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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Almost the only time I would even consider re-engaging a target is if I had a mike. It is never worth making up C's and almost never worth making up D's.
  2. ??? My Beretta was more reliable than any Glock I've ever shot.
  3. A few things.... Yes you absolutely WILL have stages where you need to reload to a 170. Also....why would you not be contacting the bottom of a 170? Kind of hard to seat a mag like that...
  4. Awesome....That is a great step to what matches need to start looking like all over.
  5. I'm actually not very impressed with the reloads. I'm more impressed with the intensity that he called every shot....especially on the steel.
  6. I hope it was cleaned before its next use.....
  7. zhunter knows the right questions to ask.... Elaborate.
  8. Good job man. Will the match be available to anyone? Invitation only at first? We need details.
  9. I had the dot on but didn't use it too much except on the targets with the no shoot bordering....and even then I only used it to make sure I was out of white. I shot the stage strong hand only (my strong hand shooting is one of the strongest things in my arsenal)... I had like 11 down (2 D's) in 5.2.
  10. I don't have a problem with Barry at all....it could be good to have different locations just for diversity though. Wherever they are, I will shoot them...
  11. I think what he is trying to say is that a lot of people worship baseball, basketball, football (mainstream sports) players but don't consider people like Lance athletes.
  12. Saul will be putting out a DVD of the Open Super Squad sometime in the future.
  13. I think there is a difference between what you said and the wind keeping steel up. Would you get a reshoot if wind blew a target over? Absolutely.
  14. Lance is the man. That is one dude I would love to meet.
  15. Points are what wins matches. If you don't believe me. Max at nats probably dropped a total of 25 points on the last 12 stages. Increasing speed at the cost of points is not the way to do it. It is great that you are seeing an improvement, but you are getting away from the point a bit. The whole point of this game is to hit the target as quickly as possible. The target is the A box. Flyin40, Remember this also. Every C you shoot in practice will be a D in a match. Every D you shoot in practice will be a miss or no shoot in the match. I promise you top shooters NEVER shoot close to 100% of their capability...that is why they win. If you want to go out and shoot as fast as you can and accept any hits go ahead, I promise you will regret it later though.
  16. After the blaster locking up tight after 3 rounds and zeroing a stage I really wasn't in it mentally anymore....that was the icing on the cake of an already horrendous day. With the number of penalties, D's, and extra shots I had....I'll really be interested to go and check my zero.
  17. I'm 20. I'm not saying someone of "advanced" years can move as quickly as someone younger....what I am saying is for the most part, any weakness can be made a strength...or at least not as much of a weakness. Look at Robbie for example....he isn't exactly fleet of foot ya know?
  18. Slowing down will only make you go slow... See what you need to to make every shot. If you don't push and shoot everything within your limits, there is absolutely no reason why you can't shoot a clean match at the WS. Just aim.
  19. Ron, I don't know you or your personal situation, but it seems to me anything short of massive physical disability can be fixed with a lot of hard work? Please don't take offense in any way, it is not my intention. Just trying to help. IPSC is not only a game of shooting....to get really good at it, you have to cross train. I know where you are coming from with the athletic thing....I was never even athletic back in school, in really bad shape, couldn't play sports worth crap. When I started shooting I said enough is enough and just did what it took. Before you say I can do it because I'm young....I've already had major reconstructive surgery on one knee....the other knee will probably need it soon, my right shoulder is toast, left wrist cracks whenever I move it, and my right hand is still fractured from a couple years ago. Unless there's a reaallllly good reason why you can't, just do it. If really sub-par athletic ability is the only reason....it can be remedied.
  20. A friend of mine had the exact same problem....it had to do with the grip angle and the gun just pointed left for him. He threw some Hogue grips on there and said it worked itself out...I haven't seen him shoot it yet so I can't comment on it. Other than that, I would have a friend that is a good shooter also shoot it and see if it does the same thing for him (don't tell him what the problem is though...the sub-conscious like to play tricks on us).
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