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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I don't think there have been any skeptics. Everyone has commented that it's a pretty cool thing to do. I'm a GM and I'm not on level with the best in the sport right now. That's not an insult, it's just a fact.
  2. How many times have you guys seen a GM shoot 70% of the match winner? I have seen it lots. I agree totally with TDean. Cool stuff regardless.
  3. Put extra socks in your range bag.
  4. Well suffice it to say we deviate from our ancestral foodways at our own peril. It's obvious nothing I say will change your mind. In the future, I highly encourage you to try it for a month or two and see how you look, feel, and perform. That will be better evidence than any book you or I can cite.
  5. I have no problem with you using a treadmill to warm-up, but that was not the reason you stated you were doing it. It's the trying to get another work-out after the strength training that I was recommending against (for the time being). Well I don't really know what to say to that...I'm kind of curious where your records are that early hominids were farmers? The reason beans aren't part of the Paleo diet is because legumes are known gut irritants. Dog food is cheap too...but I wouldn't try feeding myself with it (or my dog for that matter). Here is a link to a research paper written by Dr. Loren Cordain (and others) and edited by the associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. It's a good place to start. When buying meat in bulk, Sam's or Costco are good choices. Not the best quality of meat, but like you said we do the best we can with what we have. As for linear progression...it definitely works. Nearly 3 months ago I set several goals for a 1 rep max on all the lifts. I not only smashed those goals, I'm doing 5 reps of most of them. Anyway as I said before, ultimately do what you want. This is just what I've learned from my own experience and training others. (FWIW, my Dad has dropped nearly 30 pounds in 2 months of strict Paleo and has made consistent progress on all his lifts for those 2 months. He's 55.)
  6. The purpose of Starting Strength is novice linear progression. This means increasing weights every workout. If you aren't doing this, you aren't doing Starting Strength. As far as weights vs. cardio - you can do whatever you want, but the idea that long slow distance is heart healthy just isn't true in practical application. If you're interested, I can point you towards plenty of information to start. So let me understand this. We have been eating as hunter-gatherers for millions of years and you believe 10,000 years of agriculture has changed our genome? How much research have you done on hunter-gatherer eating? The money thing just doesn't compute for me. You can buy bulk meat for as low as $2 a pound from many places. Vegetables aren't that expensive, and neither are good fats. I spend less than $50 a week on food, and I eat over a pound of meat a day. Again, ultimately, do what you want to do. Don't be surprised if you don't get good results though.
  7. There are over a million posts on this forum...I bet 10% of them deal with that topic. Do a search as this is not an original question.
  8. Cool. The smith machine would be much more useful if it were melted down and used for re-bar. Squatting and deadlifting correctly should help a huge amount with this. Using more warm up sets is definitely cool. SS protocol calls for 3 works sets at 5 reps after you've warmed up. The power clean is 5 sets of 3 reps. If you are using the correct weight for your work sets, your heart rate will be elevated. I could actually spend the next 30 minutes addressing this paragraph, but suffice it to say you will be better served by focusing on strength and tightening up the diet than spending time on the treadmill right now. I have a lot of experience with both the Zone and Paleo. Not only with myself, but other clients (including my parents, who are a bit older than you). I REALLY suggest you go Paleo instead of Zone.
  9. Based on my experience, this is what I would suggest: 1) Find a squat rack as soon as humanly possible. This is an essential piece of equipment. It would be worth it to not eat lunch for a month to buy one if it comes down to it. 2) What is the nature of your back injury? Is there any way you can video your squat? Do you lift with a belt and weightlifting shoes? 3) Starting Strength does not involve 5 sets of 5 in any exercise. If you haven't yet finished the book, that is goal number 1. The programming aspects are quite significant to the success of the program. Especially for someone of your age. (Not a knock at you, just significant because of your diminished ability to recover). 4) Endurance work after strength training greatly blunts the adaptation received from the strength training. Unfortunately the body has a finite ability to recover, so anything that takes away from your body adapting between workouts is extremely detrimental to overall progress. Strength before strength endurance. 5) A caloric excess is not needed for you to make gains. It is very important that you are getting adequate levels of protein. Go for at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, primarily from sources of meat. Severely limit your carbohydrate intake and supplement that with lots of good fats and veggies. This will create an environment very conducive to lean body mass growth and fat reduction. Your diet is pass/fail based on your protein intake. 6) Here is a link to Rip's forum. If you have any questions, this is the place to look. Rip is awesome at this stuff, he also lacks patience for silly BS. This is both informative and entertaining.
  10. Excellent start. I've been doing linear progression myself for the last 3 months. Gained 35 pounds of bodyweight so far lol. What were your starting numbers and what are your current numbers on everything? Height, weight, age, and time training too if you don't mind.
  11. I actually laughed out loud when he said that. And guess what, when I blow a stage at a match, I get pretty pissed off too. If that makes me an "egotistic punk" in people's minds as well...well I'm perfectly ok with that. What really astounds me is how so many people that hate him, still watch him and talk about him. To get the thread back to shooting...After those 3 bogeys to finish with a birdie is a great example for shooters. Very short memory for bad shots and focus on the task at hand.
  12. +100 on the snatch. Oly lifting is gymnastics with a bar.
  13. I don't care about his personal life...and I doubt most people would come out squeaky clean if their lives were put on display. I like him as a golfer and a competitor. Birdie on 18 could very well be coming attractions. Sunday will be fun.
  14. Nothing replaces hard consistent work.
  15. Quote the rule to the MD/RM. I personally don't really care at a level 1 match...(as long as the stage isn't unsafe)
  16. Assuming the gun can group (I'm sure it can), you are obviously moving the sights before the bullet leaves the barrel. Pull the trigger straight to the rear of the gun without moving the sights.
  17. I don't think there is any good physiological reason to do what you're suggesting. The difference being the golf swing is a much more physical movement than controlling recoil. Recoil control only gets developed through the act of controlling recoil (novel thought right?). Besides, there may be times in a golf match where you need to use a 70% swing. I doubt you'll ever use 70% PF loads in USPSA matches.
  18. Sorry...think I'm half pit bull.
  19. Doesn't really matter how you compensate as long as you do it the same every time.
  20. The problem with that trick is it doesn't differentiate between a flinch and compensating for recoil. Just dry fire until you can drop the hammer without disturbing the sights...then do the same thing in live fire.
  21. If you want to get good...10 minutes a day ain't gonna cut it. Sorry.
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