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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I'd be interested to see video of him from the nationals (or anywhere else really). Anyone have links?
  2. My 55 year old father who has never trained outside of cross fit disagrees.
  3. I don't consider what I said to be a flame. I'm also not sure you fully understand what I was trying to say.
  4. The standard message I preach to clients (which I got from a crossfit certification) is mechanics > consistency > intensity. What that means is when you are starting the most important thing to focus on is proper execution of the exercises you are doing. This is usually done with no weight to light weight depending on the individual's physical and psychological tolerances. After you have the mechanics down, I want you to be consistent with both the execution of the movements and the frequency of your workouts for a month at least. After you have those things down, we start to increase the intensity. My question would be, why is medium distance "cardio" better than strength training scaled within your capabilities? I think most people that don't like cross fit have several misconceptions regarding what is and is not "crossfit." Crossfit is about fundamental safe movements being executed at high intensity. This is not necessarily timed as there are many ways to establish intensity in workouts. Crossfit is also not the main page workouts. The main page is but one expression of the idea. It is not the end all be all. I'm a crossfitter and I don't follow the main page.
  5. That's pretty awesome. A great video to show first time shooters (especially women) that are leery of recoil.
  6. When you hit a plateau, go back to the fundamentals. Virtuosity is described as doing the common uncommonly well. Focus on the basics, always.
  7. There are so many gaps and falsehoods in his reasoning it would take me more time than I'm willing to spend to explain it. Better yet. Read the article then the comments and do some thinking for yourselves...hopefully reading those doesn't make anyone want to stab their eyes out with a needle, like it did me. John, I'd love to compete against you in a workout of your choosing. I'll be shooting the OH section match next year. I'll even bring the barbells and the weights. All you have to do is show up. If Crossfit is so much BS, you should have nothing to worry about. By the way, I never got a response to the PM I sent you months ago detailing the information of how crossfit is being used by the military. Did you receive it?
  8. What is interesting is that Nils was about 20 seconds faster on the match than 2nd place (91% of the points compared to 95%). He also shot an average hit factor of about 7.6. Being 20 seconds faster when the average second is worth 7 points is pretty amazing, yet he only won by 31 points. I bet 9 out of 10 times, 9 Deltas, 6 Mikes, and 1 Noshoot does not win the match. But hey, just for the hell of it, let's compare to past Limited nats winners. Ted 2009, 12 D's, no penalties Travis 2008, 9 D's, 1 mike Rob 2007, 3 D's, 2 no shoots Unfortunately matches before 2007 did not have the match summary feature, but I suspect the results are much the same. While in this singular case he did "miss fast enough to win" (even though he still carried a 91% points average) as described by the OP, I think that's a good example of what not to do for 99% of the rest of you. FWIW, if Todd shoots clean, he wins that match over Nils....while being over 20 seconds slower.
  9. But your score will always be better without the miss.
  10. I disagree. Nils did this at the Nats. He had several misses and still won the title as National Champ. He can truly miss fast enough to win! I'd be interested in you emailing him to ask if shooting fast misses is what enabled him to win a championship. Jim summed it up nicely.
  11. I don't know for sure, but I'd bet all the WR setting runs were done with no extra shots.
  12. P90X is great if you want to look good. Crossfit and good nutrition will give you the same if not better appearance and performance that is 10x better...it's also much more difficult.
  13. http://www.crossfit.com http://www.jakedivita.com
  14. If you are competing against people of similar skill level then No, you cannot miss fast enough to win. If you are a GM shooting against C class shooters, you wouldn't even need to shoot all of the stages to win.
  15. Just keep livin' brother. No matter what happens.
  16. Life is short - it's better to win.

  17. The injury was on the first clip of the video, where he fell backward and let 352 pounds crush both of his wrists. (note: the proper way to bail out of that lift is to get the hell away from the bar as soon as you realize your balance has been compromised). You see him do this correctly later in the video.
  18. I recommend you switch that around. Strength before strength endurance.
  19. I don't think Harry would agree with you.
  20. I chose the Burpee mainly because of its ability to be done quickly and take all the major joints through their full range of motion (being ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow). Obviously the quantity and type of movement done to warm up is based on your current physiological tolerances, but you should make sure whatever you choose to do meets the qualifications I previously mentioned (the bold area). The dryfire after the body is primed is a critical part of it for me, primarily because it simulates the conditions that will be in my body during the first stage.
  21. Jake Di Vita


    http://startingstrength.com/resources/forum/showthread.php?t=12837&highlight=Shoulder+surgery+rehab Push it hard but smart. If you take it too slowly, you'll never recover to full function. Remember that rehab is finished when you are as strong or stronger than you were before the injury.
  22. Interesting to be sure. Another way of looking at it is to train with an elevated heart rate so you are at home there. Personally what I've found works best is to take a deep breath and hold it at the "are you ready" command and forcefully exhale at the beep. I'd highly recommend that every shooter installs a good warm-up routine before the match and, if necessary, the stages. I'd recommend the pre-match warm-up be rigorous enough to work up a sweat but not fatigue you. What I've experimented with is 50 burpees followed by a 5 minute rest and 10 minutes or so of dry fire to get everything primed, lubricated, and working properly. And as Brian said, mental and physical are the same.
  23. Perhaps I should add that was his first shot of the day. Cold.
  24. I remember hearing about Dave Sevigny a few years ago doing a 1 shot draw to an IPSC target at 200 yards in 1.3 seconds.
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