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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I like where your head is at. I personally don't like to sprint with the sled (I like using a sled mainly for recovery, ala Louie Simmons). Gotta add deadlifts because they are good for your soul. Doing them double overhand or with a fat bar occasionally would also be fantastic grip work. You also can never go wrong with back squats. I guarantee overhead squats would help a lot...the older generations (especially those with 30+ years of little activity and bad posture) will likely have trouble with them...I think the split snatch is a great alternative. Thick bar for overhead work is brutal. It's amazing how much your grip has to do with pressing motions. Pull-ups are also something that shouldn't be neglected.
  2. That's great if you want to look good. I want to perform good.
  3. Jake Di Vita

    World Cup

    I thought the match for 3rd place was awesome.
  4. My first question is what does your exercise regime look like. I saw you mention you were running and rucking, but that they greatly exacerbate the problem (probably shouldn't do either for the time being). I guess my real question is, how strong are you and how exactly do you train? (Your description does sound a lot like a herniated disc though).
  5. Jake Di Vita

    World Cup

    I thought the match for 3rd place was 10 times better than the match for 1st.
  6. I've always said that if you ever hit a plateau in anything - try getting stronger and see what happens.
  7. It greatly depends on your current physical and mental tolerances. I don't use soreness as an excuse to not train (delicate balancing act with not overtraining though...I've been doing this a long time and I know my body very well) therefore being sore at a match doesn't really hamper me because I'm accustomed to working when I least feel like it. I would say your biggest concern should be warming up real good before you shoot. If the match is really important to you, 48 hours of rest before the match should be plenty. If it isn't, chances are you aren't eating enough or are making poor choices when it comes to food quality. Sleep is also a big issue here. In short, experiment with it at local matches. You'll find what works best for you.
  8. I guess it's just the fact that anyone who's ever ridden a bike for any length of time has run into idiots that would quite literally hurt them because of an extremely small inconvenience. The reason I'm touchy on the subject is I've had idiots like that actually go after me before. Not fun.
  9. You might not think it's so funny next time you are on a bike and some asshat gives you a near impact fly by. I think cycling is worthless for cardio for anything outside of cycling, but I love the competitive sport.
  10. Exciting stage today. Anyone who wonders why cyclists shave their legs has never experienced road rash.
  11. I don't see why it wouldn't be the same. Recoil isn't a factor for transitions. The real test is, will you still have that .2 improvement next time you go out to practice.
  12. I'm finding the same thing myself. Although I think support elbow up and out still has merit...but I need to test it further.
  13. Hey skinny guy, you could always gain some weight. 70s Big I'm sure the added strength wouldn't hurt either.
  14. I think Carwin needs to work a bit on his conditioning for fights that last more than one round.
  15. Good story, and one I've heard (and experienced) many times. I remember a few years ago I took a class from Max and Travis before the Targeting Education match. I believe I was the only GM in the class. Well to make a long story short, some of the class was getting miffed because Max would keep coming over to me and giving me individual tidbits of instruction, but what they didn't understand was if he told them the same thing he told me, it would have had drastically different (and detrimental) effects on their game. To know where you are going, you have to know where you are starting from. For example, a "C" class shooter shouldn't concern himself with how to save 5 hundredths of a second on a table start. The time can be better spent working on other things. The law of diminishing returns is definitely in effect here.
  16. Just pull the trigger straight to the rear of the gun without moving the sights. Ultimately grip has no effect on accuracy...you can shoot accurately with the gun turned upside down pulling the trigger with your pinky. A solid grip and stance is one of the most important aspects of shooting quickly. The accuracy problem is a trigger control issue. Bottom line is the reason you are missing is because you are moving the sights before the bullet has exited the barrel.
  17. I'm strictly talking about match application here. Once you can call your shots, it's never too early to start practicing anything. Another way of wording it, a very high amount of shooters A class and below have not developed the skills required to make shooting on the move effective for the duration of a match.
  18. I'm not saying it won't be faster. I'm saying it usually ends up in a wash when you consider all the angles. What range/difficulty targets are you using? How are his/your points every time? Does he/you ever take extra shots? How much does he/you need to slow his movement/shooting down to hit alphas? If he/you does make a mistake, how much does it cost on average? And most importantly, how well does he/you execute during match time? It's also possible that the reason it seems better could have something to do with efficiency entering and leaving positions.
  19. It's true that it might be different for some people, but I'm more inclined to think there are a few things you may be neglecting. Most of the time, even for the best shooters in the world, shooting on the move vs. planting is a wash. The situations I'm referring to are medium distance targets, poppers, and occasionally hard cover. If you have a target at arms length, by all means blast away - but if you even hit Alpha Charlie, you lose ground. Since we often see that points are outweighed by time (which is even more true for lower class shooters) shooting on the move is only a viable option when you know you will hit Alphas 10 out of 10 times. This is obviously magnified if you are shooting minor. Throw up a short little stage and run it both ways 10 or so times, then figure the average hit factor. You'll see what I mean. It won't always bite you, but when it does you tend to lose more than you stand to gain if properly executed.
  20. Most shooters below GM (plus a fair amount of M's) gain next to nothing shooting on the move. It is a truly dynamic skill that works fantastic when the shooter is skilled enough to use it, but for average Joe Shooter, you will be better served by running to a position and shooting stationary with the exception of arms length targets.
  21. So Dave, I'm de-evolving because I don't crack jokes to people I hardly know about their wives huh? I'll take that as a compliment because I'm honestly scared about what your idea of evolved is. From what we saw on the show, it was not innocent, not respectful, and completely distasteful. Regardless of whether you think it was funny or not, Bill was obviously pretty damn upset about it for a reason. Since I don't know either one of them, all the information I have to go on is what is seen in the show. The kid is exactly that...a kid. Excluding the fact the obviously thought he did nothing wrong, he couldn't even muster up a sincere apology for obviously offending the man. I'd like to see your opinion if their roles were reversed. For some reason, I think people are defending the kid on the sole basis that he is a kid.
  22. Sorry, I come from the point of view that you don't talk about another man's wife. Ever. And that doesn't even take into account the weak ass apology. "So you aren't going to be talking to me or what" - Gimme a break.
  23. Assuming what we see on the show is the entire story (obviously it isn't, but that's the only info we have) If that boy (I'm talking mental maturity) would have said what he said to me, I wouldn't have been nearly as polite as Bill was.
  24. So you guys would rather make a call you know to be incorrect (the evidence exists to make a correct call) on the sole basis that this method can't be used 100% of the time? And regardless, how can that rule be read any other way? It clearly places the judgement on the RO.
  25. Well a pretty easy way to make sure that every score sheet scores the targets in the same order is to number each target stand and instruct all your ROs to do that from the beginning. If we can't trust our ROs to do something this simple, maybe we shouldn't be using those people as ROs. You guys are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
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