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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I recommend you get stronger and more flexible rather than ignore an obvious chink in your shooting armor. On another note, I've only seen one person other than myself go supine in a match. I like supine better than prone personally.
  2. Life is better on the edge.

  3. It sounds like there were several factors involved in the problem. The nutritional aspect was probably 70% or more of the issue. The inflammatory response that we get from grains and other things is really nasty. Combine that with already pre-stressed joints and high intensity movement and that's definitely a recipe for disaster. I only say this because I've been training my 55 year old father for 7 months now (3 months of strength work first...CF style programming since) and he hasn't experienced any problems with his joints - which weren't real good to start with. I also had him go full paleo from the get go. I have him do the mobility wod that Kelly Starrett posts everyday which helps significantly.
  4. Have you tried any of the CrossFit Football or MEBB programming? Oly lifts are perfectly safe to do while winded if and when you have sufficient experience and conditioning to handle it. If you're brand new to oly lifting, probably stay away from Isabel. Doing these lifts while winded will give you a capacity that is not easily attainable otherwise.
  5. Yep...although I'm really thinking this is another one of those things where it's the journey and not the destination. Each day is a fresh shot at it though.
  6. My questions are: You say CF was hard on your joints. What did your nutrition look like during this time? How much actual mobility work did you do in addition to your workouts?
  7. Looks to be about 1.5 shoulder widths. Pretty solid from this angle...minus the closed eye.
  8. Looks like she is leaning to shoot around something in that photo so that might not be the best place to take info from on standard width for her stance. I know for me I always widen my base out when I have a heavy lean to one side. Most people tend to stand up a little straighter to shoot around something...this is a loser for the same reason Dave describes. It's often more important to be low (even lower than normal) when shooting from a less than ideal position such as a heavy lean or shooting on the move.
  9. Which makes sense. Women having naturally less strength than men are getting their bodies into a more bio-mechanically efficient position to absorb recoil. They physically can't be lazy behind the gun and still succeed. 10 - 1 says the men would see an improvement with that philosophy as well.
  10. I don't see any similarity between the two statements. *shrug
  11. Maybe with a little luck this will lead to a revolutionary change of how we view nutrition and conditioning of the human frame.
  12. Absolutely. Step one is learn the lifts (either on your own or with the help of a coach). Step two is do the lifts consistently with reasonable nutrition so you make progress. In terms of programs, there are plenty of them out there. Catalyst Athletics puts out a daily Oly lifting oriented workout. Crossfit has fantastic GPP stuff that often has an explosive element. Google, read read read, train. I can point you towards some information to start if you'd like. I completely agree. Take care of the speed and power stuff in the gym. If you do it properly, it will translate to better range performance automatically.
  13. Stick the reload in the first step and it becomes a non-issue.
  14. I can't think of any even remotely good reasons to do power movements with hundreds of pounds while destabilized. Absolutely vision, although proprioception is irreplaceable as well. People who have never played a sport are not nearly as aware of their surroundings as athletes are. Let me change my statement a bit. Athletes see more than non-athletes. This obviously has far reaching benefits to the world of practical shooting.
  15. Olympic lifting is the best thing out there for generating explosive power. Most "professional" physical trainers have about the same expertise in their field as gun store commandos do in practical shooting. The single greatest advantage an athlete has over a non-athlete is vision.
  16. John, If and when you decide to get back into it. I don't think it will take very long for you to hit GM.
  17. How's your diet? Elevated cortisol can definitely contribute to insomnia.
  18. I cut the callus off when it becomes too big. Wrapping some athletic tape around the area is also an option.
  19. I have a different way of looking at it. I'd argue if your performance vastly changes during the course of a day, that is evidence of a deeper root problem that needs addressing. You wouldn't have found this issue under normal match or practice conditions. Maybe marathon practice sessions occasionally are a good tool to judge if your overall system is in sync and running on all cylinders. Can't fix a problem you don't know is there for the most part.
  20. Well lets hear what the record is.
  21. That is something I've been extremely hard on myself about lately. Nice timing.
  22. I don't think anyone does my friend.
  23. No NASCAR driver has ever won a race that had never hit a few walls in his career. Crashing and burning is an important part of getting better.
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