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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. So if I'm the RO and I do it the same every single time, I can't guarantee that it was done the same?
  2. George in your own example you say the only thing iron clad is the score on the targets. Is a signed scoresheet not a picture of that iron clad event? If so, how can it be questionable a minute after it is considered iron clad? If score sheets are not evidence, I don't understand how we can use them to compute score.
  3. At that point as a RM, all you are doing is questioning my ability as an RO. If I tell you I'm sure of something, and you still question me - well that just doesn't sound quite right does it. We are in agreement. In Kyle's example, did that shooter not receive his accurate score? Was it not done as a judgement call by the RO because the scores were obvious to him?
  4. Yes, I can usually remember every hit of the previous shooter although I don't agree that needs to be the standard. Even if I don't remember every single target, I would absolutely recall it on several targets...If this happens with a target I am sure of do I then make a call I know to be bad on the grounds that I don't remember every hit on every target? It seems like it would be prudent to work with the best information available to you and make decisions according to that.
  5. With the confirmation of both ROs and the previous shooter and the score sheet, it sure seems like the scoring hits were obvious which qualifies the underlined part. Regardless, that rule directly labels this as a judgement call by the RO.
  6. Now that is a very interesting way of looking at it. I need time to soak that in.
  7. Out of curiosity, why do you keep going back to him?
  8. I've sure been guilty of it but never called out on it. I do a lot of reading haha.
  9. I haven't gone for a 1 rep max in about 4 months either. I wouldn't even recommend doing that very often from the strain it places on your body. Plus a true 1 rep max will have some form breakdown in it...normally this isn't a problem, but shit has the potential to happen even with you do everything right. You know your body better than I do, but for me maxing out a few times a week would very quickly lead to overtraining. You would likely be able to get away with it for awhile since your squat and deadlift sound like they are still in the novice phase. (Note: the term novice has nothing to do with numbers, but refers to the amount of adaptation you have gone through measured against your genetic capacity for strength). The proper depth of a squat is when the crease of the hip passes below the patella when viewed from the side. Anything higher than this is not actually considered a squat.
  10. Mass gain isn't really a goal of mine either. My goal is to get stronger, and it is a hell of a lot easier to do that while growing. A 400 pound bench is cool...what are your squat and deadlift numbers? I made the mistake of training endurance before strength...it didn't work out too well. I was 5'7, 155 pounds and had reasonable strength numbers for my size, then got my ass handed to me at a crossfit competition because I was going against people who had my level of conditioning or better and outweighed me by 50 pounds. Out of the 10 general physical skills you always hear about, I would contend that strength has a greater effect on all of them than any of the others do. IMO, if you want to be a great crossfitter, you need at least a 450 pound squat and over 500 deadlift.
  11. I agree with what has been said. Let me put it like this, I know 110 pound girls who eat 6 eggs and half a pound of bacon for breakfast every morning. If her body need that much fuel, how much do you think a grown 200 pound man needs? Paleo plus dairy is fantastic for mass gain. The bad thing about dairy is it is inherently very insulin spiking, so because of that you can plan on gaining some fat with this method. However it has been my experience that muscle is a lot harder to gain than fat is to lose (not to mention that having more muscle will help you lose more fat). I guess the first step is determining exactly what your goals are and knowing where your current abilities stand. I'm personally more concerned with performance than appearance, so I don't care if my abzz are showing or not. In my case, I was doing a lot of dairy (gallon of whole milk per day) and not very paleo outside of that (for a limited time). But in 3 months I gained 35 pounds to my weight and about 130 pounds to my squat. It's amazing how quickly the body gets stronger when you provide adequate stress, fuel, and recovery.
  12. I wrote a big long post then re-read XRe's and it was almost verbatim. Rip and band aid off and tough it out. You won't regret it.
  13. Holy 7 years ago post. What don't you get?
  14. Right. The bottom line is "feel" is not a reliable indicator of time and time alone is not a reliable indicator of efficacy. I urge you to test it with as many variations as you can think of (as XRe said) and record the information along with the variables in your log book. You will then have concrete data on what does or doesn't work for you, and until you have the data any theory is just conjecture.
  15. You obviously don't know Mike Seeklander (did you even read his post in this thread?) I don't even know him well, but "less than a man" is something I'd never say about him.
  16. It depends on what I'm shooting from the box. If I'm entering a box from the left to shoot at some fairly easy targets, my left foot will enter first so I can roll through the position. If I'm shooting at some fairly hard targets I'll enter the box with my right foot first so I can start getting on the sights quicker. By the time my left foot has left the ground I'm usually ready to shoot.
  17. I'm not being negative, I'm asking a legitimate question. If this is better, I am interested in learning about it. But if it is better I'd like to know the reasons why so I can evaluate it from all the angles possible. In my opinion that's a pretty important part of being a coach.
  18. Innovative? Sure. But, how is it better than conventional dry fire?
  19. THey don't change monthly. Classifier calculators would have to be re-calc'd every month in that case. I'm pretty darn sure they aren't.
  20. Please, keep the comments coming. All you guys are making me do is practice harder.
  21. I like them primarily because they allow me to grip better with my toes. If you have city feet, I wouldn't recommend using them on gravel...at least not without some preparation. I will be doing more field testing in the future on Vibrams vs. Cleats. If you run in them, run short distances first and slowly work your way up. You can't fully appreciate the soreness you get from running barefoot (IE, with Vibrams) until you experience it.
  22. Do not assume I have no basis in fact for what I'm saying. I have not done what Kurt said for reasons I have mentioned, but if you think I have never put 1 vs. 2 on the timer, you are sorely mistaken.
  23. JJ is pretty damn good at just about anything he tries to do.
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