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Everything posted by Singlestack

  1. I disagree. Basically the 10+1 is trying to keep tube guns in the game. Open should be about innovation and testing new equipment not about protecting obsolete gear and guns. Pat The 10+1 rule was in place long before the mag guns were availible.
  2. That's only going to be a good evaluation if you are proficient at hitting it both ways.
  3. None of that matters if the sights are aligned when the gun fires.
  4. The trick is to release the shot without disturbing the sights. You should be seeing the sights move. Dry fire it until you can do this everytime without the sights moving.
  5. +1 I have to shift the gun in my hand to reach it well. Dry fire is your friend here.
  6. Your just mad because you didn't think of beer.
  7. Intentionally knocking off eye/ear protection to try to get a reshoot is a DQ for unsportmanslike conduct (10.6.3), but unloading bullets at the bottom NS until the last plate falls to get a reshoot wouldn't be considered unsportsmanlike conduct? Not in my book. Might be a jab in the stage designers eye though. If you don't want folks knocking down steel through a NS, don't put them where it can happen.
  8. +1 to everything. (except I still have the Ruger)
  9. ...if you are fast enough, you can clear the star without it moving, much.
  10. You are aware that we are talking IPSC rule changes, not USPSA, right? Does it really matter? OH YEAH!
  11. You are aware that we are talking IPSC rule changes, not USPSA, right?
  12. Maybe so, but only if you're willing to sacrifice quality for faster lead times......they're not, and I'm thankful. I do not see the two issues as the same. Everybody at SV started somewhere.
  13. If they are working 7-7 including holidays and it still takes a year to deliver, it is time to hire help.
  14. Y'all ain't gonna make me read it again!
  15. Found it, but I ain't reading it again. No need to get pissed all over again. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=132118&view=findpost&p=1487585
  16. I don't know how - it was only 30 pages. Just a small correction in what you posted, it's "shoot AT it", you may not HIT it, depending if your shots hit an impenetrable wall. You seem to have forgotten too Ken. The way I remember it, under the wall shots counted if they hit the target (much to my dismay). I remember the argument you can only score the target. Target has hits with grease rings, good to go.
  17. You guys must have forgotten about the thread where it was decided that if you can see it, you can shoot it. Like under a wall or through a slit. My search foo is failing me now and I can't find it.
  18. This Hate rant has turned into a discussion, which is beyond the bounds of the rules for the Hate Forum. Thus, it must be closed. Please review the Hate Forum Rules: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8097 [note: this is a generic response]
  19. To be clear on the Production rules, you can have 11 rounds in the gun. The problem comes up if you have 11 in the magazine after the start signal. So if the stage briefing requires an unloaded gun at the start signal and during the CoF you fire 11 rounds without a mag change, it's clear you began with 11 rounds in a magazine. It one of the special conditions to be aware of as a Production shooter. You can fire 11 rounds. Your gun better be empty though. Not on an unloaded gun start, without a reload following the buzzer..... Yes you can... On the second mag. I did not specify when.
  20. To be clear on the Production rules, you can have 11 rounds in the gun. The problem comes up if you have 11 in the magazine after the start signal. So if the stage briefing requires an unloaded gun at the start signal and during the CoF you fire 11 rounds without a mag change, it's clear you began with 11 rounds in a magazine. It one of the special conditions to be aware of as a Production shooter. You can fire 11 rounds. Your gun better be empty though.
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