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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Wow, I've never seen that before. Was that a semi-recent change?
  2. Tell you what Bart, if you're going to get nasty and say I'm insulting the sport, myself and my other competitors...Why don't you go back through my posts in this thread and find where I said I would ignore (your words) cheating if I saw it.
  3. Rants involving shooters, firearms, or shooting related manufacturers, such as but not limited to - IPSC, IDPA, USPSA, Colt, Brownell's, Dillon, or Match Staff - are NOT PERMITTED. Brian's Forums is not the place to resolve customer service issues or disputes you may have with a manufacturer, dealer, gunsmith, or individual. Closed.
  4. Bart, I really think you just don't understand what I'm saying. The reason for my actions literally has nothing to do with what the cheater thinks. Nor does it have anything to do with fairness and equality. Think what you want about me. I'm telling you I don't condone cheating, you're telling me I do repeatedly. I really don't know how else to explain it to you. I'm sure I'll see you at a match this year, you can feel free to bring it up then.
  5. Bart, I wasn't getting emotional. I'm also not interested in bickering about this any further. I fully understand your position, but you aren't changing my mind and I'm not trying to change yours. Also, since you've rabidly attacked the first post I made in this thread, you should know that the "tattle-tale" comment that rubs you so wrong was said in jest. Hence the wink at the end of the sentence. Agree to disagree. Bobby, Nope, that was already there. Fair enough about it not being directed at me. Sorry for the confusion.
  6. Bart, I was a C class shooter with financial demands. Now I'm a GM with financial demands. My opinion on this issue hasn't changed from the beginning. I think a few of you guys haven't read my posts very closely. I said I wouldn't go running to the RO if I thought somebody was cheating, I also said talking to them privately was a very reasonable option. I have lost major matches (as a B shooter and a GM) because my closest competitor cheated. I didn't cry about it, I went home, worked harder, and got better. As long as we keep score, people will cheat. It's human nature to take the easy way out...sadly. Bobby, No, you don't. As far as I know, you've never even met me. And I'll ask you politely to not do it again please. I can't remember ever treating you disrespectfully. I'd appreciate you returning the favor.
  7. I had a big response typed up. Suffice it to say, I don't condone cheating. I just don't care about cheaters. That will very likely be mangled and misconstrued, but try to understand how I mean it.
  8. And I've had dozens of people contact me wondering why they don't get better practicing 15 minutes a day... *sigh
  9. I think you missed what I was trying to say in that post. Cheating at USPSA is not evil. It's just cheating. No one gets hurt from it except maybe a couple egos. Big deal (it is just a game afterall). Killing an innocent person is evil. I can't fathom mentioning those two things in the same sentence.
  10. Perception often doesn't match reality.
  11. I'd say it might be time to do some strength training.
  12. Sorry guys, but I don't exactly lump cheating in as "evil." I can see why he does it, but I prefer to work my ass off and win like a man. Seeing how I'm not cheating, I'm not the problem, nor is it my business to try and do the ROs job if I'm not ROing. Especially because during a match I'm focused on my shooting...and I'm not counting the shots of Joe Shooter who is on the stage. Therefore, I'm not going to blow the whistle on something that I couldn't even be sure of. I just said what I would do. If you guys want to go on a crusade of sniffing out cheating and running to the RM, go for it.
  13. Some people need to win but aren't willing to put the work in to do so... That is not something John Wayne would do...
  14. Having a private chat with him is a very reasonable solution. If he does it enough, someone will eventually notice. Especially if he shoots with real good shooters or ROs.
  15. What goes down comes around. There's nothing wrong with telling the RO, but I wouldn't. I don't like tattle tales much more than cheaters.
  16. The sad thing is I don't know whether you are serious or joking...
  17. The "deepest" sport is without a doubt USPSA. In terms of competition, size, and variety.
  18. Jake Di Vita


    You don't slow your mind, you become aware of as much as possible. This has a time dilation effect on your perception of what is going on in and around you. "Slowing" your mind is still speed/time focus. I used to focus on visualizing myself shooting a stage at actual speed. I now think this is a fundamental flaw that many shooters experience as "actual speed" is quite relative to a large amount of variables and is based upon expectations of performance. I went from "actual speed" visualization to visualizing exactly what I needed to see to hit each target and noticed an immediate benefit regarding consistency.
  19. Also keep in mind you do get your own copy for each stage of a major match. If I were you, I'd forget it and just pay better attention next time. Follow the RO who is calling out the scoring, add up your shots on the scoresheet yourself, double check your time (is what you heard the same as what's on paper?), check for any penalties, and you're done. This should be done for every stage.
  20. The worse your technique, the more you will probably notice accuracy issues. The better your technique, the less it really matters. Reason being that good technique usually revolves around the ability to stabilize the gun during recoil. I can see it affecting the perception of time as well, but I would say hotter loads don't have any measurable influence on your ability to pull the trigger quickly. It wouldn't be a stretch to say a shooter with less than ideal technique would shoot slower with hotter loads because of the added gun movement. I doubt it really has much of an effect on you.
  21. I dryfire till I like what I feel and see. Sometimes it takes longer than others.
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