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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Are they MecGar or some other brand? I have been very happy with MecGar 92 18+2 mags.
  2. Do I have to moon everyone on every stage or will one time be sufficient to gaurantee that they can't see the targets?
  3. I am rather intrigued by these odd guns that do not cycle back and forth like the good Lord and John Browning intended. How does one feed these animals and is every stage 6 rounds becuase of their design limitations?
  4. ...and what is that guy doing with his hand?!? I guess it explains the puzzled look on the dog's face.
  5. Well, you're right about one thing...she's way too cute to be with you (and I haven't seen you)! She does seem to have a diverse job background that should be useful in adivising others.
  6. What kind and size of primers? I have only had that happen frequently with CCI primers. They seem to have more of an outward curl at the lip of the primer, making them more susceptible to catch the edge of the primer pocket and flip. Also, verify that the small tube is inside if using small primers and that you're using the small primer pickup bar. Make sure not to overtighten those screws at the bottom, either.
  7. The lubed case gets resized twice on the first pass through. Once by the sizing/depriming die and again by the Dillon trimmer. On the second pass through the 550 it is just a neck sizing die that resizes the inside of the neck on the way to clearing out the flash hole. I probably get almost 20% of the cases where it pushes out a piece of corn cobb or even a grain of rice (I use that mixture).
  8. As long as you don't tag a no-shoot with the first couple shots, you shouldn't get penalized. After the first couple rounds fired, if they were *really* innocent, they would have been on the floor before you had a chance to shoot them!
  9. So it's more fun being a bad boy?
  10. In addition to the powder rod and the proximity of the trimmer to powder... 1. After depriming I run mine through the swager. 2. I like to clean mine again before loading to get the case lube off/out. So.....You tumble the Primed Brass prior to powder/bullet/crimp? I just shot my first 20 .308's today. They were pretty gummy from the lube. You think it's better to re-tumble the primed brass or the finished bullets? I'm guessing tumbling the primed brass would be better since the finished bullets could get dinged up enough to mess up trajectory. Oops, I didn't explain myself well. I don't re-prime the first pass through the 550. I size/deprime on station 1 and trim on station 3. I then run them through the swager. I tried running them back through the press the second time to load them without running through the vibrating cleaner, but when checking the weight of the powder charges I noticed that the powder was sticking to the case lube inside the case. So, after swaging, I run through the tumbler again to clean out any small brass trimmings as well as the case lube. I used clean, dry corb cobb media for that pass through the tumbler to help ensure that I get the case lube off. On the second pass through the 550 I have a neck sizer that also cleans out the flash hole (would de-prime if I still had a primer there) in station 1. The other 3 stations are the normal powder, seat, and crimp. BTW, I am by no means any authority on this...I got this setup from others more knowledgable than I on this forum and it has worked very well.
  11. When I go to Charleston I stop by this place: http://www.atpguns.com/
  12. In addition to the powder rod and the proximity of the trimmer to powder... 1. After depriming I run mine through the swager. 2. I like to clean mine again before loading to get the case lube off/out.
  13. Thank you...great advice (and article). I dis go with dDillon carbide and am chamber checking off the shoulder.
  14. A friend and I were testing out some .357 Sig rounds at an indoor range yesterday. I did a short video clip of him shooting. The flash is so quick that sometimes it is between the frames the camera catches, but it does show on a few of them. http://www.youtube.com/highlordgomer#p/a/u/0/BAZKWU8Nou8 Now that I have one and have started loading for it, the only reason I can honestly give for keeping it is that is is different. Certainly not better than the .40 (actually inferior because it is more troublesome to shoot)...just different.
  15. Is that true of all barrels? I picked up a .357 Sig barrel for my M&P and since I have a ton of 40 brass, decided to try that. When I resize 40 S&W brass and .357 Sig brass, the shoulders are at identical heights, the mouth is obviously higher on the Sig brass, yet both stop at the same point when chamber checking. I was a little disappointed that HS6 did not fill up the case enough to appear to provide any resistance to setback, though all 10 rounds I tested fired fine. I also cycled them through the gun several times and measured them afterwards with no change in OAL. FWIW, I used 115 grain Hornady XTP JHPs over 9.0 grains of HS6 (range from Hodgdon's site is 8.7-9.4). I went a little longer than the 1.135 OAL published and loaded mine at 1.140. That allowed me to have a slight, but obvious, bit of the straight side of the bullet still extended above the case mouth. I did crimp more than the WWB personal defense loads I also tested (I pulled one to see how much of an effect their crimp had on the bullet...not much at all). I tried loading some Montana Gold 115 RN CMJs but if I loaded them short enough to fit in the mags, the case mouth was above where the bullet started tapering in and I didn't get a decent crimp. As a test, I shot 10 WWB .40 Personal Defense rounds, 15 WWB .357 Sig Personal Defense Rounds, and the 10 .357 Sig I reloaded. At 10 yeards I had no noticeable difference in POI among the three loads (but I didn't try shooting them from a rest). I was very suprised and disappointed that 2 of the 15 WWB .357 Sig rounds obviously tumbled. One of them left a perfect profile hole when it went through the paper. My chrono doesn't work at that indoor range, so I'll post back when I get some numbers for those loads.
  16. I would seriously consider keeping it if it was your great-grandfather's.
  17. Hey Flexmonkey....I'd like to talk to a moderator about you not answering the PM I just sent you. I'd prefer it be one of the hot ones with the sexy voice (maybe Mark?). I know this may get this topic closed but at least I got it off my chest!
  18. Not sure about the Sig extensions, but I absolutely love the Mec-Gar +2 extensions on the Beretta 92 mags.
  19. I use PDANet with my Droid to access the internet from my laptop.
  20. Doing BE on the Droid isn't too bad, either.
  21. Turn away!! Run from the light!! Don't drink the koolaide!! Too late
  22. Dan, I'm very sorry to hear that. Brian, that hat is too cool! Defintely one proud mom.
  23. Just because it comes to easy to you, Boz, doesn't mean that the rest of us don't have to work for it......oh, wait...
  24. Very cool! I do like the picture in a picture, too, though.
  25. Buy yourself a Christmas present and send a little to help keep this place running. This is the 2nd best source of shooting related info I have. I can trust that anything posted here for longer than an hour or so has been looked at by someone much more knowledgable than me. If only paypal had a "Send beer to the mods" button....
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