreciate the education on cross section! I didn't think of that, was just thinking about weight.
  2. Yeah, knuckleheads to say the least. remember that guy I warned you about at York? Well I had to actually grab his AR to stop him from sweeping me and the crowd. I think that's more than a DQ, I should have probably beat his ass... We see all sorts of dumb things, and have to be doubly careful. Nothing I like more than having a new guy walk to the line, and I say make ready... Turns out he chambered his shotgun in the car... We need to keep this sport as safe as possible. I looked down the barrel of a loaded gun once in my life (DQ, poor sportsmanship, and actually no longer allowed at any club in PA) so I don't really ever feel the need to do it again. I think some people should dump their guns on safe in a bucket, and abandon them forever Most of us though are pretty safe and awesome
  3. Is anybody here trying to push a 220gn with Clays? I don't have a book handy, but since I use 3.8gn Clays to push a 230 gn 45 (1.25 OAL or so) to major, it would make sense, wouldn't it?
  4. Hell yeah!!!! I''m calling off work monday so I can still be out "Celebrating"
  5. Damn, those look good! Do they come With those stands? Are they rated for a lot of pistol work?
  6. I think I have to sell it... I just spent $460 at Cabelas and didn't even get a gun! Just a pile of 223 and shotgun ammo. Damn, it's good we love this sport...
  7. wait, how much extra to shoot down a helicopter? They do that crap on Red Jacket all the time
  8. I don't like the idea of a speed unload in a 40 cal 2011, I've seen too many pictures of people blowing something up on the ULSC. As I'm engaging my last target, I'll drop the mag and shoot the round into the last target. Then flip the safety up. That way even if it gets bumped off, it's still a completely empty gun. I do the same for the rifle. As far as shotgun, I try to run to an empty gun at the end of the stage, because any extra rounds in there were a few seconds I wasted. If not, I see no harm in safely dumping the rounds into the last target. Plus then I am controlling the muzzle more than trying to "Speed Unload" a shotgun. It makes sense to me because I'm already safely shooting on the clock. I can do that much faster (and I think more safely) than emptying the gun otherwise. Im also the guy that's been shooting a long time and still actually does the slide back, hold, slide forward, hammer down, holster all on command when I could have one of those fancy, fast rituals
  9. looked like the gun was pointed at the ground, not the berm, and I'm guessing a round went through the bucket...
  10. Check my thread : 40 makes me happy in the pants. I'm Set up for 2.7gn clays at 1.18 out of my 6" 2011 for a solid and accurate 140pf with 170gn lead. Check it out!
  11. haha thanks for all the input guys. I did pick up some extra work, and painted my buddy's house the last few days. Lets see, now I have a sore neck and back, ruined a pair of pants, and earned enough to pay for 371 rounds of good factory 223... For those of you paying attention, you may see the spartan listed for sale. If I can sell it I will, if not I might give up spending money chasing women and save that for when shooting season is over...
  12. I already have the reloader... I'm not set up to do 223, and from what I understand there's almost no cost savings. Basically, I would get match ammo at cheap ammo prices, but correct me if that's wrong...
