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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. Removal of firing pins is not always easy, can mar the finish of the gun, could void the warrantee and expose the shop to claims it damaged the gun - and that's before you get to the issue of tracking all firing pins to their gun. Believe it or not, a robbery like this at a gun shop in the People's Democratic Republic of Massachusetts would be rather risky as there are generally multiple armed customers present at any time the store is open. I guess CA law and Turner's policy let everyone know the chances of armed resistance was rather small. So, I'll add to the hate list - I hate states that don't let their citizens carry I hate gunshops that cater to armed citizens but don't trust their employees to carry since they are more worried about a lawsuit than the safety of their staff and customers.
  2. I've noticed and have a ticket in on the system. The web server and database services are acting up.
  3. Please email the match database file to both rob@boudrie.com and roger@uspsa.org. Also, note the exact revision number of EzWinScore displayed at startup. This information should enable us to track down the problem for you.
  4. I've had some changes made to the configuration that may help with the speed, but it's too early to know for sure if the issue is resolved.
  5. I have some specialists in Uruguay investigating the performance issue. Once I find out some more details I will take appropriate action.
  6. We would then have to confirm each one arrived, and deal with bad addresses and misdirected emails - and hire someone else to take care of all this as doing it in-house would violate the independence the process requires.
  7. I have already investigated this. The reaction of the vendor was to discontinue talks with me (as USPSA's technology representative) once I told them it had to be done at a price point similar to what we are now paying. Postage *would* be an issue since the independence of an election would dictate that they mail an access code directly to every eligible to vote member.
  8. This is easier said that done. A key requirement of the USPSA election is that it be conducted by an independent CPA firm. If we get into "tracking by serial number", the amount of labor incurred by the CPA firm increases considerably - as they would have to maintain a database of ballots cast to either refuse the replacement if the original was submitted first, or to count the last identically serial numbered ballot to arrive. This could be done, but it costs money - my guess is that it would add thousands to the cost of the election. First Class mail rarely gets lost if properly addressed - what we're really talking about here is spending thousands each election to cover "bad addresses", and the literally one in several thousand chance of a legitimately lost piece of mail. Another option is to change the bylaw allow an independent election firm that is not a CPA firm to conduct the election. There are reputable companies that specialize in this, and that provide services like "mail, 800 or internet voting with provisions for lost ballots". Once again, we get to money issue . I spoke to one of these election firms at length and the salesman was calling me regularly. I obtained figures from Dave Thomas (# of ballots, mailing cost, CPA fee, etc.) and send the election firm a detailed letter saying I was interested in presenting their proposal to the board if they could do it for out current cost, but any bid that was substantially higher was not something that I would recommend the USPSA Board pursue. I never heard from their salesman again - it was like being put on their own do not call list. It's not that USPSA is not willing to spend money - We could run the election for thousands less by not using a CPA firm - but good business practice requires an independently verifiable process, not a "trust me" approach.
  9. Ok, some dog advise needed. I have a 6 year old Westie and I saw a sign "Mini Schnauzer puppies 4 sale" shortly after leaving a match today. Anyone here have experience with how a 6 year old small dog would react to a new assistant on the K9 staff at home?
  10. Huh? They told you they determined a battery was bad, replaced it at full retail, told you they were wrong but would not reverse the sale based on this representation? You can have some fun filing a small claims case - you may even be able to supoena the person you dealt with and the person who did the actual work to come in to the courthouse and wait, and wait, and wait for the case to be heard - and not even have to pay their hourly rate. You may even win.
  11. If you OKed the replacement based on the representation that the battery was, in fact, bad you probably have the basis for a small claims court case. If they told you it *might* be the battery, they're probably right. Start collecting documentaiton, names, etc. and don't take no for answer if you are in the right.
  12. The problem is that the government has various ways to pressure shops to do such "voluntary" things. For example, BATFE "compliance inspections" frequently reveal technical errors in the maintance of the bound book, shop inventory, etc. that are sufficiently minor as to be dealt with via informal counselling of the business as to correct procedure. Commercial ranges in Massachusetts were asked to "voluntarily" maintain a logbook of persons renting lane time. Of course, the commerical ranges could have declined the request - and hoped that the next minor technical flaw in paperwork would still result in informal counseling rather than an enforcement action. The ranges I know of chose not to find out the hard way. Here in MA, shops do not need to fill out state gun paperwork on stripped frames an AR lowers (4473/NICS only), however, fewer than 20% of the shops (% based on my observations) have declined to "voluntarily" treat frames as if state firearms sales paperwork were required on them. [Note: This is because the MA state and federal definition of "firearm" differ]. Same thing - businesses in fear of the government finding some way to get back at them for not "cooperating."
