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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Good for team building trust if you ask me. That's about it though.
  2. Coincidence...there is no M or GM on the game.
  3. Erucolindon, You are effectively treating the symptom instead of the cause by aiming at the upper right quadrant of the A zone. A better idea would be to figure out why your 2nd shot is going low and left and fix that.
  4. That isn't the only way, the sights just give you the most dependable feedback.
  5. There's one at the range I work at. I own the high score in 3 divisions on "Speed."
  6. The problem is you are shooting only once a week (maybe) and are expecting to improve. If you want to get better at anything, it requires damn hard consistent work. #1 is to start dry firing every day. Matches are not and never will be practice. Matches are where you find out what to practice next.
  7. I'm pretty sure TT's fastest load was a .61. But that was also in a match if I remember correctly. Hitting the popper after the load before it falls only requires about a .8 reload. Which really isn't a stretch for anyone who wants it bad enough.
  8. I like Kettlebells as supplemental tools. You can do some cool stuff with them, but if you try to base your training exclusively on them (as with anything else) you're going to have some serious gaps in your fitness. I also think dumbbells are just as good for the majority of anything you're going to do with them. IMO, the reason why kettlebells are so popular is because of Pavel Tsatouline (sp?). Good tools, but not an end all by any means.
  9. I've found the same thing for me. I lean very heavily into the gun and quarter off to the point where my extended shooting arm goes straight through the centerline of my body.
  10. To me, ego is the root cause of expectations. I've seen a lot of people expect to do good on a stage - trash it - then throw their whole match away because they try to uphold their image of how they expect to perform.
  11. I'm not evaluating people, but I sure can evaluate health by what they eat or don't eat. At first glance, the notion that the same species has a different genetically programmed diet strictly based on blood type has some serious gaps in logic to say the least. I can't think of any species in which that is the case. You don't see random cows eating meat or cheetahs munching on berries. Nearly all upper body disease and obesity is caused by a condition known as hyperinsulinemia. Essentially this is a chronically elevated level of insulin in the body causing insulin resistance. The more resistant the body becomes to insulin, the more we need until eventually the body becomes so heavily leveraged on it the pancreas can't produce enough on it's own - which then becomes type 2 diabetes. Insulin is the hormone used for storage that is produced by our body when we digest carbohydrates. When we digest protein, the body produces a hormone which regulates usage called glucogon. Fat is hormonally neutral when digested. We are at the healthiest when our levels of insulin and glucogon are balanced - which isn't the case in 95% of western diets. It's funny that the French (and other Europeans) eat 10 times the amount of fat we do and have a fraction of the disease and obesity as us. In other words, the most important thing we can do for our health is regulate the amount of insulin in our body and stay away from fad "low-fat" diets - which is nearly impossible from a vegetarian / vegan standpoint.
  12. I'll say this once to reiterate...Fat is good for you. Also, legumes are not good for you. Show me a true vegetarian, I'll show you an unhealthy person. Here's another good Link with lots of great info on hunter-gatherer nutrition.
  13. 6. Significant advantage = 1 per shot fired.
  14. Figure out what pressure you need to put on the gun after it fires to get the sights re-aligned and do it a few thousand times (although it should really only take you 100 rounds or less until you get the feel down).
  15. I saw that for the first time the other night....love it haha.
  16. I don't either man, but it certainly isn't through science.
  17. Try aiming into the target, closing your eyes, firing one round only, then open your eyes and see where your sights are.
  18. Link Breakdown on eating habits and the BS the FDA and AHA have been feeding us for 20 years.
  19. Check out some slow motion videos of a gun firing. This isn't really physically possible with the speed at which recoil actually happens. Those drills are good, but I'd make sure you are finding your target on each shot rather than finding the target once and shooting twice.
  20. If it's a 21 round stage, and I have 21 rounds in the mag, I'll nearly always plan a reload even without steel. Or since the star was at the start of the stage, you could have a contingency reload planned somewhere during the stage if you had to take more than 5 shots at the star. Essentially what I'm trying to say is there are ways to avoid putting yourself in the position where you have to decide.
  21. Pull the trigger without moving the sights.
  22. So we aim when speed and accuracy counts for score just not for life and death?
  23. As others have said. Put it on the clock - the timer doesn't lie. I'll bet you are moving the gun considerably slower when only slightly leading with the eyes - and that could be faster for you right now than snapping the eyes. However, with consistent practice and a mature snap/transition, it will blow any other method away. Work at it. Also, FWIW, the only time I swivel my head is when the target is not in my peripheral vision, as Brian said.
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