  13. I think it's an easy thing to see for yourself. Shoot a typical match wearing a backpack with 25 pounds of dead weight in it. See how quickly you move, how tired your neck and back and legs get, and how your scores go. I've recently lost about 50 pounds and have jumped from low C to hopefully A this season. Yes, I've practiced, but losing weight really helped. I got 40 pounds of lead bullets and carried them up the stairs to my apartment. It was tiring! I said to myself, "damn, you used to haul this EVERY flight of stairs and EVERY step". Much better without it
  14. Alright, so I think many of us are in the same boat, with the economy not doing so well, I've been getting less work this year than before. I've been shooting for about 6 years, IDPA for the first 3 (I didn't know any better ) USPSA and 3 gun for the last 3. I'm finally at the point where I'm seeing pretty major improvement, and I think with more training and practice I could make A in SS and maybe Limited. Plus, I have been doing well with 3 gun and really want to tear up the FNH later this year. My dilemma is that I recently cracked open the gun fund to buy a buddy's STI spartan in 9mm that I didn't technically "need". I already have a perfect SS major 1911, and after shooting minor in SS it just doesn't make sense. The point loss isn't worth it, since I only really eliminated 2 reloads all day. Plus I reload really quickly, since I'm still young . I bought a custom 6" 2011 all decked out this year with the plan that I would run in to Major for USPSA, minor for steel challenge, 3 gun, tactical pistol matches, etc. I would also be able to shoot SS uspsa, to itch my SS bug. The STI is a really nice gun, and shooting minor 9 is baby soft and silly cheap, but there are only 2 matches all year that have a reason for a 10 round 9mm. I would say it's pretty good training, but I have 22 conversion kits to practice with, with are cheaper still. I guess my problem is the fact that I don't have an "ideal" 3 gun rifle. I converted a 16" carbine gas system stag into one, but that's still not perfect. I'm looking at an empty gun fund, knowing that a few K of 223 rounds and match fees would mean I get to enjoy my summer, but I would be out the STI. I'm pretty sure I'll eventually want it back, so the question is what do I do? Sell a gun for ammo or just start saving money elsewhere and shut up about it? (all things considered this is a dumb problem to have, I know)
  15. Why don't you just fill your production gun all the way up on match and see how you like it? Then you don't need to spend any money and just get to shoot. I shot SS my whole career but this area isnt really SS friendly. I tried a limited gun just to see if I liked it, and hell yes I do! Now it's a 6" 20 getting 21 reliable rounds for uspsa, 3 gun, and fun shoots. I reload when I want, and that let's you break down stages in a different or more challenging way.
  16. Yeah the Topton Range only goes out to about 200 yards. There is another bay with 80 or so yards and a pretty decent side to side. Be ready for anything, including some flipper shotgun targets And a giant clay pinwheeel
  17. Alright, I'm sorry for the terrible title, but that seems to be what's happening. I have a really nice 6" fusion with a fusion grip. It ran like crazy with no problems since a forum member built it. So this week I got a nice, thinner STI grip and get it all installed. Passes a safety check, runs fine, and runs 100 rounds no problem in practice. Today at a match, I notice that the beaver tail is actually coming up out of the grip and pivoting. I have to keep snapping it back in. I'm also getting some hammer follow when I rack the slide, but never when there's a round in the pipe or anything. Only in dryfire. Why would these things be? I really love the new grip but need reliability for sure. Would have had a killer match, but I also forgot to chamber check each round, and had a 9 second jam on a stage I burned to the ground otherwise. Oh well, life and learn.... In the mean while, I put the original grip/msh back on the gun and it seems to be 100% again. I didn't want to, but have a big match tomorrow. THanks for the help!
  18. OMG, if it's as terrible as the first one, I CAN"T WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!
  19. I hear ya man, happened to me this summer... I'm actually glad it did before we had a kid, mortgage, etc together... Just shows you she wasn't the one for you.
  20. You already have a much better gun. So you Could mail it to me and I will take care of disposal for you
  21. yeah my buddy ended up at the range with a chrono, so I got to figure it out. It's actually pushing 136 pf! I couldn't believe it, actually, but I'll take it! The real problem is I chrono'd my Major load (4.0gn TG under a 200gn round nose) and found it averaged only 163 pf...
  22. yeah, I think it was a combo of crappy shells and a dirty gun. I stripped it down again and cleaned all the years of crud off of the pistol, and started running remington shells instead. The only stovepipe I had in 100 some-odd rounds was a winchester shell, same as the other day. Oh yeah, I got a shoot, load 8, shoot down in 6.something seconds... Maybe I will keep this gun afterall.
  23. You won't be able to drive to each stage, but you shouldn't be too far from your car. Though the lot will be packed, I'm sure. I would strongly recommend a cart or buggy. It's gravel, so you don't need anything too extreme.
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