  13. Talk about mixed metaphors "Standard" is a division, not class. Also, USPSA does not have a "Standard" division - just Open, Limited, Limited 10, Production, Revolver and Single Stack.
  14. This is not amazing at all when you consider the history of CA. If you told us you had a CA CCW from an area near LA. that would be amazing . There are the "old" carry permit states where the CCW laws were written when the purpose was to limit those carrying to so-called responsible members of society, and "new" carry permit laws written based on public demand from citizens who wanted the ability to legally carry. In general, the newer the carry permit law, the more limitations have been added, in the form of "prohibited places", "ability of a business to post a legally binding sign", etc. States including CA, MA, CT, RI, and NY (NY state permits exclude NYC though) have very few limitations on where the permit is valid and no "sign posting" law (although the ability to get a permit in these states can depend on where you live and/or who you know), whereas states that have recently implemented "shall issue" carry permit systems such as TX, VA, AZ and FL have more limitations and conditions as they were born in the face of organized opposition and deal making. Someone moving to a pro-gun state such as TX, AZ or VA from the anti-gun meccas of NY or MA would have to get used to considerable additional restrictions on carry they did not experience before moving from the "anti gun" state to a "pro gun" state. One particularly interesting example of this is MI - when that state when from "may issue" (i.e., persons of privilege, power and influence only) to "shall issue", new restrictions and limitations were added - reducing the number of places that a MI carry permit covers within that state.
  15. Zero FMJs do. Zero JHPs do not.
  16. This is a common modification - I've done exactly what you describe on all my 1911 based match guns.
  17. Automobile manufacturers don't extend the warranty of the parts they replace just because you got a new part - for example, if you have a transmission replaced at 50K on a vehicle with a 60K warranty on the power train, you don't get it covered until 59K+another 60K. But, when a manufacturer finds that a part is of lower quality than is expected, it is not uncommon to extend the warranty beyond the originally stated limit. For example, the Dell GS/SX270 systems had motherboard problems (bad capacitors). Although Dell could have fulfilled its legal obligation by keeping them running for the stated warranty period, they extended it by several years. Auto manufacturers often have secret "extensions" to the guarantee on parts that have had a much higher than normal incidence of failure (a shooting buddy was reimbursed $1400 for an out of warranty head gasket repair on a Toyota 4x4 several years ago). If, and I emphasize if, there is a systematic problem with Dillon motors a similar course of action would be reasonable. It's hard to tell from a few postings if there is a pattern of bad motors, or just some customers with bad luck. Dillon is fantastic about honoring the promises in their warranty, however, it seems that they tend not to go as far beyond the letter of the promise than they did a decade or two ago.
  18. If you are a member prior to May 1 in the election year, a ballot will be sent to you by first class mail.
  19. Rob Boudrie

    Marine Cups

    The cups would be dirt cheap (to Glock armorers at least) *IF* Glock did not choose to voluntarily treat these as a restricted LEO only part. I guess they're concerned about people doing really stupid things like actually shooting a Glock underwater, and they want no part of it.
  20. Except in those cases where violating such a posted notice is, in fact, a crime (for example TX law 30.06 - and yes, that really is the number)
  21. Chuck - is KY one of those states that makes it a criminal offense to carry in violation of a sign posted by a private business? As a northeasterner, I find it ironic that one of the things I would find hard to get use to of I moved to Texas, Arizona or some of the southern states is that number of places I would not be able to carry in those states but am allowed to in the Democratic People's Republik of Massachusetts. (and no, posting a sign in a business in this state does not make it a criminal offense to carry in said establishment).
  22. "Please send me an audited financial report showing what percentag eof my donation will go to the FOP instead of the fundraising firm" generally stops them in their tracks.
  23. You will know you are playing your part well if you demand a helicopter and pilot for your escape and one actually arrives .
  24. Be certain you are satisfied with the procedures used to prevent live ammo in the training area. There was a the bus hostage rescue training exercise East Providence, RI back in 2001 where an officer tested the trigger pull on a loaded AR15 while lining the crosshairs up on the unit commander's head. Avoidable, tragic, and the identity of the triggerman was withheld and there was no prosecution (though I doubt he had much of a LE career after that).
  25. Do you get to develop your own strategy and try to win, or are you given a script you have to follow?
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