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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. My peeve is clerks who are obvious about that the stores commission structure trumps decent service. I was in a Radio Shack recently buying a small but essential part, and the clerk left the register to go into a length sales cycle with a couple considering a cell phone - and then explained to me that I was left waiting at the register because they were in the store first (not in line for the register, just handing around the cell phone display).
  2. If you gun is super-comp all the way (ie, it has a 9mm insteadl of a 38 super breechface) the rounds won't fit in the breechface. Naturally, this means "zero tolerance" for regular 38 super is such a 38 super comp guns (but may conventional 38 super guns seem to run just fine with Supercomp brass and tolerate the occasional supercomp load in a batch of supers).
  3. USPSA will be releasing a WAP (phone/mobile) version of the web site with classificaiton, match schedule, local and major match results lookup by early aught six.
  4. SUL? Did a quick search but didn't find it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you can come up for a catchy name for something; call it "tactical doctrine" rather than an "idea"; and get a magazine to publish it you get to lay claim to it. Someone figured out that the term "low muzzle" didn't have the cache to become part of the doctrinal mindset of the cognoscenti, so they use the initials for a foreign phrase to mean the same thing, presented is as something worthy of specialy training, and a new buzzword was born. Time will tell if this makes it into the long term lexicon along with the Weaver Stance, Chapman Stance and Harries technique. Just in case disciples SUL are on-line - these comments are in regard to the style of marketing a technique and term, not a criticism of the instructor of the technique. You can make sentences out of the various acronyms: SUL for MN at the FC . ps: If you want to see how silly the use of a term to market a stance or technique can get, google for the "turnipseed technique"
  5. I hate it when companies mess up internet reliability by screwing with peering relationships (like level3 just did with cogent), but I like the fact that the USPSA server does not rely exclusively on either of these vendors.
  6. Two ways of instantly establishing eligibility to compete (provided, of course, you know the proper safety protocols) - Join on-line and take a printout of the confirmation page to the match Give the match director a USPSA membership applicaiton, check and stamped envelope with your registration.
  7. I suggest that you add the words "Competitors must agree to accepting financial responsibility for damage, shooting or otherwise, to range props as a condition of entry" to future match ads. Since such conditions are not typically imposed at a match, you would be doing both yourself and your competitors a favor by making this clear up front. I don't know Benny personally, but I doubt he would have posted anything to these forums regarding this matter if he had been told he had to accept this condition prior to registering for the match. This is not intended as a "beating", but a suggestion for improvement.
  8. But... Where shooters told, prior to travelling to the match, that there would be range props downrange of the muzzle for which they would be held personally liable? It's fair game to impose atypical conditions by giving advance notice prior to the point where the competitor commits time, airline tickets, hotel fees, etc. but waiting until the shooter is at the match is like an unannounced stop at a law office on the way to the wedding and telling the spouse-to-be "by the way, you have to sign a pre-nup or the wedding is off."
  9. I have a couple of AirSoft SV's - they're nice units, but the magazines are the resevoir for the gas, so I don't think they would stand up to being dropped in a conventional IPSC style reload. This may be the one case where an IDPA tactical reload is better . If anyone knows of a US based supplier for single stack Western Arms AirSoft mags, please let me know. As far as I can tell, these were never officially imported and I'd really like to pick up a couple spare mags.
  10. Battery life is "don't know yet", but a 6 LED arrya is going to be better than the far brighter conventional bulb on my 6P. The 6P is a great emergency light; the CED one is the nighttime dog walking light. (We have a lot of those black cats with the white stripe down the back on my street). Brightness is sufficient to show you the way in the dark, but not bright enough to be an effective tactical light.
  11. I like the CED_HK led flashlight I bought from MLE shooting sports at a local gun show for $35. Although not as elegant as a Sure-Fire, it is about the same size as the classic 6P with a solidly built aluminum case w/2 DL123 batteries and a multi-LED head - and a whole lot cheaper. The head is a bit wider than the body, but the body is a perfect fit in any holster for a SureFire 6P.
  12. The Area 7 procedure has been to start the 1 hour period at 11PM on the Wednesday after the match is over, ending at midnight. We do, of course, make scores available immedately after the match is over at the clubhouse and on USPSA.ORG continuously prior to the start of the official one hour period. The only works if you aren't going to have an "at the club" awards ceremony.
