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Everything posted by spook

  1. Michael, my thoughts are with you and your family. Very sorry to hear about your loss. I wish there was something I could do to ease the pain. Take care man...
  2. jhgtyre, I've done some searching and finally came back to TK. Check the "What's new" section of the homepage. I'd give Tom a call. He's Da Man when it comes to the moonclip thing. Good luck
  3. I second what Pauls says about the federal primers. They're the softest. As for adjusting the main screw yourself: it's a piece of cake. It's best to start with the screw turned as far in (as tight) as possible. Then loosen it slightly (in easy to remember increments, like 1/2 turn or 1/4 turn), fire about 12 rounds, loosen some more, etc. until you've reached the point where it works fine/no misfires (I always tighten it another 1/4 turn from the point where it seems to work fine, just in case). Write down how many turns from "all the way in" you've loosened it. Now you can loc-tite it in place (without loc-tite shooting the gun will loosen the screw) Just be careful when you take the screw out to put the (blue) loc-tite on it that the spring doesn't come out of the little cut in the frame (bottom of the grip). Put some tape around it or something else to keep it in place. It's not really a problem if it falls out, but you would have to take the side plate off to put it back in. Just put loc-tite on the screw, put it back in and tighten it all the way and immediately back it out as far as you had it backed out in the ideal position (tighten it an extra 1/4 turn if you want to make sure you're safe).
  4. spook

    Team Shroom

    300lbs. I dunno if I should thank you for that information, but thanks anyways....
  5. spook

    Team Shroom

    I don't get it. So...they're gay and shoot when high on shrooms? I love the initiative.
  6. Ditto. Nice going BTW L2S. that was how fast?
  7. Yeah, sorry, forgot to add that. The others are no problem.
  8. Steve, it won't play. Says I need another codec (both Quicktime and Win Mediaplayer)
  9. Ditto on what underlug and Erik said. Dry firing can cause the main screw to back out. Blue lock tite works great. I'd like to add: dirt causing friction between the frame and the hammer, resulting in light strike. I had something like this happen to me twice. First time I actually broke the mainspring dry firing. Second time I broke the pin that holds the hammer to the frame. Long shots, but if it's none of the obvious things, you might check it. Good luck.
  10. I've seen lots of people use this style. It's more or less THE classic way of holding a revolver with two hands. When I started shooting revolver two or three years ago, this is what I was told to do. AFAIK, there are no benefits whatsoever. I switched to "thumbs pointing to target" style (this is starting to sound like a cheap '70 kung fu movie). It surprises me that you've never heard of it. You've been shooting revolver way longer than I have, and almost everybody I know that shooting the old rotator uses this style.
  11. Well, tightloop, that would seem like a great idea. Only probleem I've seen so far is that USPSA wants IPSC to ajust to their rules and vice versa. This seems to be the hardest part. I personally couldn't care less who copies who. It just looks like a lot of other people do...
  12. Skywalker, you're right. Tunnelvision from my side I guess. I'm just focussed on capacity, because if they would change the rules to equal capacity, so many other rules could be dropped. If you limit the capacity in standard div. IPSC to say, 16+1 rnds, you can drop the box rule. The box rule was originally to enforce "carry guns" to be used in competition. Now (in IPSC) it's just a way to regulate mag capacity. It's the only thing people are thinking of concerning the box: How many rounds can I get in the gun? Will it still fit the box?
  13. Flex, after I put it in the fridge and let it sit there overnight, I could club my neighbour to death with the pak. Does that answer your question?
  14. Rhino, I stand corrected. I was thinking UK Gallons.
  15. LOL, you guys actually PUT ICE IN IT, as opposed to throwing the sucker in the fridge? ErikW, all of em work great. I'd personally go with the lighter colors (unless you need one for your stealth missions in the neighbors' back yard ) They DO keep them cooler regardless of the insulation. Black works fine, lighter works better. BTW, I must say that I really like the platypus systems as well. They are also very durable. Come in sizes up to 4 litres (almost a gallon), and they even make insulators for them that seem to work better than the camelback insulation. Only thing I like better about the camelbacks are the valves.
  16. It surprises me that capacity hasn't been mentioned. This, to me at least, seems the one thing that makes the open guys/gals faster than the other divisions. Next would be optics (especially on long tight shots), and after that I'd go with comps for faster follow up shots. That's just my 2cents on what makes one gun more competitive than another.
  17. Just a question. Since none of us around here like BS rules, but do like choices that give us freedom to pick whatever equipment we like, while still being competetive... What makes one gun more competitive than another?
  18. AFAIK, IPSC production has no holster restrictions. If you have a G17, the trigger must be 5 lbs., the sights must be stock, the mag can only hold 17, but you are allowed to draw it from a $250 light speed CR rig.
  19. Congrats Steve! Was that the only reason you bought the new place?
  20. What Flex said. A .45 racegun won't cut it for top drawer shooting. You'll lack capacity, bullets are more expensive, pressure of the .45 cartridge requires other comp designs to be very effective. I'd definately go with one of the popular open calibers (probably 9x23, but that's just me)
  21. Brian, thanks again for the great advice. Sent you a PM.
  22. Nice gun, and nice editing Polo
  23. Not allowed to carry over here. But if I could, it would be a revolver. A S&W 640 .357 would be my choice.
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