  13. It might be worth asking Charles Hardy of CED if the chrono measures the shadow on the leading or trailing edge, and how it handles the case of multiple shadows. If the chrono uses a leading edge trigger and only counts the first item across, the wad won't be measured.
  14. I stopped gauging once I started using a Case Pro. I still hae to do a visual on each round, with attention to the case rim and primer.
  15. President - 4 years Area director - 3 years, 2 or 3 area elections held each year SC - determined by section Procedure: Ballots sent the members by first class mail and are returned to, and tabulated by, a CPA firm. The ballots are not tracked to an individual, so there is no procedure for lost or misplaced ballots. --------------------------- Now, if you're waiting for you election ballot from IDPA, or the Tactical Shooting Association, that's another story .
  16. The 2006 Area 7 Championship will be held at the Rochester Brooks Practical Shooters on June 6-11, 2006. We may not start shooting until Thursday, but have listed Wednesday as the start date in case we need to pre-shoot some ROs to assure enough slots for competitors. Based on feedback posted this forum, I am planning (subject to approval by the match committee) some adjustments to squadding policy : 1. We will still use on-line squadding to allow shooters to adjust their squadding. 2. We will fill any squad requests you submit with your application if we can do so at the time we enter your registration data into the system. This means we will put you directly in a Sat PM slot if you ask and we have one open, and will even put you into squads with people you request. 3. Once we enter your registration data on-line, your initial squadding data will be available and you may change it using the web based system. There are a few limitations to this system: Limitation #1: We will not re-arrange exising squads. If you ask to be squadded with Fred and Sam, and they are already in different squads, we will not move one of them to fit you three together. You, Fred and Sam are, however, welcome to do that yourself with the on-line squadding system. Limitation #2: We will not "hold openings" in slots for future arrivals. Requests such as "save an opening in this squad and put Joe in it if he signs up" will not be tracked. Limitation #3: We will not track "forward looking requests" which cannot be processed at the time we are entering your registration data. These are requests like "squad me with John Smith who is sending in his registration separately". Limitation #4: If a shooter has requested a "private registration", they do not exist on the squadding matrix when processing competitor requests. If you ask to be squadded with Mr. Famous, and Mr. Famos has requested his name be kept off the public registration list, don't expect us to squad you with him unless Mr. Famous has given us permission to honor this request.
  17. That is, assuming, the theiving sone of a b***h shares your value system. Most of them probably get as much enjoyment out of what they stole as the rest of us get out of things we earn legitimately. One of the unfair realities of life is that things do not always work out in the end, and people do not always get what is coming to them - good or bad.
  18. This is the excuse--emphasis on the word "excuse"--that many cops use to avoid coming out and getting their a$$es handed to them by a bunch of civilians. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, if they "went againt their training" they'd find themselves as helpless in a gunfight as Phil Strader
  19. I wasn't asking about converting a 1050 to a 1050 Super - just wondering if the shellplate indexing is a feature which can be installed separately. I take it from your post that the indexing cannot be installed as a feature separate from "superedness".
  20. It's interesting that there are ample consulting opportunities with various federal agencies for people like Voigt, Garcia, Barnhart, Jarrett etc. but that none of these agencies seem to be seeking out the grizzled tough as nails veterans of mall food courts
  21. Is this slower/longer shell plate indexing available as a retrofit to a 1050? (Regular, not super).
  22. Perhaps advising the compnay they have a regulated product which cannot be sold commercially without a license; would not be touched by commercial resellers because it's individual handloads; and would be subject to very specific hazmat destruction protocols if they do not deliver it to you free of charge would serve to enlighten.
  23. That is easy to say when your club does not have a $15,000 annual property tax bill; dues at the high end of what the market will bear; and can barely manage to break even while running a bar as a separate revenue enterprise. There are liquor liability policies designed specifically for establishments which serve alcohol, and these are available to gun clubs with liquor licenses.
  24. Are you under a legal or contractual prohibition from disclosing the name of the shipper?
  25. With that title, I thought this was going to be a thread about the World Shoot.
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